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Posts posted by ScienceGeek

  1. I went to a mainstream secondary school, one of the biggest in Kent. It had many upsides and downsides, I was pretty much constantly bullied throughout my time there, there were a lot of misunderstandings and I did backslide quite a bit during the transition. That being said I am still friends with my best friend from secondary school, 15 years later. My achievements were pretty average but I was capable of a lot more, but I had a breakdown in the last couple of years of secondary and found it hard to cope with the environment there. I think if I had gone to the special school that a lot of family members went to I wouldn't have been challenged academically and would have come out with a lot less than I did in mainstream.

  2. So why not do the same thing? If it's a strategy that's worked for all of your adult life why has it suddenly become a problem?




    BD :D


    OH PS: I don't like it when people turn up unexpectedly either and it makes me feel uncomfortable (esp if the house is it's usual pigsty!) - I think that's quite a common reaction. Sorry if i'm sounding negative, but I just do find it frustrating when people suddenly develop problems around things they've always previously managed. I've always wanted to believe that a 'dx' was a positive, but often it seems to be the opposite, and I can't understand that(?) :unsure:


    I think that my original post wasn't well worded and gave the impression that this was a sudden change in behaviour. It wasn't, my response to stressful situations such as this has improved but it still isn't ideal. Up until a few years ago my reaction would be to run away, but I managed to get into the habit of hiding instead which isn't always helpful. I did however manage to deal with it that one time better by answering the door and telling them to go away, but I still got docked hours as they turned up and I sent them away (despite the fact that I had no idea they were coming).


    I have talked to my support worker though and he apologised for turning up unannounced and said that there had been a mix up with communication. We had a really good session and he is going to knock on the window instead of ringing the doorbell, just need to tell my other support worker to do the same :thumbs:

  3. Hi everyone-I just wanted to say that the LA have said that they will pay for my son to stay on with the outreach group from the SEN school until yr 13 if thats what he wants-So I don't need to worry about college and stuff any more. I am so pleased :thumbs:


    That's great news! :thumbs:

  4. See another dr, they usually contact the GP for at least some evidence and if this one isn't supportive then it may well hamper the claim altogether. Also it helps to have a GP that is supportive and will do the necessary referrals.

  5. Or you could take the battery out so people have to knock? :unsure: Or you could do as my Mum does and have no doorbell and a double door so you can't hear people knocking! :rolleyes:


    It's a doorbell/entry system into the building so I need to press the entry phone to let people in. I'll email the housing association to see if it is changeable.

  6. We didn't have a dedicated room to go to that was a quiet room, but I found sanctuary in the library and also clubs such as IT club or science club that had hardly any people in them :lol: I don't think I would have made it the last few years if it wasn't for those places.

  7. I know someone who has one, and it keeps overheating and turning itself off. I thought maybe they had just got a dodgy one. They do come in pretty colours though!! :lol:


    A friend of mine had the overheating, randomly turning itself off, the colour randomly chipping off, power cable failures, hard disk failures and the list goes on within a few months of getting the thing. Like most things, you get what you pay for.

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