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Everything posted by pingu

  1. Ohhhh Hev. Thank god she is ok. Kieran has fallen down the stairs before, so i know how you feel, it all seems to happen in a split second, whilst feeling as though it happened in slow motion. She might ache a little 2morrow even if she has no outward injuries, (thats what happened to kieran). <'> Hugs to you both <'> Shaz x
  2. pingu


    Hi, thank you for your advice, i wrote down a couple of questions and concerns, and the meeting went well. His teacher said he is very easily led in school aslo so she was aware of the problem. She is going to have a meeting with the head teacher on friday about it, and is going to suggest that a letter is written to the parents of all the children in the lower school, outlining the condition and the associated difficulties, in the hope that they can talk to there kids about it and also it may help with the filthy looks i have been getting in the playground. She is going to base the letter on the work already been done in the school about caring for others, and make everyone aware that they do have children in the school with differences. As she quite rightly said with the closure of all the special schools in our area, Inclusion is now a big part of mainstream and its up to us as the teachers and parents of our children to make sure they are happy and safe within the school enviorement. I'm not sure if it will work, but i have my fingers and toes crossed all the same. We have just had another meltdown from him the second he walked through the door, yet again he has been good as gold at school, i did ask her about this also, and explained that i thought he was stressed throughout the day which is why we are having the fallout, she agreed but said there was not a lot more they could do differently as all provisions are in place for him and he is happy at school. Oh well, we will have to see how it all pans out. Thanks again for your kind replies. take care Shaz x
  3. Hi everyone, I have a meeting planned tomorrow at the school, and wondered if anyone could give me some advice on what to say, im terrible when speaking to people and often can't get my point across clearly, i end up looking stupid, and always think later that i could have worded my questions and concerns a little better. Anyway at the moment Kieran is spending the mornings in the nurture group and the afternoons in his base class, This apparently is working well, and i have been told that he follows the routine of school well, he even reads and writes (though not too great, but he does try) The reason for the meeting tomorrow is that i have witnessed on more than one occasion, other children approaching kieran and telling him to do things. For example climbing on the walls in the playground and jumping off, going into the restricted area of fields whilst waiting for my daughter to come out of school etc. basically been told to do things that the other kids know they are not allowed to do. My fear is that he is so easily led and one day he will get into trouble or worse hurt himself or someone else. He has been told off for putting tissue in the sink and blocking it up, even though he knows not to do this, he does it because his 'friends' ask him to. and he so wants to be included, its heartbreaking to watch him alongside the other kids, when he thinks he is part of their circle, and they only talk to him because they can manipulate him, they also laugh at his odd movements and mimic him all the time. As these things mainly happen in the 15 minute period whilst we are waiting for his sister i find it hard to accept that its not happening in school as well, but the teachers say he is the model pupil. Yet he comes home and all hell lets loose. Tonight for example, his brother had been out at a friends, his sister had gone to tea at her friends, and kieran was here alone with us, all was well until the other two got home, and suddenly we were in the familiar warzone of life, with the punching and kicking and screaming, the tears and the tantrums, and the relentless questioning to which i have no answers. I dont know how im supposed to convey my worries into words for tomorrow because it doesnt sound like there is a problem at school. Im just sick of the stares and grunts and nastiness of other people when i take him away from their children, but what they dont understand is i dont want their kids telling him to climb on walls and jump off just so their kids can be amused by the way he holds his ankles when he falls, or to be taken into the bushes and left so he screams in fear when he cant find his way out. Im sorry if im droning on, i cant seem to even type the anguish i feel right now, and even though he is in bed i can still hear his voice. I sometimes wonder if im cracking up? But then i come on here and realise that there are others that are going through worse than this and i admire the way you cope. It seems now he has been diagnosed all the help has dried up and we are left to pick up the pieces of another ' brilliant' day at school. They wont statement him they say he doesnt need it. I take it that this is because he is not disruptive enough to be considered a problem, but what thety dont see and dont get is the firework attitude and behaviuor that he trails home each night. If anyone has any advice i could use tomorrow i would be most grateful, and any advice on statementing would also be appriciated. Thanks in advance Take care Shaz x
  4. Well ive had a word up at the school. Thanks to the support here i felt strong enough to air my views. His teacher assures me that the intergration will be slow, (basically between now and christmas) But i still have doubts and have arranged another meeting with the autism inclusion teacher. Once i had aired my concerns about todays class arragements, it was agreed that he will return to his nurture group on thursday instead of monday. And although he has been fine today, he hasnt spoken much since getting home. (the usual babble about james bond, but thats it. ) Anyway i thought i would just pop in and say thanks for your support this morning/afternoon. And carole i prefer you to be outspoken and share your opinion, than not give your advice, because as always your advice is good advice. Take care Shaz
  5. Thank you everyone. I didnt know until this morning that his class wasnt on, but on speaking to his teacher about my concerns, i was told that it would do him good as he needs to get to know his teacher, and also they are hoping to intigrate him before christmas into this class. Now i feel even more guilty because i just accepted this when told this morning, and if i hadnt been so tired i probably would have argued with her on the principle of it all. I will be talking to the school soon ( i hope) But ive got to agree with you all, im not sending him back !! Thanks again, You are a great bunch. Shaz x
  6. Hi Everyone. Well ive sent him back to school, but now I feel soooo guilty !! He hasn?t mentioned school until last night, and then he burst into tears and started telling me all the bad things that happened to him in year 1, including the other kids pushing him into nettles, been smacked in the face, and the dinner ladies telling him to eat his sandwiches even though he felt sick. To cap it all, he had a fall last night, and cracked the back of his head on the dressing table, he has taken a chunk out of it and it is like an egg, (not overly serious, but there was blood). He finally got to sleep some time after 11pm, only to wake up again at 2.30am in a hysterical state. He stopped crying at 6.30 and went into quiet mode. He didn?t speak once we got through the school gates. He must be so tired after little sleep and all that crying, and now im upset because I should never have sent him today, but if I didn?t send him, then he would get it into his head that if he woke up early each day he wouldn?t have to go to school. And just to add a spanner into the works, the class he is in (with only 9 kids) doesn?t reopen until Monday, so they have put him into his base class with 27 kids, and Kieran doesn?t communicate with other children in an appropriate way, that?s how he was thrown into the nettles last term ! Oh help, im a mess. I hope everyone else is ok, and if you are going through the same torture as we are right now you have my sympathy. Take care Shaz
  7. Hi Yes we are hopefully going to stay in touch, the lady gave me her mobile number before we left yesterday, and i texted her last night. Only thing is today Kieran doesnt want to talk about him at all, and he said he didnt like him because he screamed a lot !!. But then again, he has been in a terrible mood ALL day, and even as i type he is sat here screaming at me. Will this day ever end ? Shaz x
  8. KIERAN MADE A FRIEND !!!!!!!!!!! Hiya everyone. We have just got back from the pub. (gee that sounds so irresponsible when put like that !) But yeah we went to watch some friends of ours who were involved in a charity gig for the air ambulance. (darn good music all day) Its the first time we have chanced taking kieran to such a place because of all the sensory issues he has, but we thought what the hell if its a problem we could bring him home. But after about half an hour he really got into it, and best of all he actually made a friend. Whats amazing is, out of all the kids there kieran and this other little guy just clicked, the reason became clearer when i watched them together, and after been aproached by the lads mum we established that they both had more or less the same thing. This lad had Meningitis and septicemia as a toddler which has left him with some difficulties, his mum was telling me all about him and she could have been describing kieran what with the obsessions and lining things up, not been socially aware, and the problems at school, the list is endless. It was great to see them together they seemed to have an unspoken rule and followed each other around all day. He wasnt remotely intrested in making friends with any one else just this one lad, it was like they both saw a bit of themselves in each other and they were comfortable with that. Well i had better cut this short now, as the kids have traipsed outside wearing their cork hats armed with a guitar/keyboard/trumpet and recorder, and are now blasting out twinkle twinkle little star like you've never heard it. I better go and calm them down before we get a noise abaitment order served on us. Good to see how the influence of music rubs off Take care everyone. shaz x
  9. Hi All I love Harry potter, I am re-reading The order of the phoenix at the moment, I must admit i am sadder than most, Coz i actually have a thing for snape (the way he talks in that sneaky (sexy) voice) Its strange when reading the books how the voices from the films float into your head and you can actually 'hear' these different peoples voices (or that might just be me coz i am sad). I think there is a real twist already going by the clues. I believe snape is good, The reason for this is as follows. In the HBP at the end Dumbledore and harry visit the cave where they are attacked by dead people, Dumbledore drinks the potion as harry begs him to continue slurping, only to find that the necklace is a fake and the real horcrux has already been stolen. Which means that someone got to it before they did. (my betting been snape) Upon their return Snape had 2 reasons to kill dumbledore, 1 reason was the unbreakable promise he made at the start of the book, but the second reason is (i think) that Snape knew what dumbledore had drunk and knew that death would be better than living at that moment, he knew that the potion would kill him eventually no doubt a very uncomfortable death, and i think dumbledore knew that no-one else would have the guts to kill him should it come to it, other than snape. The question is, If snape did get to the horcrux first who went with him? There had to be 2 people as dumbledore explained, One to drink the potion, and another to make sure the potion was drank. I have probably confused you all more with my waffling now, but my gut instinct is to believe that snape is good, and dumbledore knew excactly what he was doing when he drank the stuff, and also knew the end was near when he saw snape. The rest is a mystery !! Now back to the topic of Harry Smilies Take care all. Shaz <'>
  10. Good on you, Yeah. <'> Cant wait shaz
  11. HI I know what you mean, i would hate to live next door to us, Im sure my neihbours have only been back for a change of clothes, they always seem to be away !! I was wondering if they had moved, but i do see them coming in and out every week or so with a suitcase, so i can only imagine they have gone on a long holiday, or should that be a series of short ones. As i type, kieran is raiding the fridge amid gasps and rants from hubby, The eldest has retreated to the security of his room, and the middle one is playing a variety of musical instruments, so aplogies if all this makes no sense i just cant concentrate !!. School hols are to long but i do miss em when they go back, i dread the winter months, because it seems there is never enough natural daylight to stop them turning into Hmmm. Shaz x
  12. <'> Hi everyone, I hope you are all well. I thought i would just escape for 5 minutes while the kids are drawing in the other room. My head is so full i can't take another question. I dont know if any one else has this 'problem' but its just dawned on me that the only time Kieran (6 yrs old AS) actually speaks is when he is asking a question. Moreso over the last week. Last night he was hyper before bed and it was during this time that it finally dawned on me about what was happenening. The conversation went. ME: Kieran time for bed, dad will be home soon (other half out salvaging whats left of our 'social life' ) HIM: Can i have one more spin of my bathplug / ive got new games, i have to go to the bunker and kill the bad guy, then set off the alarm and go to the rocket (james bond) ME: Ok (its no use in arguing, it just takes longer) 15 minutes later ME: Right K its time to do your teeth HIM: What happens if you dont do your teeth ME: They will go bad and hurt HIM: Jaws has gold teeth ME: Jaws is an actor HIM: Am i an actor? ME: No you're Kieran, We finally get his teeth done. (After more questions about time/t.v's/more james bond and barbeques been a cuisine) Looking at my non existant watch i explain that daddy will be home soon, and he must go to bed. HIM: Can i have one of them (pointing to my arm) ME: one of what? (looking at my arm) HIM: A watch like the one you've got on ! ME: I havent got one on ! HIM: Why do you keep looking at your arm and saying daddy will be home soon then? (followed by a meltdown brought on by this misunderstanding) Finally asleep after much firm rubbing of back !! Or so i thought !! Just as im about to leave the room.......... HIM: What happens if you leave the telly on and im asleep? ME: Nothing HIM: will it wake me up? ME: No. Im going to turn it off anyway as soon as i can get down there HIM: But what happens if you're up here and the programme finishes will it buzz then? After another half hour i persuade him as always that the tv cannot harm him in any way at all. And he finally fell asleep mid sentance (yet again about having a watch) I come down switch off tv, and give up on putting my feet up as its too late and i head off to bed. And it takes till now to realise that all he ever does is ask questions !! wow hes full of What if? what will happen? what will it do etc etc. The only other thing he says is "i need a drink" "Need something to eat" But no conversation. UNLESS he is asking a question then you cant shut him up. Does anyone else have this behaviour? Forgive me im still learning. Anyway i hope you are all ok. Take care Shaz x PS I wont even begin to explain about the park which we visited, but lets just say he still needs work on his social skills. !! x
  13. He will always be an equal winner/ EUGENIUS. WE LOVE HIM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  14. WELL DONE EUGENE. You will always be remembered as the equal winner of BB6. We love you. XXXXXXXXXXX shaz x N gang
  15. Come on eugene.... come on my friend. PLEASE VOTE FOR EUGENE<<<<< lets do it in the last couple of mins, keep the pressure on, according to the bb site anthony is in the lead JUST. please vote soon... OOHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh This is the most exciting thing to happen in ages..Im glued to the screen. Even the kids are still up i dearnt put em to bed cos i know if i do ill miss the final vote. CRIKEY Take care EUGENE TO WIN Shaz x
  16. How the heck do you make that big text work??? EUGENE Votes in soon plz. Anything, push the boat out. Eugene deserves this... He needs you VOTE EUGENE[/size=14]
  18. Ooooooh im nervous. trying to get the kids settled. GO EUGENE> we loveeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuu
  19. Hi everyone. Ohhhhh Its getting too much, i have an obsessive phone thing going on, im actually carrying it round with me at the moment and keep dialing "just one more time" IF Anthony wins tonight, then all i can say is there are lots of people with a crush on him, but even then i dont think it will be as many as there are Eugene supporters, I have been another guilty party in the flicking from this site to the channel 4 forum, and even on there they are all for eugene. You get the odd person saying something bad about him, but for every 1 that does there are 20 more mosts in support of him. Ive got my fingers and toes crossed for tonight, i just hop that there is justice in the world. The last minute votes will be vital from what has been said, it could all be down to the final few minutes, so please everyone, lets all have 1 last min vote each, it might just be enough to pull him through. ! Take care. Catch you all later. Shaz x
  20. Oppps i do apologise, i havent managed to locate it yet, but i will have another scout around for it. Thanks for that info im still awaiting the details (in the post) Good luck with your's Take care. Ill let you know how it goes. Shaz x
  21. Hi Witsend. I have posted a similar question recently, i too am going through the "do we/dont we go down that road" as regards to the ALERT programme. Our son has been offered a place on it, but i havent a clue what it is all about, apparently there is some info in the post but i havent got anything yet. If you are any the wiser then please let me know. Take care Shaz
  22. <'> <'> How happy are we? I have just nearly ruptered myself to get the computer plugged in, i had to come and see what everyone else thinks of what just happened. I thought if he took the money that he would be evicted, and clearly that is what he thinks too. But NOOO he is a winner whichever way you look at it, we all have to keep voting and keep eugene in the winning frame. Only thing worrying me is. .... Davina said that eugene didnt hear big brother tell the rest of the housemates that the prize would go down to 50 grand if he said yes and 250 grand if he said no. But im under the impression that the housemates think eugene knew this. I hope all teh details sort themselves out once everyone realises that he is not going to be evicted. Im looking at him now, and you can tell he is thinking, "oh god what have a i done?" He keeps looking at the rest of the group and then putting his head down. I do hope he wins. Ive texed so many times ive ran out of credit again.. OH GOOOOO EUGENEEEEEEEEEE <'> shaz x
  23. As I say we are very pleased Anyway, just thought i would add, in case any one missed it. All the housemates are up again on wednesday. only this time we have to vote for the housemate we want to win. SO GUYS. GET VOTING (AGAIN) We no doubt helped in in the first place, by the amount of support he got from this site alone, would have been enough to carry the guy through, he is honest and genuine and deserves this more than anyone else. Please get voting Text EUGENE 64404 Has anyone noticed how genuine is almost like eugene. ? I said that ages ago. Oh bless him !! Shaz x
  24. He will be fine. he only has a week to go. just hope the roumers of a poker night on wednesday with the looser been evicted is not true, cos after that the guy deserves to win and should be judged by the public and not some silly game. YEAHHHHH gO EUGENE
  25. YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. iM so excited, even the kids are complaining of me going hyper for a change.... Goood this is cool, YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH <'> Sorry dont know any more smilies.. OH I LOVE EUGENE> EUGENE RULES YEEH (<<pOSTED BY lIAM)
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