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Posts posted by Clare63

  1. :D Hi Rach and welcome, this is a great forum and everyone is so kind and supportive, a good place to vent your feelings and to have a bit of fun along the way. Its been my saviour.

    Clare x

  2. Ah TN here's my some big >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> for you, that information on dress code sounds awful and very dictatorial, if they are like that about what you wear and look like, well goodness knows what they would be like with the actual work....probably expect you to use a quill pen and an abacus !!!! Think I would have done the same thing. Good luck with your next interview and chin up, the right job will come along.

    Clare x

  3. I am rubbish at duvets too and can't get the hang of the inside out thing. Maybe we should ask the beeb for repeats of That's Life for a re-cap.


    But hate cleaning the windows more all that hard work and they still end up looking all smeared !

  4. Welcome Jayne, this forum is great as you have probably read these guys are so understanding, supportive and knowledgable. Sounds like you need to have a good talk with the school and make clear with them the process you are currently undertaking, I managed to get the Senior Social Worker at Camhs to write to school to explain my son's difficulties prior to DX highlighting support he might need and offered contact should the school require information on how they could support my child. Its all a big battle you just have to keep fighting, no one knows your child better than you. Good Luck >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

    Clare x

  5. >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> Tyler's Mum, Wish I too could say somehting to make it all better for you, be strong and keep posting on here your feelings, it does help and this wonderful network of people on this forum do really understand and are right there behind you. It hurts so much when even close family members make such comments, I know from expereince but don't think perhaps "they" will ever understand or realise that its support I need, not judgemental comments. Hope you turn a corner real soon.

    Take care >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

    Clare x

  6. >:D<<'> >:D<<'> Welcome Flett, I am fairly new to the forum too as you say its good to find out your are not alone. This forum has helped me enormously at a time when I was very low, I am waiting for counselling and have been to see my GP, which at the moment is my best advice. I totally agree with all the comments above and assure you that you'll find much support and understanding here, the people are lovely.

    Clare x >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

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