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About jilly2003

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. My sons school have golden time children can choose an activity and everyweek he chooses to tidy the classroom despite his teachers best efforts to get him interested in something else
  2. hi, my son got a local authority laptop whilst in year 6 it is a brand new top of the range Dell which he just arrived home with one day .When he transfered to senior schol they werent even aware he had been issued one.Whilst in juniors I mentioned alpha smart and the Senco stated she wanted him to have a laptop and get used to it as when at seniors the work would be more complex .The laptop was issued purely as his written work was impossible to read,he now uses part of his statemented hours at school to improve his laptop skills,the laptop is used for his exams.
  3. Hi, my son transferred to senior school in Sept ,prior to him starting he had numerous visits to the school with his 1to 1 helper they got maps of the building and wandered around everywhere he met his new teachers .he visited at all times of the day to hear the bells and see the chaos of school life, he also had lunch one day .His helper also made him a social story of his new school life listing everything that would happen when the bells went. We spent the summer holidays practising the new uniform and route to school.Like everyone else he was very nervous of the new school but he has settled in very well they are now starting a Lunch time chill out club for him and others . Prior to the move his Senco at Juniors asked me which particular children I wanted my son to be in class with and also who I would wish to be excluded from his new class ,this was helpfull as there was one particular boy we did not wish him to be grouped with. It has also helped him that he has to move classrooms for each lesson this allows him to chill out a bit before the next lesson also he knows that if he doesnt like one teacher he only has that teacher for a short period of time before he can escape. School have also started a Peer Mediator for him which is an older pupil he meets regularly and can contact at any time if he need help. Hope this is a bit positive for you ,the NAS leaflet mentioned about Transfer to Secondary school is very helpfull you have to buy about 10 of them but then you can hand them out to all teachers you feel may need it .
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