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Posts posted by Clare63

  1. How awful for Steve to be bullied by people who should know better. No wonder you are so angry. At a recent meeting at my son's secondary mainstream school they give me a list of proposed strategies to help in the classroom one being "If Connor's writing is poor use a laptop or scribe" his writing is not too brilliant but we have no complaints yet, but I thought that was very good of them to consider this as a potential problem. Wonder if they will provide the lap top !!!!! LOL

  2. I agree with Chriss comments, there's a lot more to it than we saw on the TV, which of course would have been edited. But of course that does not help us parents who struggle day in day out with the "helpful advice" (tongue in cheek) from our friends and family. We cope the best we can, love our children dearly, have good days and bad ones.

    Don't feel bad, your a great Mum.

    Clare x

  3. So pleased that the school has finally agreed to start the process for statementing.


    I am afraid I don't have any practical advice for you, though hopefully shortly I will be in the same position as you, if the school do what they say they are going to do.


    My DS started secondary in Sept 06, in the build up I made sure I made us known to his new school and we made several visits. I put in writing to the school his main worries (he is extremly socially anxious) and included some possible suggestions to help the transaction go smoothly. They were most helpful and both my DS and I felt that perhaps we would be able to cope with this huge step (at that time DS had no DX, this didn't happen until Jan 07 when he was DX with AS). Sort of things they provided were a toilet pass, pass for lunch times to go to the SEN room where quiet activities were run and staff on hand for the kids to talk to, a copy of his timetable, names of teachers. The first six weeks went OK although he got very lost and confused and I had to keep on at them, but as I had no DX I felt they didn't take me seriously. Once dx had been confirmed I told the school and thought that was enough for a statement, but apparently not, they told me to go to the GP to start ball rolling but the HV said it should be the school and she has made contact with them.


    Things are looking up had a meeting at school this week with 3 people from SEN and Head of Year 7 (4 against 1 must say I was a bit scared, but fought my corner) finally they seem to understand (well a bit better) the anxiety my son goes through each day as I clearly explained to them the meltdowns we experience at home. Getting him in is a nightmare and hopefully if he gets there tomorrow it will be the first full week since the beginning of Jan. I think what has helped is that they agreed for the teaching assistant asigned to his tutor group to meet him at the reception desk each morning I hand him over usually with a list of the worries for the day, she goes through them with him and lets him know if there are any changes ie change of classroom. It has not been easy this week, but it has resulted in 4 days at school, no phone calls and a reasonably happy child coming home.


    Good luck with your quest, I am sure loads of people on the forum will be able to help.


    Clare x

  4. Just wondering what anyone else thinks about white feathers and guardian angels, each day when I walk the dog after a mammoth attempt to get DS to school, I seem to keep noticing white feathers....fairly big white fluffy ones ! I keep expecting to see a dead bird savaged and discarded by a fox, but no clues, :unsure: just maybe, just maybe, its my guardian angel telling me everything going to be alright. What do you think ??? (hope you don't think I am a bit :wacko: )

    Clare x

  5. I can totally empathise, your post exactly like my household. My lad appears fine at school but our Psych. said its just a fascade he manages whilst there, but is in fact where his deep seated anxiety actually lies, in just only the past week the school has accepted this and are attempting to assess his anxiety levels at school. Like you I am very very patient, but sadly my husband is not either patient or understanding. The Psych says his behaviour when he's home is the relief of getting away from the source of his anxiety, he demonstrates his anger and frustration and relief directly towards us, his parents, because it is with us that he feels safe and able to be himself. All said and done the behaviour is not acceptable but needs to be managed.....that I am yet to discover.

    Clare x

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