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Posts posted by elainem

  1. Elaine, We are a bit further south than Manchester, but it may be helpful if she knows of anyone nearer us in Hertfordshire.


    Many thanks,




    I've sent her an email for any contacts she can share and will let you know when I get a reply.



  2. Hi


    My asd 6 year old was starting to chew through the wire of PLUGGED IN toaster :unsure: I stopped him immediately of course and explained why this was a dangerous activity. I shall also now be checking all my applicances are unplugged!!!


    A few days later we were doing his reading book and it had the word wire in it and he said "mum, it's dangerous to chew wires, I mustn't do that or I will get ELECTRO SHOOTED" :lol::lol: I said well actually you mean electrocuted and he said "no, I will get shot by the electrics". Classic.



  3. Hi all,


    I am due to meet our new TA on Friday to talk about M's needs and suggested to the SENCO that she be given a copy of the statement. SENCO said they are now allowed to copy the statement??? Never heard this and I said well I can copy mine so she can have a copy of that! BUT am interested, is this a legal think, are they really not allowed to copy them or give to TA. Seems odd, how can the TA support the child if don't know what's in the statement? Thanks if anyone know the answer.



  4. Hi


    I spoke to the SENCO today and she did move off topic a little as the current TA is not going to support M as she will be going p/t so she tried to say that the change was to assist M in the transition. However the crux was that she agreed that save for emergencies the TA designated to support M will not be removed. The thing is he can cope with the big changes eg he will get used to a new TA, but he would struggle to cope with daily changes. Anyhow all seems ok and thanks everyone.

  5. thanks for the replies. The thing is his TA understands M's difficulties whereas other TA's don't. And school has double standards if they say it doesn't have to be a specific TA, because when she is off he never gets any support so they can't have it both ways. The reality this morning was that there was no additional support in the classroom just an alleged re-direction of the TA who is always in there and I suspect she gave very little support but M can't tell me. I accept M's TA will work with other children in the class and with M in small groups (statement says 1 to 1 and small groups) and yes the whole class benefits which is great but I feel the school misuse this resource. At the end of the day if M's loses his funding then it's this lady who loses her job not one of the other TA's. I am going to try and clarify with the SENCO tomorrow and if not satisifed I shall write to the Governors. Thanks again for the help, will keep you posted.



  6. Hi,


    sorry that my first post in ages is to seek help but I wondered if anyone could give a bit of advice.


    After a long struggle my ds ASD was finally awarded full time TA support. Today and I suspect not for the first time his TA has been allocated to another class for the morning. The Teacher informed that he had been told by SENCO that as long as they provided support it didn't matter who by. The upshot is that the permanent CLASS TA was allegedly supporting my son this morning instead of the whole class. This sounds highly suspect to me. And my argument would be if the perm TA is not needed for whole class support to support my son then why not send her into another class instead of my sons TA and disrupting my ds.


    Do I have an argument here? How do you think I should handle, I hate conflict and never think of the right thing to say until later!


    Thanks for any advice



  7. Hi,


    my twin boys 6yrs share a PS2 - M who is ASD finds it really hard to come off when he is in the middle of a game so I want to get them a games consile each - I can't afford PSP so was looking into Gameboy but there don't seem too many around - is GBA being replaced by Nintendo DS lite? Does anyone know anything about these gaming items as I donlt have a clue and having already paid out for PS2 want to get it right this time. Thanks for any help. Elainex

  8. I haven't had chance to read the other replies but I can say my own experience is that my work has been my saviour.


    I only work 12 hours a week in the evenings though. I went back when my twin boys were 5 months old and one was dx with ASD at age 4.5. I think it's tiring (I have a stressful job although only 12 hours) but it's worth it to have another focus sometimes and it makes me feel part of the adult world.


    Sometimes I do wish I didn't work but on balance having worked this way now for 7 years I think it's the right choice.


    Good luck with your decision.



  9. just a thought but if it's this time of year some of the children have gone off some of their favs it could be sensory thing. last xmas my son was seriously stressed about santa (like most of our kids) and it manifested in his sensory problems wich went into overdrive. I hadn't realised that stress and anxiety can affect the sensory probs but it was our OT who told me. After Xmas (and also a disastrous trip to Disneyland, some of you may remember me posting about - he was throwing up everywhere due to smells) he reverted back to his usual faddy self but not rnearly as restrictive as he had been. just a thought!!



  10. M is 6 yrs ASD with a NT twin brother. Lately I have noticed other children making the odd comment here and there - not malicious but simply observing/questioning his behaviour - eg why does M speak in a weird voice, or why does M never do as he is told.


    I wrote in his home school book could school keep an eye on this and let me know - not names or anything but basically so that I can judge what/when to say to my kids about autism - as it feels as if the time is approaching when I need to explain the differences in M's behaviour.


    I can tell that the teacher has told the LSA what to write and I think they are unhappy with my comments - stating she would be very surprised if any child passed comment. but they HAVE. I have written back and tried to explain that I was not implying an malice but 'out of the mouths of babes' as it were. And the reason is so I can decide whether to tell kids about Autism sooner rather than later.


    Feel really upset that my comments would be challenged in this way.


    It's worse because I am on a placement in school and sometimes in their class - feel uncomfortable. Wish I had gone to another school now!!


    That's really waffly, sorry just needed to vent :(



  11. Hi,


    I have found a VW camper I want to buy but the back seat has only lap belts. My kids are 6 years old.


    I want to find out if there is a car seat on the market that has it's own integral 5 point harness (suitable for kids 6 to 11), and which can be installed in the vehicle using the lap belt.


    ANy help appreciated.




  12. our LEA is going this way from next year too. existing statements will be maintained I am told. the scary thing in our area is the way the SEN funding is distributed - the amount schools get is based number of kids on free school meals and mobility. I had to ask what was meant by mobility - it means the number of kids in and out of the school each term/school year. On this criteria our school will get even less than it does now. Really worrying.



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