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Matt J

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Everything posted by Matt J

  1. Well I duno whats going on there... he seems to be mixing with some rather dodgy people
  2. Ahh it was someone taking the pee, I just called it back Andrew answers, and I can hear people in the Background, his bf I imagine " Just tell him to **** off". I said " Andrew your making things harder for me" (I can still hear people swearing about me so he was not alone there) I said " So whats happening, why all the silence" He said "of course you are still a friend" I replied well can you start acting like it, as your turing my world upside down" He replies " I'll give you a call tomorrow to talk about it" Not that I believe this. Some friend huh
  3. Okay something weird has just happened: I just had a missed call from his number, I called it back and a female answered (It wasn't his mother) I asked if Andrew was there, and got "No Andrew is not, I have stolen his phone so he wont be calling you back tonight pal"
  4. So.. what do I say to him... anything, nothing, ?
  5. I just feel my world has been turned upside down, I dont know where to turn, I understand somewhat he wants to 'be loved up' but I dont feel theres an excuse to ignore me, its making me frustrated as I have no one else that close to me. And what really gets me is he knows this!!
  6. Thanks for that Clare, I must say that I still not understand, him knowing I have AS, I dont understand why he cannot communicate, or say something, anything.
  7. Im having a bit of a tough time this week. One of my friends, well my best friend has got himself a relationship with a guy he has met. Now I dont heary anything from him. I havent for the whole week, used to chat to him everyday. When I text him he no longer replies, when I call him he is always not able to talk, or it goes to voicemail and I have asked him when I can speak to him oh his own, he says he doesnt know when he will be able to. I ask this, as his new bf is reading the emails i send him, my friend and I used to email as it was a way I could write down what was happening, and now he was on my friends MSN the other day, I dont know this person, and id rather talk to my friend one to one about things, as the guy hes now seeing overhears everything we talk about, inc my reading texts. My friend says that 'we can be friends' but he doesnt seem to be doing anything to make me feel reasured. I tried to call him at home ealier and I got talking to him Mum, while leaving a message for him, she said " Was I OK, I" said "not so bad, just needed to speak to him" , she said "he was out somewhere'. She then said she works with people who have Aspergers," I said 'oh really' She said "yes...he has told me your his friend and that you have Aspergers..Is he upseting your routine? I'll make sure he gets the message". So I am not sure what is going on now, I cannot talk to my friend as his new bf seems to be 'stopping' him from talking to me, The friendship is between my friend and I, thats all, no one else I just need to know what is going on, as I am getting anxious about it all, as things were fine between us until this guy came onto the scene. Im not sure what to do now, I just feel abandonded.
  8. Im not quite sure what is happening with me today, I went out yesterday for the day, and stayed with a friend over night. It wasnt that fab, my communication is total rubbish and I needed my routines, and had to do things a certain way etc. I got home this afternoon and ever since I have not been quite with it, if you get what I mean. I cannot walk that far thats why I stayed over save having to wait for trains and stuff. I guess I bought it on myself my routine has been changed and it feels like my world has been turned upside down, it just feels lost, it just feels incredibly odd, I feel tired and depressed and I dont seem to be able. Im sorry that this isnt a real great explaination but its how I see it and feel at this very second. Im wide awake, though I really would rather sleep, but on that I know when I wake it will start all over again. I guess I bought it on myself by going out. I really cant cope with this Aspergers and all this other that I have, oh and I cant sit still for love nor money, I am so restless keep getting up and wandering round for no reason what-so-ever, in circles, round the round, I will walk ruond the hosue for no reason at all and then come back to my laptop, or to what I was doing. Matt
  9. Matt J


    I got awarded the lower rates of DLA, but I want to appeal as I have been advised that I should be getting the higer rate, My Doctor hasnt seen me for a while and seems rather against the idea of helping and adding his comments. They BA have sent out another form so I can ask them to look at it again. So I would like some advice on how I can do this. I did put all this on my original application, they refused the first one, but I appealed and then they awarded the lower rate. Oh the lower rate you cannot get the badge and that would be a great help to me as I would be to anyone on here. Any advice would be appreciate, do PM me on here. Matt
  10. Can anyone apply for this Badge? Where do you get the forms and stuff from?
  11. Sleep pattern has been like this for months. God im bored. Am meeting a friend tomorrow, its 2am now and I am not even tired. Didnt wake up until around 1.30pm yesterday. Its all over the place, the reason for not getting to bed, is I have nothing to get up for and not getting until the afternoon is the same.
  12. Been a strange day, went to bed at 5:45am and rose at about 1pm today, im all over the place, and now Im wide awake, and theres nout to do and no one to talk to really, most people have headed off to sleep by now, so theres just moi hanging around on msn and stuff, as I have no real life friends, well one or two but i dont get to see them very often at all, so it is mostly cyber buddies. Im a bit of a bah humbug a this time year too, dont find it exciting at all, more depressing really, just reminds me of how on my own I am in all this really, and then I start to think about life ahead, on my own. Id crave to meet up with some people, person so we could all get out and about. For now its just 01:30am and I am looking for ways to spend my time. Have a good night all Matt
  13. Hi all, 18:00 here, feel slightly bored to be honest, all the xmas ads on tv *Yawn* Im feeling out of touch today, no one around to *communicate* with, I dont know if anyone else gets this.. *Sigh* Anyhows heres hoping to folks to chat to on here
  14. Well heres my 2nd post. Another night up late, this is one repeat thing with me, I am up till like 4am sometimes later. I'll be off to bed and when I wake I aways have the same thought, 'Will I hear from anyone today' and I always have a feeling that someone is going to stop speaking to me, strange I know, but thats it.
  15. Matt J


    Hi all, Im Matt, from Redditch, Worcestershire, Im 28, and got diagnosed with Aspergers last week. My folks thought there was something up a year or so ago, I was depressed and didnt communicate much. Looking at it now, I have very much in common with what I have read on ASD. I have currently been annoying my friends as one I cant communicate greatly, yet I find myself wanting to talk to people to stop myself from being by myself so much, this also seems to annoy people. I have things that I like to do over and over again, they dont seem to understand fully what it is I have. Anyhows heres to the first of many posts I hope. Matt
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