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About georgiegirl1959

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    Norfolk Broads
  1. Sorry, just read my post back. Didn't mean to be so rude! Apologies it won't happen again.
  2. Sorry, I though this was a discussion about biomedical interventions for children with autistic spectrum disorder. I was wondering what planet 'geekgirl' was on! The new transdermal dmps which is a chelating agent is applied to the childs skin every other day. It is a slow gentle pull of toxic metals out of the body. The deal with autistic children is that they cannot excrete toxins by themselves. Studies in the states by Jill James have discovered that when treated with chelating agent autistic children have huge amounts of toxic metals in their bodies which are stored in their gut and brains and would not show up on any blood test. It is only when they tested the hair of 'normal' children who had a much higher level of mercury in their hair than the autistic children that they realised that the autistic group were non-excretors. td-dmps does not cross the blood brain barrier. Anyway thats the current thinking.
  3. Nobody is claiming B12 to be a cure! Do your own research and make changes if you think it will help your child and you are supported by a doctor you trust. Its just that people need information so they can decide for themselves. I am not happy to sit back and wait for a 'cure' if there is a possiblity I can do some interventions now that will improve my child's quality of life and therefore mine and the rest of our family. We have just started biomedical interventions so it is early days for us but I am being guided by a doctor and would not take risks with unproven or unsafe treatments.
  4. Hi Florrie, We are getting our Methycobalamin B12 from Breakspear Hospital in Hemel Hempsted but you can buy them from a pharmacy in Switzerland and adminster them yourself. To read all about this treatment go to www.drneubrander.com who is a doctor in New Jersey that discovered the benefits of this treatment for autistic (mercury poisened) children.
  5. Hi everyone, I am 3months into chelation with my 6 year old autistic (mercury poisened son) We are using a DAN (Defeat Autism Now) doctor in the UK. There is a list of DAN doctors in the UK on the Autism Research Institute of America web site. Also check out www.generationrescue.org for huge amount of info, advice, testimonies etc. We have also started Methyl B12 injections and are on a host of supplements. Autism is treatable do not be told to go away and deal with it by your doctor. Look at all the Autism sites on Yahoo Health Groups and get reading!!
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