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Posts posted by Alyth_mum

  1. Yup, I noticed that too Pearl :lol: I think we should change our usernames to Mother Pearl and Saint Baggy :whistle:


    Is that 'mother Pearl' or 'Mother of Pearl' because she has such a beautiful glow to her skin??


    Can't comment on 'Saint Bagpuss' except to say it just dosen't have that certain ring to it compared to some of the other Saints.



  2. Hope he settles down at paygroup again . Glad he continuing to do so well with his 'dry nights'.


    Im afraid you'll have to explain to him that you might be able to rescue his bus (if it is rescuable) BUT you are not buying a new one because 1) he was naughty to throw it away and 2) it cost too many 'pennies'and Mummy doesn't have enough pennies to buy another one at the moment.


    Good Luck - if it was my Ys I would expect a melt down.



  3. Simpsons Movie was great (if you go, make sure you stay to the very end of the credits), but I ate way too much chocolate and I don't feel too well now :sick: :sick:


    Mumble is obvious very sick indeed : she says she ate toooo much chocolate :o .......I didn't think Mumble COULD eat too much chocolate - I assumed there was no such thing as 'too much' for her.


    I hope you are feeling better Mumble ... you better try and take it easy on the chocolate for the next 24hrs. :eat1:



  4. For the last 6 months roughly (maybe longer) it has been ES's job to go and pick up the newspaper from local shop at the weekend and during the holidays.


    I was a bit surprised by his reaction I must admit because he was quite happy standing in queue with me .... it was only when I told him 'you can order it yourself' that he said 'No'.


    I'm proud that he managed it and will be telling his Autistic Base Teacheer that he managed it after the holidays.


    Now we have to teach him to use a bus and to use the washing machine - not sure which one he is less interested in.



  5. Excellant news - my YS is also starting 2 days late on 16 August so that all the others in the Autistic are settled after the hols before he starts.


    It is wonderful feeling to think your child will actually be in an approbriate school rather than at home due to no provision.



  6. It was ES's turn to go school clothes shopping today - only 13 days left until school restarts......


    We were lucky in Clarks that it was less than 20mins for feet being measured - and then they said old shoes were still OK for a bit (Big size 9F) :balloon:


    Even managed trousers without too much hassle. :first:


    ES was adamant that he was going to MacDonalds for lunch - he had found evidence that DD had had a MacDonalds on Sunday when she had her school clothes shop. :oops:


    The agreement we came to - under pressure- was that he could have a MacDonald if HE paced the order with my money. He knew what he wanted but found the idea of ordering it extremley stressful.


    BUT he did it ...... he said it was scary - I suggested that he needed more practice - he immediately said 'No' until it was pointed out that he would have to come back for another MacDonalds meal at which point he changed his mind and decided that he would definetly need more pratice. :eat:


    So now at the age of 14yrs 9+months my son can order himself a meal (of sorts) :clap:



  7. I keep thinking about this

    All 3 of mine get DLA: ES middle care/low mobility; DD high care/low mobility; YS high care/low mobility.


    However I equally know my DH's views on blue badge holders : that they are valid is someone have difficulties but not his children.

    My YS is a terror in Car Parks - he just is unaware of the cars .... or if he does allow for them he panicsand half crosses the road and then sees a car stating to move the far side of the car park so he'll run back to were he was.

    Having 3 thy go in different directions and I will NOT take all 3 anywhere on my own if I possibly can avoid it.



  8. In theory my ES (15 in October) is on a weeks computer ban courtesy of his father because ES was so rude to me this morning.


    ES doesn't swear - and hates hearing anyone else swear .... but as I'm sure you are aware you don't need swear words to be rude and hurtful.


    I say in theory because ES spends hours watching DH playing PC and DH asks ES for advice so it ended up as though ES is playing ...and if DH has to leave the machine for any reason (eg loo or phone) he leavees ES in charge of the characters (real time game) so not the most effectual PC bann ever Grrrr. :angry:



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