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About Ebany

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. Ebany


    Thankfully my partner seems perfectly happy with his diagnosis and just seems to like the fact he has an excuse. I expect he will read it at some point if I remind him enough. We were sat around the dinner table last night with the others we share a house with and everyone was taking a look (he isnt self-concious about it at all) and it will probably be helpful for them too in some ways. I just want to find out as much as I can so that we dont end up either separating or miserable.
  2. Ebany


    Thanks nellie, I got the Aspergers in Love book from Amazon and it came through yetserday. Thankfully I get a lot of time sitting doing nothing in my job (in a very quiet call centre) so I read the whole thing in one day. A lot of it was very familiar, and now I just have to convince my partner to read it through as well, as I am sure it will also help him a great deal.
  3. Ebany


    Hello all, My fiance has recently been officially diagnosed with Aspergers, though it has been suspected for some time. He is mostly pretty 'normal' though sometimes can be difficult. I'd love it if anyone has any suggestions on how to get an adult aspie to do the sensible thing, rather than whats more fun (like actually going to work, or not spending the rent money on a computer). Thankfully he is perfectly capable of getting by on his own, he can just be very shy of strangers and gets very upset about being late for things (to the extent that he wouldnt go to work because he was running half an hour behind). We are living in a shared house with a group of his friends now, though I'm not sure if thats being good or bad for him. Im mainly trying to find out as much as I can to try to ensure that our marriage will last and we will stay together as he is the most important person in the world to me, but sometimes he can really drive me crazy. I've followed a tip someone gave in another thread today and have given him a precise list of what I expect him to do each day while the rest of us are out working rather than just saying 'look for a job and tidy up around here' so I shall see when I get home if this has worked.
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