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Posts posted by llisa32

  1. I'm starting to think I've signed up for something nearly healthy and that will class as 'outdorrsey'! :o


    When Mumble was convincing me to come I was merrily thinking to myself that 'picnic in the park' was some sort of code

    that really meant 'meet up, find a pub, drink lots and then eat whatever fast food comes to hand!' (looking at the park from a distance!) ;)


    It's now dawning on me that it's a proper full on sit on the floor picnic!! :o


    No wonder that mumbly was laughing wen I said I woz coming ;)


    ***Lisa goes away to fink how she can fit the following into one big handbag*******


    - comfy cushion to sit on (hasn't anyone put padded benches into greenwich park yet?)

    - my fav cup for a cuppa tea + milk powder! :)

    - Some supermarket grub - pre made/pre packed :)

    - unbrella!! (one that works and dont fall down)

    - somewhere to hide my ciggies so mumble don't 'accidently' squich em or soak em in water! ;)

    - packet of biscuits for all to share so it looks like I did try and enter into the spirit of 'having a picnic' :)

    - should read waterprrof coat but I aint got one cos I dont 'do' outdoors :lol:


    Looking forward to it! - honest :) - and if the 'majority' of the group feel they much prefer the lower ground area of greenwich (with no hills!!! ) then obviously i'm more than happy to comply! :)


    Look forward to seeing you all >:D<<'> and mumble I'll be holding you to that Bacardi u owe me! :)

  2. Hiya,


    I did grow out my huge amount of blonde highlights probably about 12 years ago now - and it was the best thing i ever did!


    My boyfriend at the time was french and not one to mince his words....in a stunning accent he told me my hair looked like rope!! :o:lol:


    Good job I loved him!! - but....best thing i ever did was take away the highlights etc and revert back to dark brown.


    After the initial shock of being brown again - (I dyed my hair back brown whilst waiting for it to grow cos couldn't bare the roots) I realised it actually suited me much better darker - i can variate the brown shade - but would never go light again now.


    good luck :)

  3. Hiya,


    Takes a while for diagnosis to settle in even idf you were expecting it - so no wonder u feel drained >:D<<'>


    I recomend a book called 'Learning to live with high functioning autism' - by Mike Stanton.


    Perhaps not for the kiddies, but I found it to be a really positive book on the whole - not too long, and gives a good understanding of the various manisfestation and reactions etc.


    I got copies of this for my sons school and various relatives - and it did help them all to view the various positives rathar than focus on the dificulties alone.


    As for naughty...haven't noticed any change in my 8yr old - he was diagnosed in Feb - we told him about the diagnosis and hes been the same level of behaviour as he was before - oso if he's naughty he gets told off - same as ever :)


    He does though seem much more at ease with himself now he knows he is infact a little different maybe than his peers, and the reason why


    Hope you find a way that works for you >:D<<'>

  4. Hiya,


    I've been having a ponder over this...I assume it's likly that it was the Maundsley who asked for the case conference?


    Either them or the Psych I guess after events in the last weekor so..As you get on well with the Psych could you mail him and explain that you're worried about what they might all be discussing, and what the implications for you might be - especially as you haven't been invited?


    I know that the Psych, GP and Halls managers are all fully aware of the events that have led to this situation and have been really supportive, so they are good 'voices' to be discussing you in any sort of situation involving the uni disability peeps who have quite frankly been worse than useless and should be sacked.


    I know the Maundsley offer all sorts of outpatient services and it may be that they just want to ensure whatever support program they decide to persue is achievable and not going to be ruined by the situation at Uni - so hence they all talk together and decide whats feasible.


    I do think though it will put yr mind at rest a little if you mail the Psych or GP, and just explain your concerns, and perhaps also put accross your thoughts towards future support (although I think Psych and Gp are aware?) no harm in reminding them though.


    >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

  5. Hiya,


    I thought I'd share my story as it may be relevant..It's difficult for me to say if you son is Dyslexic but from about aged 5 both the school and myself thought my son was.


    He was having considerable difficulty learning to read the most basic words and absolutely hated having to read or do any writing - he also used to mix up letters like D and B quite a lot.


    He started having a one to one session for an hour a week with the LSU based on Dyslexia and basically they went right back to the beginning in terms of teaching him to read - so they went back to the alphabet, and learning all the sounds etc again. As soon as he got the hang of the phonics he started to pick up the reading.


    Round about age 6.5 I started to consider that J might be on the autistic spectrum, and at the same time I was perplexed that his reading had improved so significantly and was continuing to improve.


    To cut a long story short...J was diagnosed as HFA in February this year aged 8, and all of the specialists believe he does not have Dyslexia - what he does have is significant problems with auditory processing which was in part why he struggled to comprehend phonics and is also why he struggles at present with spelling.


    From what I've been told quite a lot of chldren on the spectrum struggle with writing and a lot of them dislike having to do it - my sons very concious about his scrawl. My son also went through a long phase of calling himself stupid etc as he saw his peers reading different books to him and it was apprent to him that his reading wasn't of the same standard as them.


    So...without wishing to confuse you....it's possible that he's not dyslexic, but may need extra help to learn that side of things as if he were (if that makes sense! :)....


    We took things really slowly, explained to him that it was just the way his brain learnt stuff like reading, but that it didn't mean he wouldn't 'get it' in the end. We started right back at the alphabet, and kept boosting his confidence along the way.


    His reading age has now gone from 2 years below him age 6 to half a year above him age 8.


    He will now at least attempt to read most things and has finally been able to enjoy flicking through a comic - he still hates writing and drawing with a vengence - but it's a start! :)


    Hope you manage to get some support in place for your son >:D<<'>

  6. We had to ditch the cardboard box as it was apparent it was not the 1st time the cat had made that 'mistake! :whistle:


    So he's deffo going to notice they been moved and they won't be dry for the morning cos I haven't spare 2 hours to dry all the nooks and crannys of the pokemon .


    Im liking the idea of the radiator! - the box was fairly close to one of them - good thinking!


    Thanks :thumbs:

  7. Help!! - this is kinda funny....but I gotta think up a good reason and not the real reason by the time J gets up in the morning....


    One of the pesky cats just used the box containing circa 200 pokemon as a litter tray!! :oops:


    I now have them all drying out on the draining board after a wash off with soapy water!


    So....if I say the cat weed on them he'll never touch them again - washed or not...I'm trying to think of a way I can pretend the box was somewhere near me (when it never is) and say I dropped my cup of tea or something over em...might cause a paddy but better than pokemon getting consigned to the bin!


    Anyone got any more 'inventive' stories?? :pray:

  8. Hi - The neighbours children had introuced J to a website at the beginning of the week - it's all about learning internet safety and safty in general being a good citizin etc etc..


    I confess I just read the main rules at beginning of the week and agreed it was safe site and registered him (parents have to register children)


    But...having paid proper attention tonight it's got some really good social games on there that they play with their little characters and they learn the correct responses to strangers, and crossing roads etc.


    It's definately worth a look if your childs into PC games and so on




    Enjoy - I've hardly got anytime on my own pc this week cos of it!!

  9. Thats really great for Ben - I hope he had a fantastic time and the 2 of you can spend the next few months perusing brochures and sticking pins in maps for where to fly to next! :)


    Big well done to Ben :thumbs:

  10. Hi all,


    We're off to France tomorrow for a weeks hols, we're going to try one of the Eurocamps for the first time and see how we get on - plenty of swimming pools so J should be happy and I've packed 4 books for me in the hope I get to read them all! :)


    It's been a really really hectic last year, and the last 6 months have been completely manic on the work and family front so am really looking forward to just having a bit of rest :)


    J's really excited and even let me wash his hair today in preparation for the hols with not too much fuss!! :thumbs:


    Hope everyone else stays well and enjoys whatever they are doing over half term and I'll catch up in a weeks time >:D<<'>

  11. Good idea to post a positive Mumble :thumbs:


    I've got what counts as my first for a while....spoke to J's school today about the tests they have coming up in mid june and asked them to confirm that this time around he will have 'support' per revised IEP.


    And yes he will!! - someone will be sitting in class with him to assist with keeping focus, providing clarity, and scribing if needed! :thumbs:


    Fingers crossed we see a difference in the marks! :)

  12. The cravings are bad when u first cut those foods out, but thats a sure sign it's bad for you. There are times I would have murdered my hubby for him to let me have a bite of his crusty bread smothered in butter!! :)


    Tis worth it though SG...if you can stay off them for a few weeks you'll find you'll get away with the odd small thing now and again and the after effects would'nt be so bad.

  13. Hiya - just a thought and you may have explored this option already....


    I too suffer with IBS and need to stick to a fairly rigid diet else be prepared to spend majority of next morning in the bathroom! - but least in that case I can sorta plan my activities as it were.


    I've seen allergy/food sensitivity specialists and had blood test from doc etc and my stomach currently seriously reacts to wheat/corn/msg and worst of all milk/cream/cheese - unfortunately all of which I would love.


    My food heaven would be a crusty roll filled with cheese!! - yum! - but unfortunately it's just not worth the pain!


    It may be worth looking at your diet if you haven't already done so, it's definately given me slightly more control


    Good luck >:D<<'>

  14. Thanks guys >:D<<'>


    I had a nice day with family over and J really got into the spirit of things and helped serve the food! :thumbs:


    First time he's been so willing to help with that sort of a task and he seemed to enjoy doing it so that was a nice surprise


    Got lots of flowers and perfume and some choccie!! - so an all round great day! :clap:

  15. I've given up taking J to shoe shops and niow I get all of his shoes/trainers from the high street shop beginning with N and ending in T!


    I order several variations of shoes and they always have some velcro shoes and trainners, and then I keep them at home and over the course of the week whenever it looks like a 'right' moment he trys some on - then i just send back everything that I don't want.


    They have some good lightweight leather shoes and trainers and so far they have been our saviour!


    Maybe once or twice a year he goes to get feet measured at the shop, just to make sure we're in roughly the right sizing :)

  16. Hiya - no you're not being an old witch >:D<<'>


    I had a similar situation with J at the start of term after xmas this year..after a lot of work and a lot of discussions it was agreed by all adults (and teachers and ed psych) that J would swap form classes - he'd been hating school and school refusing with panic attacks etc prior to that.


    I completely understand where you are coming from when you mention compassion fatigue...it does get really wearing having to keep reasuring, and standing firm on the decision when the kiddie is constantly finding things wrong with the decision - I managed to keep my sanity and ride J through it only by contstantly keeping in mind the Ed Psychs words...'It's all anxiety based, keep calm and reasuring and eventually he will settle back in'


    J had a couple of huge meltdowns during one week...and then suddenly all was well...eventually he realised it was much better than before and that we weren't all just trying to 'trick him'.


    I noticed with J that if I ended one of my 'it will be much better' statements with anything that sounded 'final' that seemed to rile him up - so I just tried really hard to be casual but reasuring...and then whenever I got the chance I changed the subject - Ed Psch said to just make it seem as casual as possible - Ie...yes...it's a change...but some change is for the good...it will definately get better...and so would you like yr fav dinner for tea!! - if you get my drift :)


    Fully understand how you feel - hopefully things will settle down in a few weeks >:D<<'>


    Treat yrself to a glass of something! :)

  17. Hiya - thought I'd do my birthday greetings for you for tomorrow now as you'll be leaving to hike the pike tomorrow!


    I hope you have an absolutely fantastic time on your birthday and that it doesn't rain all the way up the

    hill! :whistle::devil:


    Have a great birthday weekend >:D<<'>



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