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About cazkenton2003

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. Hi kazzdt and nellie Thanks for the very interesting links nellie, it's certainly made me think about it! Reading through the information...my eldest is showing the signs of ADHD and it's what I've thought, for a number of years now. I just need to get a proper diagnosis. kazzdt, yes I can really relate to the feeling of not being able to control her. I often thought it was me and my supposedly 'bad parental management' etc etc and divorce and domestic violence too, but we have been free of those situations for years now and I had hoped for improvement but there hasn't been any. Some days she can be the best and most thoughtful kid in the world, and yet, other days, I feel like hiding away and tearing my hair out! With her giving out such mixed messages about her personality, I now realise why she doesn't have very many friends. Most kids think she's weird, too boisterous and also labelled as a thief too. My youngest daughter has been through the mill with her sister too. Being hit and kicked and punched, stabbed with a pair of compasses, stabbed with a pencil, sat on and nearly suffocated. She gets scared too. I've never been hit by her but she does say some horrible things to me, but when I try and explain how hurt I feel, it seems that she just doesn't listen. It seems like she has no regard for anybody else's feelings or emotions, she does the same things over and over again and she's so impulsive. I can't believe that it's been 7 years before something has been done about it but...roll on Monday! I just hope they see through everything and she gets the help that she's been crying out for. Thankyou all for your warm and kind welcome, it's so nice to feel that I'm not alone and that my child isn't just 'naughty'. I will post again on Monday, when I know the exact score with what's going on and hopefully have some more news.
  2. Hello All! I dropped by this site and thought I'd say hello. I am a single mother of 2 girls, the eldest I know has a problem, she's very agressive and the youngest sibling is her punchbag. Ever since my eldest aged 10 started mainstream school, there has always been trouble. Nothing ever got done about it and had been waiting 3 years to seek counselling with her. This has just now started and we've had 3 sessions, which they basically said 'it was my bad parenting skills and inability to cope with stressful situations' etc etc. I had a rather surprise phone call today from the Children and Family Counselling Unit, where we attend,from a child psychiatrist. This ever so kind lady said about a short notice appointment for my eldest next Monday morning, to evaluate the possibility of ADHD or ASD. I was gobsmacked and came home and got straight on the net, cos I'd never heard of ASD before. I know I'm jumping the gun a little here, as she hasn't had a full diagnosis, I don't know what to expect next Monday. Can anyone differentiate between the two? Is there any classic signs? Or can there be a mixture of ADHD and ASD intermingled with each other? One minute she is so calm and placid and the next, she's shouting and yelling. Even first thing in the morning, she yells and shouts before she's even got out of bed!. She's been threatened with exclusion at school because she's been caught stealing numerous times and the teachers all say they feel sorry for her, as she hasn't got many friends. The ones she rarely does have, they don't seem to last long and in all of her 10 yrs, she's never had a sleep over because there's never been anyone to invite. I do know that she's not been invited to birthday parties in well over 4 years now. I feel so sorry for her as well, it breaks my heart but some days I feel I just can't cope with all the shouting and yelling and fighting. Getting her to even just listen to what myself and her sister have to say, just seems like an ever uphill battle. I'm sorry if I've posted in the wrong place here but hello anyways!
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