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Posts posted by Bard

  1. You never know when something you post might be useful or not. Sometimes sharing good things helps, but so does asking questions and sharing the harder times.

    This forum is such a mixture, rather than just parents, and that is its strength. I've learnt a lot about all sorts of stuff, and its been very helpful. My B is 13, so I'll be hanging around here more as the years roll on.

    Stick around!

  2. I'm liking the secrecy thang! :bat:




    Bid :banman1:



    Sometimes it's me.

    Sorry Mumble and Baddad, but sometimes I just feel like being a ninja secret sneaky person.

    I suppose it might be because I live most of my day and life with someone noticing what I'm doing all the time, like having my trolley peered into at the supermarket by stray children who know me, and not even being able to go to the loo without someone bellowing a question or a demand through the door.


    I don't mean to bother anyone, but I like the stealth option.

  3. Now I have a question about death by rabbit eating - if the rabbit has literally just eaten a bunch of carrots and still has carrot stuffing, will you still die? :unsure:


    Is it the lack of vegetables that causes the problem on an all-bunny diet, or the lack of essential fats?

    And you probably need to eat rabbit constantly and forever before the lack of nutritional balance gets you.


    I like rabbits, despite their habit of digging and scratching, I just prefer guinea pigs. But not capybaras or that other giant rodent species that was living wild in the fens until recently whose name escapes me...

  4. can we make this a sticky?? :lol:



    SOME people on this forum will castigate you for not making the mash yourself from home grown, hand picked potatoes, but stand firm, Tally. :devil:


    So that's a yes then, provided we ban Baddad from this thread?

    With his free-range spuds, hand-picked lamb and his spice wardrobe?

    and his posh French cooking vocabulary?


    WE could have a DIY for beginners cooking thread. Experts and expertise not required.

  5. These ancient series were the beginning of my fascination with ancient China!

    And The Water Margin, remember the Outlaws of the Marshes? :ninja:


    Monkey was a 16th century novel by Wu Ch'eng-en, using characters from Chinese mythology, I have a copy of the text, in the Chinese section of the house library. If I live long enough after I retire, I'm going to learn Mandarin..... :rolleyes:



    and Icelandic.



    But that's a different section of the library.


    Having a job gets in the way of having a life you know, I want to buy and watch Kung Fu now, the entire series.

    Might have to settle for egg fried rice tonight instead. :tearful:

  6. M*A*S*H*


    Loved it, saw every episode. There are distinct advantages to this being old...er business, and watching classic TV when it was new is one of them.

    Saw Sting on Jonathon Ross, turned 50 he is. I remember seeing him in the late 70s when was still an ex-teacher called Gordon.

    Likewise Sir Bob, and Ian Dury. And the venues weren't even 3/4 full.

  7. Ooohhh!

    This is like all those interesting theological debates that used to happen in my house as a youngster, can it be a sin if there was no intent? Can one sin accidently?

    See, I'm of the same mind as pearl and Mumble. I don't think you can play mind games in the true sense unless you intend to distress and upset the person, unless you are studying their reactions in order to judge what your next manipulative step will be.

    Unless their distress is giving you the feed back that you want.

    With some people, it is a part of their nature, they enjoy the ability to make others react in the way that they want to. Not kind or admirable, machiavellian really.

    Other people can be accused of it if an individual feels manipulated, confused or bewildered by a response, and they think that the effect was created intentionally.

    And as the spectrum is so varied, I would never presume to say that a person with an ASD can or can't play mind games. I'd have to see them in action and judge for myself.

  8. Grit your teeth and see it as an opportunity to enlighten the ignorant.

    I feel that if I stomp off in a huff, I've lost a chance to make a connection, and to explain a little, help someone change their attitude a bit.

    Although some of my stomping fits have been both exciting and memorable to those caught in the firing line.

    " Oh, I can see that you two are related " has been one of the comments!

  9. This was mentioned a while back, but does anyone want to get together for a sortie into the Science Museum in South Ken?

    We can't manage the first weekend of half term, but Wed 28th to the Sunday is fine.

    If not, see you in Greenwich.

  10. We could take them to the top of one of the Greenwich mountains and dry-luge down the slopes.


    Have we got time to enter it as an Olympic sport?



    Of course, I'd have to break the grip of my OH on his beloved board. He even has three irons; one for big stuff and things like tea towels and hankies, one with a pointy end for pleats and ruffs, and one emergency iron in case the others break down and he can't get his nightly fix.

    Sleep with his ironing board? Like a shot if I let him!

  11. B's secondary school told me that they could put in up to 20 hours of support within school and funded by them, but once over the magic 20 hours, for more he'd need a statement as the extra funding came from another source.

    With your 15+5, I wonder if that's the reason. But your son has a Statement, so the school should be able to push for more.

  12. :thumbs:

    What's the point of being a professional, with all the bits of paper and stuff, if they don't let you say 'This individual will be teacher-assessed and does not have to take part in SATS timed, stressful, disheartening SATS'

    Then if asked, I could produce evidence over the year that would back up my professional judgement.

    If someone is functioning academically at say, a level 2, or a low 3, then what is the point of making them sit an exam at levels 5-7?

    That's like me taking a Spanish GCSE. Pointless. I don't have the knowledge or the understanding to make it a valuable exercise.

  13. It's one of those parenting areas where you just have to stay calm, grit your teeth and keep laying down the law in an even tone. Over and over again.

    Being a teacher, it does come easier for me. The stare, level tone of voice, not losing your temper. I spend a lot of my day doing it, and I see so many other NT children who are arrogant and cocky to the max. At least I don't have to take them all home.

    And although B was a handful, my beloved NT daughter was at her most arrogant and dismissive when she was in Y4. It didn't help that in some things she was smarter than her male teacher, and used to point out grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and when he had bored her with his lessons. It was a very difficult period for everyone, but she came through it by the middle of Y5 and there have been no problems since. She just didn't have the social skills to go with her intellect. And she is beginning to develop some respect for men, rather than thinking of them as a waste of space!

    It's just another area that they need to be taught about, NT and ASDs. One of my pet phrases in class is' Mind your Manners' old-fashioned, but the response is for the child to think about what made me say it, and usually to apologise. Often it's not to me, but to another child that they have been thoughtless to.


    Interesting that you approve of Tracey Beaker BD. Another general forum I use has a huge number of parents who hate it and see her as a bad role model. many ban it in their houses. I've always felt the same way as you do, actions and consequences and forgiveness and reparation. All good. Like The Simpsons.


    >:D<<'> Karen

  14. :thumbs: YAY Hev :clap:


    Wasn't your mum at Greenwich last time?? Or was that Herne?? :unsure:


    Was she wearing antlers? Who is Herne?

    Maybe it was me, I was sitting with hev and I am ancient you know. Easily old enough to be her mum.

  15. I don't know which element to laugh at first, the fact that my brother actually does love pickle juice, or the idea that you could find heavies in Tunbridge Wells.


    Although you as a big cheese, that I can imagine. Like Humpty Dumpty but with a dairy twist.


    Admit it, BD, you and I would rather create a distraction by making silly jokes, to ward off the danger that someone might expect us to climb something more than Greenwich mountain.

    You don't want us, we're a danger to ourselves and others we are.

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