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Everything posted by pearl

  1. Well, I find autism in its many & varied forms really interesting. And, thinking back, I did before JP was dx'd. I remember watching Rainman (sorry!) & being fascinated by it, & finding out info about the guy the film was based on. And when JP started showing signs, that film actually did me a favour as it did alert me to autistic symptoms earlier than if I'd known nothing. Anecdotally, just talking to peeps over the years, I do find there's a strong interest in some folk, even if they've had no direct experience of it. Because once you know even a little about it, it is interesting, this 'hidden' condition that can affect people so profoundly, & so differently from individual to individual. And, ok, folk might not know beforehand about processing issues etc. & how they might affect driving - but surely that's the point? At the end of the prog, they will, & hopefully if they have an autistic colleague or whatever, have a little more insight into their world. I do agree that in an ideal world autism should just be 'there' in programmes as part of life. I remember there was an AS character in Grange Hill a few years back, is that the kind of thing you mean? I've also noticed that Coronation St has introduced disabled characters over the last couple of years. There's a deaf character (the actress is deaf in RL) & the important thing is, her character isn't 'issue led' - her deafness is only alluded to in context, she is treated exactly like the rest of the cast in terms of storylines. I've also noticed peeps with Downs given walk-on parts, & recently a wheelchair user turned up in the Rover's return & was given a few lines. She was a really feisty character & I wondered whether she was being introduced as a regular. I hope so. Oh gawd, I'm rambling, I'll shut up now
  2. I've not seen it yet but I'm looking forward to it based on the (mostly) positive responses here. Thing is Mumble, autism is fascinating to people. A brain condition that, whilst it has confirmed diagnostic criteria, affects individuals so differently. Something like a diabetic driving school - what would you do with that? Whereas, the processing issues that autistic individuals can have is really important when it comes to driving, to the extent that whilst some autistic individuals can drive perfectly well, others would find it too overwhelming. If JP had been learning now rather that a couple of years back I'd have been watching it for useful information, things we might not have thought about. I think it's good that there's interest being shown. Sometimes the progs get it wrong, sometimes they get it right, but what is coming across loud & clear in all of them that the individuals involved are just that - individuals - not a set of symptoms. I think that anything that helps to dispel the Rainman myth is on the whole a good thing.
  3. pearl


    No, I guessed - I thought it was odds on you couldn't possibly keep to 140 And mine is, brevity is the soul of wit
  4. pearl


    Epic fail, BD - 140 characters max. Don't think Twitter plays to your strengths
  5. Like K, I've found the info pages of the NAS very useful over the years. I wouldn't want a world without them, but I can't say I've had any real personal help from them. I thought this might change when a local NAS group started in my area. I emailed them to ask how they were hoping to help adults on the spectrum & offered them help. They said it was high on their agenda & they would be in touch. 18 months on, I'm still waiting. I see their meetings advertised, it's all concentrated on children. It's like they can't see any further than that.
  6. Trouble is though, its a waste of a vote if the party you want has no chance of winning your constituency. That's how we are placed - I'd quite like to give the underdogs a chance, but they are trailing so far behind the 2 others I'd waste my vote. We are marginal so there'd then be a good chance of the candidate I definitely don't want getting in.
  7. Reading Jannih's post, I don't think you need my OH's input Deka - she's pretty much got it covered
  8. Hi, I'll get my OH to read through this thread & pm you.
  9. I'm in agreement with Kathryn. However I'm so disillusioned with all of them that for the first time ever I've seriously considered not voting this time as a protest. I will though, because our local MP is superb. He has been involved in autism issues, works extremely hard for his constituency & we saw him delivering his leaflets himself instead of expecting a minion to do it. He's involved in local life - I often see him with his hessian shopping bag at the Farmer's Market, just living his life. Most importantly, he emerged from the expenses scandal squeaky clean. We are a fairly marginal constituency so my vote really will count. If he had a huge majority, I'd probably revert to the 'not voting in protest' this time.
  10. Thanks to all who voted for Joe - he got 'Highly Commended' in his category, coming 7th out of 237 entrants!
  11. <'> You are rightly proud - he did good And yes, however well they are doing (& you know JP is progressing beyond our wildest dreams) it still smacks you between the eyes every now & then.
  12. We've always had reminders through the post well before the form is due in. I'm not sure about the bank detail thing - you'd have to put them on the form to be paid, so not sure what the difference is giving them over the phone? It's not PIN number or password or anything, just sort code etc?
  13. Well I'm not getting mine out, I'd frighten the horses
  14. .... so of course I keep waiting for the 10 ton weight to fall It was JP's apprenticeship awards ceremony last week. We thought he was just going for his certificate - special enough - but he was also awarded Achiever of the Year, out of 30 students! They'd kept it secret, so it was completely overwhelming - cue one very proud & happy young man & one mum bawling her head off! What really thrills me is .... there were other awards given that night, to the kind of bright, shiny, happy people you'd expect to get awards. It was brilliant that someone had recognised that none of this has come effortlessly to JP, he's had to work very hard indeed, & it has clearly been noticed
  15. I've made a start on the PDF - its so much easier
  16. It varies from person to person, but JP's was last renewed when he was 16.
  17. Thankyou Chris & Mumble - I'd rather type than write any day
  18. Well done Tally, & congrats on the cat course
  19. I didn't know you could do it online. They just sent JP a paper form.
  20. Thanks. Despite his growing independence, JP would have no clue of how to do this - so the question of, 'should we renew' has kind of answered itself, really.
  21. I love my husband. And I also love jaffa cakes. (But which is better? .....) Same word, different meanings. It's the same with 'sorry'.
  22. Thanks - lots of good ideas here. He already offers 'specialist eggs' but yes, free range chicken is the logical next step. I'm a member of the posh one's 'Chicken Out' campaign myself & hadn't thought of linking him up with that
  23. I've just remembered, there was an article in our local paper about a woman in our village who has started her own chocolate business & was looking for outlets - oooh, I'll email the article to him!
  24. Blimey, that's a good idea. I'll suggest it. He is trying to expand his range. He's sticking with local produce, & is now offering rather yummy fudge as well
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