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About Tufty

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  1. Tufty


    Hi I'm new here. I'm Julie and my youngest son has just added Aspergers/able ASD to his list of vague diagnoses! He has had global delay and some muscle problems but is now proving himself a more able than previously guessed young man:) He has a phenomenal memory, is obsessed with Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals and is a very sweet and very anxious child. He is Statemented and is one of the most able in his special school. He was dx as having moderate learning difficulties, but actually has very scattered skills. He has a huge vocabulary and can (and does) talk incessantly..but no understanding of a conversation. he can read..but not really make sense of it.. and he loves maths because it's logical, and spends hours reenacting musicals with pencils.. his main 'plaything' He does have limited imagination but most is renactments..and he is very good at getting it perfect..(just looks a little odd unless you know that THAT pencil is Jesus..the pink one is Judas..etc!!!) He is a very passive anxious child, terrified of anyone being upset because he doesn't comprehend WHY other children son't follow the rules... he is VERY anxious to be good and right. He adores all adults and will monologue anyone, but is very unsure of all but a small handful of familiar children:( I work in the same school, but my class are at the most severe end of the spectrum, non verbal with very challenging behaviours. I love it, though I could do with a few less bruises!!!!! I have a particular passion for PECS! (and out of school..red wine, cats and photography!) Look forward to meeting everyone! Juliex
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