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Posts posted by ellisisamazing

  1. Hev,


    Best to phase her out.....and with your text reply, you've probably put the fear of god in her!! :ninja:


    I had a similar experience with a 'friend' a few years back.....money was lent now and then which I always got back off her (she was single, in her early twenties and one of the kids was SN and not much family support) and I didn't mind helping out, but then I was used as an unpaid babysitter/school run collector/dinnerlady for her two kids and it got too much, I remember I had her kids stop at mine for five Friday nights in a row, and after the final Friday she had the cheek to ask would I do the Saturday too? My DH was livid and told me in no uncertain terms to tell her NO, He'd had a bad week at work and I needed a break too.....Oh, and she also went out each Tuesday to a pub quiz and evey Sunday to Karaoke (her brother would sit for the kids those evenings)


    She had the audacity to tell me how hard her life was....struggling with two children! Like I don't know!

    But apparentely cause I have a hubby who works 12 hours days, may I add, I had no idea of reality! (I am the one who gets a night out/three hours cause I'm knackered...... maybe two times a year!)


    Strangely enough, the one time I asked would she watch Ellis for twenty minutes, whilst I took DD to Doc's (El hates the surgery and goes all meltdowny there!), she refused as she thought it would be too much for her!) :rolleyes:


    Anyway, she decided to 'jib me off', as she put it, as I couldn't provide the LEVEL OF FRIENDSHIP SHE REQUIRED!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:


    I was jumping for joy! :notworthy:


    Lisa xx

  2. Ask for a reconsideration appeal, that's what we had to do.......


    I wrote reams of extra stuff, did a day to day(and through the night)diary over a month and I submitted that along with my own risk assessment of what happens each time we ventured outdoors, the need for a major buggy due to El running into traffic and the licking of dust, cars, bust stops etc!


    I also added about the impact all this has on my other child and the relationship between my husband and I, I put everything down now matter how minor!


    PM me if you need to, I will try to help you.....El was awarded HRC and HRM (It was low mobility and middle rate care), it took a while but it was worth it!

  3. This appears to be a common problem, and WRONG!


    My duaghter fell at school and it was bad enough they put her arm in a sling, the school didn't call me and they have all uptodate numbers because they left a message about something else. Whilst I was at the localish A & E having her arm checked out a man came with in his daughter who had broken fingers. Yep her school didn't bother to call about that either and left her until she was collected at the end of school.


    I think we all realise that accidents do occur BUT the schools have no right to hide the more serious ones from the parents, explaining it by a slip of paper!


    I agree we have a right to know.....but I have to say I was surprised to recieve a call last summer to tell me Ellis had a tiny splinter that had been removed by the school nurse!!!


    In that instance a note would have been adaquate, but I am happy to be safe in the knowledge my son is attending a safety conscious school!

  4. Maybe the bruise wasn't as bad while your daughter was still in school? And maybe her reaction was really calm so they didn't feel it was an emergency?! I hope she and you are ok? >:D<<'>


    On Wednesday this week, my son was involved in an accident at school...after lunch he was in the playground and apparentely took an awkward footing and ending up tripping up and landing headfirst onto a brick wall! :crying:


    The school were very concerned, and decided hospital treatment was the answer, so called my Hubby's phone and couldn't get through (he works on a dock and sometimes his signal just goes off!) and then me......no answer (I will reveal why...), so as a last resort they called my semi estranged MIL and she collected him and took him to hospital to be checked over. I arrived home from my day and having collected my DD from pre-school, to be told by a neighbour that somebody had been banging my door down earlier in the afternoon , after getting a description I realised who it was, so I rang my MIL only to hear El humming in the background?! :o .....she explained the school had been phoning me and I replied I never had ANY calls?! :wacko: So she told me what had occured and that El was ok, but gave me a bit of telling off of sorts....I asked her give me ten minutes and I would call her back....


    I rang the school to find out their side, to be told they had rung my OLD mobile number that I stopped using four months ago.....they had the NEW one but somewhere down the line, it had been missed when calling me....hence me not getting any calls! Fair Play to them they apologised and I was happy with that, but felt and still feel a terrible let down to El (through no fault of my own, I know!)


    I then rang MIL back and she made me feel like a naughty child for daring to go out during school hours, she returned El, also arrived at same time as DH coming home...they haven't seen or spoken to each other in almost three years, so that was er, a bit awkward! :blink::lol:


    El was fine, full of beans and was fine at school today, I went in with him as his consultant was doing her three monthly checks today, and on getting there some of staff mentioned the MIL and her 'FORMIDABLE' character.....At this I laughed, and said to one of the staff, "Say what you really mean?"....cue raised eyebrows and a shriek of horror! :lol:;)


    Their list is now fully updated and as grateful as I am to MIL, I think it's best for the teachers ears that she stays away! :ninja:


    OH, and El's head is a lovely shade of green, yellow and blue....like a cyclops with a map of asia on it (the grazing is very artistic!), he's fine, thanks goodness and ACCIDENTS do happen! And thankfully it was relatively minor..... :pray:

  5. Just wanted to say that we have a diary that we send back forth between home and school each night and El's fabulous teacher also sends the classes computer memory stick home for us to view and copy his activities and antics at home! We have also had hundreds of brilliant photo's from his time in school that are also on the memory stick.....so many lovely photos that we'd need get a chance to take!


    ufc, give yourselves all some time to adjust....it's a big change, but you will all settle into your new chapter!


    Lisa x >:D<<'>

  6. Hi ufc,


    Welcome! >:D<<'>


    My son is also on the prescribed nutritional drink, his iron level is so low, he may need a transfusion if it doesn't raise by next months blood check....... :tearful:


    My little man also doesn't speak, totally non verbal, though sometimes some of the noises he makes sound as though he is really trying to, he also uses gesture and guides us to his 'target'!!!


    Don't beat yourself up, you're not a superhero! I am sure your family really appreciate all your efforts! :notworthy:


    Lisa x

  7. Last time we renewed El's DLA after the initial first two years, I stated in the darn forms that his asd and other sn's were not going to go away....so on the renewal we were told that the claim was now valid until 2014, El's 12th birthday!


    .....However, I had to have a reconsideration appeal done on the amounts awarded as we (me and El's consultant agreed the medium rate of care and low mobility were wrong, we were finally awarded high rate care and high rate mobility until 2018 when he turns 16!!!! (and it was backdated several months!) :clap:


    Good Luck, Kate!

  8. Well Done, Shamu!


    I am rooting for you!


    El was only in nursery 2 and a half hours per day but once the school got involved they said try letting him do full days from the offset, I thought it would be too much for him......apart from the first two weeks were he would come home asleep on the mini bus and then be in bed by 5pm, he was fine! (He doesn't sleep like that now, though!) :rolleyes:


    Keep up your fight! :ninja:

  9. Last Night was awful...........Once again, my DH, DD and DS all snoring in our marital bed!


    Anyway, I was up doing some Ebaying and Emails when El appeared at the door, leaping around like a mad thing.....I knew it was going to be a long night! :crying:


    Eventually calmed him down from his euphoric state, by switching TV off, and the lights off, just a side lamp, gave him a malty drink and decided to just go for it...so upstairs we go, into his room to pop him to bed when I notice his bed is sunken.......looked under mattress and the metal bars that go across the frame are bent inwards, the bed is trashed basically so I, in my tired and distressed state decided that I had a right to sleep in my bed, so I dragged his mattress off the bed into my room, popped it on the floor on my side of bed and made him lie there, I then slipped into my bed with daughter and husband in, so was a bit squashed but far too tired to care! :rolleyes:


    Husband slopped off to the sofa at some point, said he couldn't listen to Ellis' tittering and gaffawing whilst trying to sleep!


    Really annoyed about the bed...El has obviously been trampolining on it! He is really slender too, but very, very strong, so the bed that was only bought and delivered on the 17th Dec 2007 is now in need of a replacement! :tearful: Oh, well I suppose we only need to get a frame, the mattress is fine. But I am now gonna have to get a Solid Wood one!


    Such is life......

  10. We play musical beds on a regular basis!


    Last night I ended up in Ell's bed while he got in with his Dad (OH went to bed earlier than me and El at some point plonked himself in my side! This morning I went in to find Romy, Ellis and OH all snoring in MY BED!


    Friday night I was top and tail with Ellis, he just won't sleep so I gave in and decided to get in with hi m to try and show him that it was sleep time....cue, lots of fake snoring and shut eye from me!


    Didn't bliddy well work, anyway! :crying:


    I am craving sleep right now.............

  11. My son was in the same situation two years ago. He attended mainstream nursery for seven months but as the months went on and more children were introduced to the group Ellis became quite "lost" in the class, I would go to collect him everyday and find him totally isolated and on his own in a corner...they only had one senco out of 8 staff and they obviously couldn't give him one on one, so luckily the senco contacted the special school he was too attend in the Sept 2006 and she explained the impact this was having on Ellis and they agreed to start him a week later.....in the April 2006, which was much better!


    You will really need to push your opinions on this, try and speak to your senco.


    And Good Luck! :thumbs:

  12. Hi Faye,


    As you can see I am from the same area as you! Welcome, you will find lots of support here! >:D<<'>


    My Son was dx'd at the same age as your boy and just like you we were expecting it after almost 18 months wait...it still hits you like a thunderbolt and you will go through so many emotions, but it does get easier to accept as time goes on.


    My Daughter is two years younger than my Son and she is extremely perceptive, we always felt she was too young to explain ASD to...how wrong we were, one day when she was 2 and a half she came to us and said, "Ellis is a bit broken isn't he, Mummy?"....to say I was shocked was an understatement, but both me and her Dad were then aware just how much a child can take in! She now says "OZZYTISTIC", which always make us laugh (I always imagine Ozzy Osbourne shouting "SHAAAARONNNN!") :lol:


    Now we do chat about the differences between them in a simplistic way (such as why he has a Major Buggy so that he doesn't run into the road) we keep it very low key (even though she is extremely bright and too clever for her own good sometimes!), and also because El is Non Verbal she is very aware of his difficulties. You will find your Daughter will ask when she is ready. I totally understand how you feel with regard to your son "getting away with things" that your daughter doesn't....I also sometimes think that my Daughter is having to grow up a little too quickly, it's a though my children's ages have been mixed up.....


    I hope you find some answers, and PM me if you want to, anytime!


    Take Care


    Lisa xx :)

  13. Jenny McCarthy's five year old son is also Autistic. You may remember her from MTV, Playboy Bunny and Scream 2, she dates Jim Carrey. Apparentely her husband left her and their son because he could not cope with the Autism....she says Jim Carrey is amazing with her boy and really communicates well with him.


    As far I am aware Molly McFadden is not ASD, But Keith Duffy's daughter Mia definately is.

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