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Posts posted by Clare63

  1. Hi Mel,


    I just went and dug out my paperwork on this, but it would appear that my form asked "how could these needs be met" rather than why I felt the school can not support my child.


    I put on my application his need for support with social and communication issues and sensory problems. Examples for "how could these needs be" - a statement of special educational needs detailing XXX's need for a predictable routine, teaching and support staff trained in ASD's provinging consistent and ongoing support, smaller classes with appropriate lighting, support with confidence and self esteem. ASD specific social and communication prgrams would be paramount.


    As ever every child is different and in our case our DS is academically bright, but struggled to fit into the school environment. He has complex difficulties realting to social, communication, sensory impairment and anxiety which is unpinned by having Asperger Sydrome. In my application I ensured I commented on the support school, the SENCO, CAMHS and Autism Out Reach had given but added this sadly did not move things forward, inafct my child had actually become worse. I also added that AS is a life long condition without a cure (its amazing how some school staff think there is ?) but with the appropriate understanding, support, environment and teaching style there is no reason why XXX should not florish.


    Don't know if any of that helps ???


    I am happy for you to pm me if you'd like to ask more.


    Good luck !


    Clare x x x

  2. Karen,


    Can totally empathise, seeing it all in black and white makes you realise all the things your child is unable to do, I found completing such forms opened up old wounds from time of dx, that the "ride" is not going to be easy and that there are many hurdles to get over.


    I am surprised at CAMHS reaction, surely this is the sort of thing they should be advising parents about, not making them feel guilty about it :(


    Please do also consider Carers Allowance, I found that I was entitled to this and am also able to work part time provided I keep within the requirements.


    Be kind to yourself >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>


    Clare x x x

  3. Joy,


    Firstly some >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> what a horrible time you are going through.


    Although our GP did sign our son off sick from school, the school said it really should come from a consultant from CAMHS, but our GP said it was rubbish, the child was his patient and in his opinion unfit for school. Luckily camhs backed him up. It took us almost a year and half to get our child into suitable educational environment (same as Flora above, so don't be put off about the cost thing).


    Its seems to be common practice for barriers to be put up against your requests, but think this is the authorities just trying to cover every option.


    My advice is stick to your guns and evidence everything.


    Please feel free to pm me if you need any help.


    Clare x x x

  4. Hi Clare.


    I am a Clare with an almost 14 yr old boy with aspergers, know exactly where you are coming from. Welcome to the forum I hope you find as much support, advice and friendship here as I have done.


    Clare :)

  5. Not supportive? I'm always willing, happy, and ready to offer my support to anyone in areas where I have some knowledge and experience. I'm sure there are others here who would agree. Please don't insinuate that I'm an unsupportive member because belive me I have a very clear concience on that score.


    Mods, you all deserve a medal. I did it for a few months and it's got to be the most thankless task that anyone could voluntarily do! :lol:


    Flora :)


    Life is full of up's and down's and we have to ride the storm of differences of opinion. I have been a member for almost 2 years and found huge support and comfort here. Yes I have noticed fallings out over differences of opinions, but do not see anyone being intentional cruel but being passionate about their own views, we do after all have the freedom of speech or is that a bit old fashioned now.


    Flora has bent over backwards to help me, sharing her wealth of knowledge and expereince. She did not have too, she does not know me from Adam I am just another forum member coming here for guidance and support, but she was very willing to help me and show me great respect and kindness. I feel indebted to this forum and many of its members for the results I have achieved, the support and help I have recieved and for the cyber friendships I have made, both past forum members and present ones.


    I really do not know what the answer is, but I shall continue to visit and post as appropriate as I get value from doing so.


    Clare x x x


  6. Clare , puffin , hello .....

    hows you clare did you get sorted ?

    Puffin your spot on with your remarks it is disgusting

    what we go through because we have asd children.

    Its a crisis for any family and leaves its mark with

    anyone unfortunate to have to go through it.....


    Im moving forward now slowly but I cannot let go

    of what they put us through, a lot of it I still cannot

    talk about as its under the Family Courts Disclosure

    Rules....Id be locked up, (THEY SAY ITS TO PROTECT



    great to see you lot are still around...


    OCG XX



    Yes we did, thank you for asking, after a long hard battle and me almost having a nervous breakdown :rolleyes: Connor started a Priory school in November, he is taking a while to settle but that is not surprising after being out of school for almost a year and a half. I am really pleased with the school, but still feel exhausted and run down following my mamouth battle.


    I truly hope things work out for you and your lad real soon.


    Clare x x x

  7. Awwwwww so lovely to hear from you Farfalla !


    "Happy Birthday" Niam......wow a teenager :thumbs:


    Think you will be amazed at how well the Home Ed goes (though you have to be very organised and do lots of preparation). There are lots of Home Ed supposrt Groups out there with opportunities for kids to get together and get social opportunities, not to mention social contact and support for parents.


    Wishing you a fabulous New Year !


    Do please keep in touch.


    Clare x x x

  8. Oh Joy, I just love your blog, so beautifully written and what a journey you have already been on. I shall certainly be following your story of life in the Bedford household.


    Already I feel inspired, your words made me smile and at the same time weep at the simularities.


    Do consider the options for M re school, we took our DS out (well our GP signed him off sick) more than a year ago, been quite a jouney but we eventually got him in a Priory School for children with aspergers, whilst he's only been there since November we have noticed so many improvement.


    Good luck and keep writing.


    Clare x x x

  9. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MY FORUM FRIENDS ~ whether you are in, out, with family, friends or alone have a pleasant peaceful evening.


    Started early here with a nice glass of red and a take away chinese due later, got my laptop and my TV, boys happy on their PC's and a content dog curled up on the sofa......what more could I want.


    >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>


    Clare x x x

  10. Wow ...Tally.....that's some plan, my advice go for it !


    Wishing you lots of luck and I hope you find exactly what you are looking for.


    Please do keep us posted on your exciting new journey.


    Clare x x x

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