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About cheekychic1111

  • Rank
    Norfolk Broads
  1. HI Julie your son has many thing in common with mine. He's very anxious, worries a lot and he is completely unable to lie. That one has put me in some really funny situations. Dont ever ask him if your bum looks big - he will tell you
  2. Our journey is pretty similar to yours . Thankfully, our son is finished with school now as he is 17. xx Hi Anne et al. Sorry you have had the same from schools. It shouldnt be this way. I am making my stand because although my child is safe and doing well now i'll be blaggared if I let them do it to another child. I went to a meeting last week and met a "Children's Champion" whatever one of those is who has offered to look into my case. I'll take it as far as I can to make them accountable. If I cant make them accountable, I'll make them uncomfortable enough to think twice before teachers bully another autistic child.
  3. Hello thanks for the welcome. Here's a brief overview of our battle. I have just arrived here though have been down the CAMHS route for the last 18 months. Last year my son was diagnosed with OCD and a few weeks ago we were told he is also ASD. We were initially told there was a six months wait for CAMHS reduced from 18 as they took some action but were seen immediately when bullying from his teacher made him suicidal!! If they are a risk of self harm or harm to others the waiting list is ignored. Thankfully. I am still fighting to even get the school to recognise they treated my son in the most appalling way. The head even threatened to come down hard on him when I told her he wanted to kill himself rather than face the teacher. The teachers response was he could get better paid work elsewhere for less hassle and not a care for the child whose life he had made thoroughly miserable. I have been fobbed off through the first three stages of the schools complaints procedure but I am not finished yet :-) I had to change his school and he's doing brilliantly now so my message is dont give up and dont let the cleggers grind you down :-)
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