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About jacquiG

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. jacquiG


    hi everyone I've just stumbled on this forum and just had to post - I'm Jacqui - Mum to ds 8 (ASD) and dd 5 (fairy princess), wifey to Richie - I have been reading the postings on here with great interest -I wish I had found u 2 years ago when I first heard the words Asperger Syndrome My son has been to 3 schools (last one OK but still not providing for his special needs) and to 2 peadiatricians who are now at last going to give him THE TEST for ASD after both ed psychologists (yes I have 2 don't ask me why) have told them over and over that he has AS. It has taken us 5 years to get to this stage and boy have they been frustrating - having been told I'm a bad parent, over reacting, he's just a naughty boy, he's very intelligent so he thinks he can get his own way by screaming (what!!!!) and god knows how many hours in school halls and outside the head mistresses office (this is still used today despite my constant objections) I have decided to leave him in school until he has this test and then home ed from then on. I have discussed this with my dh who is all for it and my dd wants to join in as well. We move to the Isle of Man at the end of May and having had to dereg the children for that purpose I'm just going to forget to register them over there. Does anyone know if I have to let the LEA know that they exist or can I just get on with it and if anyone comes to the door sort it out then?! This forum has opened my eyes to what my ds should have been getting (special units for AS I've never even heard of that never mind has it been offered for him), no assistance in class, no attempt by the teachers to impliment changes to his schooling as outlined in his IEP (does this sound familiar). Well that's enough from me hope this hasn't been too much of an outburst and any feedback from you all would be greatly recieved. BTW I have the book about home educating our Asperger children and it's full of really useful info and HE websites, etc so definitly worth a look.
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