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Posts posted by Clare63

  1. My boy is a T-shirt & Jogging bottom kinda guy too, its that or school uniform which then has to be just right ! Clothes can't be too soft or too hard, with pants and socks being the worse (guess cause closest to skin). My son has to clean/wash his feet before putting socks on and if they don't feel right has to do it all over again, most mornings we end up balancing a small bowl of water in car so he can complete the ritual and with me keep driving around the block cause he's not quite ready yet !

    Don't know what the answer to looking at others in trunks, pants and nappies is all about ? though when he was small about 3 he used to sit behind the sofa looking at the undies in my catalogue !!!!

  2. >:D<<'> Hi Pearl, Hope things are better this morning, sounds like you have quite a lot on your plate. My DS is very slow too and its painful if I chivey him along he just seems to get slower, like you my DH could be on the spectrum....so no help there then :lol::lol::lol: Its good to have a good old vent, I really don't know what I do without this forum and all the lovely people who use it. >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

    Clare x

  3. We went through a stage where DS would not wear pants at all !!!! but managed to get him in them when he first started school but they would get whipped off as soon as he got home. Wears them now though, but they have to feel just right, same goes for socks, trouble is they are all wearing very thin and he won't entertaining wearing new ones !!! have had this for years.....only wearing wellies, shorts in winter, thick jogging bottoms in Summer ????? Never shown any interest though in what anyone else is wearing.

  4. Aw Curra, what a kind lovely person you are, shame there are not many more like you in the world. Sorry to hear the bird did not survive but at least he was not left on the road side being shushed away by people like the woman who spoke to you, just the typical response from a lot of people these days who care for nothing but themselves.

    Clare x

  5. :( Sorry to hear today had its problems, it sounds as if he is very frustrated and confused. My son too believes when a task is done it is done no matter how untidy or brief he has done it. Homework is a nightmare too probably because it reminds him too much about being at school.

    I was wondering do you think he may be getting anxious and stressed about the "talk" about going to secondary school this is going to be a huge change and I know my son started getting worse with his behaviour towards the end of Year 5 particularly as it became a very popular topic at the school gate and with all the children taking about where they would be going after year 6. Connor currently has a little note book which the school gave him where he has to note down at certain times during the day how stressed or anxious he feels (on a scale of 1 to 10 with 0 being no stress or anxiety and 10 being unable to cope at all) guess this could be a useful tool for any behaviour and might pin point problems areas which make the behaviour worse....just a thought.

    Clare x

  6. >:D<<'> Oh Mel I am so sorry to hear about this and so angry I just don't know what to say that has not already been said above. I know these problems with this TA have been going on a while you must be exhausted with the constant battle with school. The old battle axe is probably at home now all cozy with her feet up.... how dare she and how does she sleep at night, what a blinkered, judgemental, thoughtless bully !

    Clare x

  7. My son's English teacher suggested he could turn his book over when he needed help and she would check out for the sign. She is so lovely anyway has him sat near the front so she can keep an eye on him ensures he sits next to a child he gets on well with and is comfortable with and has said she'll phone me if she decides to give the children a task that could phase or worry him, such preparing a piece to read out in class....... he'd be terrified. Wish more teacher were like her.

    Clare x

  8. >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> Lisa >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> Oh how it hurts, :crying: glad though you can see the positive that's so great that he decided to have a try, I hope it has not put him off too much and that he 'll have another go again soon. >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

    Clare x

  9. Lisa,

    I recognise so much of what you are saying, my 11yr old AS sounds very simular. I too question and doubt myself about his traits and whether or not he really does have DS (dx in Jan 07), My Mum has been really supportive and has done lots of research on the web to help her understand, but my MIL says the same as yours that there's nothing wrong with him and that basically I am too soft !!!! trouble is since dx both my DH and I have realised that my DH also has simular traits and so does my FIL maybe that's why she won't accept the dx. We don't tell our son he's "special" in that way, but that he finds some things more difficult than other people, like socialising, we just try to support him in his particular areas of difficulty and don't force him into to situations where he feels most anxious or out of his depth such as large gatherings.

    The process of assessment is long and hard, it takes time to sink in and get to grips with your own personal situation. Don't be hard on yourself and go with your heart.....you are a great MUM >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

    Clare x


    Sorry if I have waffled on a bit.

  10. >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> Oh Phoebe, I know exactly where you are coming from, school has been a huge issue for us, my lad hates it and his behaviour at home is terrible, yet at school he's an angel !!! but this is his way of coping with the anxiety and stress, it then all comes pouring out after and before school. Just today the school phoned me to say how well he got on (I raised some issues about some changes he was going on about all last night and this morning).... they make me feel I am neurotic :wacko: then on the days when he makes himself sick and I still make him go to school he tells me that I am the most wicked Mother ever. Have I got any answers....sorry not at the moment, its all trial and error, but I would certainly recommend you check out on whats going on at school and remember even though its very tough and hurtful I don't see the behaviours and words and actions as personal, just sheer frustration and that my child can truly express emotions with me, the person he most trusts and feel safe with.

    Clare x

  11. My son (AS) won't ask for help and we too are looking for ways to teach/encourage him to do so, the thought of having to ask really stresses him out, so imagine what it would be like during an exam ! currently we are looking at a double sided card one side green the other red, when he needs help he turns the card red side up, the teaching staff know then he needs some support and can tactfully approach him. Putting his hand up terrifies him as he say everyone turns and looks and then listens to what is being said.

    On the subject of SATs I agree with Lisa's comments, my son's Year 6 SAT's results were used to stream him at his new secondary school, the results were not as expected (probably due to stress of the test) and now they want to move him (change not good for my DS) !!!!!!

  12. :thumbs::notworthy: Well done Donna, you are a braver woman than me ! its something I really must seriously stop, :whistle: but have always been waiting for the right moment. :wacko: With the stressy life we lead in this house I don't think I can longer use that as an excuse. Good luck :thumbs::clap:

    Clare x

  13. Kate,

    What I did was speak to his teachers at Primary school first with my concerns and they contacted his new school for me and arranged an appointment. They realised the importance of a smooth transision for my son into secondary school, its still hard and he hates school but least the staff know him and his problems and try to support both him and I on a daily basis. It was strange, for the first 6 weeks he went to school quite happily on the bus and never had a day off, but since then its been down hill. As I said above since dx in Jan the school have started taking me seriously again and things are improving. Good luck Clare x

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