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Posts posted by elainem

  1. Ok, dh really really really wants a VW Campervan. I really really really want one too. Our 5 year old twin ds's would adore one too.


    We probably would not holiday in it, more for the odd night away, fun days out and just a fun vehicle that we all would love.


    Problem. Me. Money.


    We have two T reg cars, nothing fancy and we rely on them both. We own both outright having finished paying for one of them ?100 per month.


    We still save the ?100 we used to pay (but been naughty and keep nicking it for other stuff :dance: )


    So we could afford the camper - thinking about 5k - pay for it over 4 to 5 years. My concern is that we would be buying a much older vehicle that I guess would be less reliable and would we get the same longevity from it that we would if we say went and bought an 03/04 reg car.


    Life would be alot easier if we won the lottery, or if I could make a bl**dy decision!!


    I just have this real niggle, even though really want it. Dh thinks I am an old woman and should just go for it. I have never done anything rash in my life, always really measured sensible decision that have worked for the family. So please help, I would love to hear some opinions.



  2. Viper,


    really sorry you didn't get on.


    My ds was the same woudl only poo in a nappy. I 've posted about this before but at the time the only thing that mattered in my life was that he did a poo on the toilet. Under the psychiatrist guidance we had a planned programme of sitting on the toilet with a sticker chart on the door. One sticker for sitting, another for pooing and a big sticker for volunteering to go. It took ages but it WORKED. we had to sit him every morning and evening. If Ben would co-operate why don;t you give it a try, I cannot beleive it when look back - I would never have believed my son would take himself off to the loo for a poo but he does. No fuss, nothing just does it.


    It is the most horrible thing to go through and I feel for you but he will get there in the end.



  3. Hi,


    my 5 yr old asd ds used to do this too, as his verbal understanding has got better this problem has all but disappeared. I used to have a major problem if telling off his twin, M could not distinguish who was being told off and became distraught - made disciplining his brother a bit tricky!


    He too also used to shout out all sorts, a bit better now. He once said he was going in to the quiet room at nursery and would kill all the children.



  4. Hi,


    it is a structured play assessment. The psych will play with your son asking him to carry out age appropriate play on a variety of 'tasks'. All of this will be videoed. The Psych then reviews the video and scores against certain criteria. We were called for feedback about a week later. Our first ADOS was inconclusive but we got dx after the second one.



  5. yes def agree. my ASD ds loved them too. when we had a clear out of vids we hung on to some of these, I think he would still watch them now. I am keeping for if he has a spell of anxiety, it helps to give him something that he had always found a comfort.



  6. Hi does your ds have a statement? You could try to get OT in to it.


    My 5 yr old ds (Autism and Dyspraxia) is one year into a 2.5 year waiting list for OT with local authority. Meantime we had him assessed by private OT. We tried to get the PCT to fund our private OT and they did consider the request via the "Effective Use of Resources Panel". The outcome was no and I guess they did not wish to create a precedent for all the others on list.


    We continued to fund private OT on a very infrequent basis - just reviewing ds programm etc.


    We got OT into his statement but it says to be provided by the PCT HOWEVER LEA said if PCT can't provide (which they can't) then LEA will have to pay. They have now agreed to pick up the tab. It's not a huge amount but is enough. Agreed to termly OT visits to school (our private OT) to review ds and revise his programme. His teacher/TA then implement the strategies as we do at home. He also has been funded by LEA for a handwriting programme - Handwriting Without Tears and he has made good progress.


    Its the little things you don't realise like you said about the pincer grip. My ds is termed an 'arm writer' in other words he does not rest the pad of his hand on the paper - think about how you write yourself. His hand hovers over the page and all the control comes from his shoulder. We are now putting lots of effort into this eg lying down to write forces hand down.


    Could you try to get into statement and then have the provision by a private OT funded by LEA.


    If I can help just PM me.



  7. my son slao has OT in his statement, in Part 3 although says to be provided by PCT - but agreed if they don't provide due to waiting list LEA will pay and indeed LEA have now agreed to fund termly visits from OT to review his in school programme.



  8. Have posted about this b4 when I first found out, but our teacher of nearly 2 years and also senco and strong interest in ASD is LEAVING. OH MY GOD. My reaction seems so disproportionate to the event. I feel as if I am losing my best friend :blink: LOL I do have friends, but she has such a huge part in our lives.


    My main objective for tomorrow is not to make a total t*t (sorry) of myself by crying all over the place. The other mums would not get it and my kids would be scared if I cried.


    I know there are no answers just sounding off. But why do I do this, she is only teacher for god sake, but I carry on like she is my mum or something. Sound like a total wimp, honest I am not - our OT thinks I am rather cool with all I have got into statement like private OT - so why can't I behave like a GROWN UP.


    Please hep me not to throw myself on the floor sobbing :lol::lol::lol:



  9. is a major problem for us too. posted few weeks about our trip to Disneyland Paris. M was major stressed about the characters and his senses went off the scale. He was throwing up all over our 4* posh hotel at the slightest smell.


    Is a bit better now not stressed but still a huge issue for us.


    I wonder if we will ever get solution. Might ask my OT for any ideas.



  10. Hi


    my ASD 5 yr ds speaks his mind too. One day he told me a little girl in class smells and then went on to describe what she smelled of, includng hot dogs! I managed to persuade him not to say it the poor child in question!


    The decision about other parents is of course up to you but I have found a weight lifted now that most of the class parents now know. I never made any great announcement but as I knew I wanted them to know I made a conscious effort over time to 'filter' it out. I have had lots of chances this year as both my twins have been invited to lots of parties - everyone seems to have one for the BIG 5 - and I don't feel able to leave my ASD child just yet. So this gives me a good excuse to mention the ASD without just coming out with out of context IFSWIM.



  11. my ds has just had his final statement, been 6 months in the coming but in fairness he has had the provision in the proposed statement for 6 months. Our caseworker did say that from April 2007 intention is to give money direct to schools. She was unsure what would happen for kids who already have statement, she thought perhaps that would just be maintained and those coming through the system for first time may not get statement. She's guessing though at this stage. MY school SENCO is worried for the school as she recckons the criteria for getting the cash is things like number of kids on free school dinners amongst other measures.............. WHAT?????? and since our school hardly any kids get free dinners we are likely to b*gger all - less than we get now reckons SENCO - and thats without taking away statements. Really scary thought. TBH trying not to think too much about it.


    I sincerely hope parents have some input about whether their child is de-statemented.


    A very worried Elaine

  12. there was a thread months ago and I can't find it. Does anyone know which section in the statement does OT have to be if it is to be provided by the LEA. My LEA have said PCT should provide but if they can't due to waiting time then LEA will have to pay for it, but that's not written in the statement. OT is listed in Part 3 of the stat but the under a sub heading as provided by PCT. I understand the caseworker's view that they have to expect the PCT to provide as it is health, but has assured as it is in stat and if PCT can't provide then LEA will. Any thoughts?




  13. sorry you are feeling bad. I think Carole is right about roll on Summer. we have had a totally cr*p winter and tbh it is just one thing after another. perhaps we might all feel a little better when Spring comes along (not very convincing!!)



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