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tell me im not alone....

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give up, dont know what the heck to do anymore.....im so sick an tired of seeing my son lay on the couch....watching programs over and over. he constantly craves company, he constantly craves somethin to do, sayin im bored im bored, im bored.

since he was little ive suggested allsorts of things to do.....you name it but he always either says no....or his attention with it is extremely short lived. his obsession is tv , hes got reminders on it throughout the day and night and tell s the time by them. ive bought him everything under the sun....eg ps2 games hes had dozens , he plays them once and loses interest. i bought him a laptop for christmas hes spent a fortnight downloading dragonballz clips, films etc...12mgb of them, doesnt even watch them just stores them.

i asked him to start using the actual web , he knows theirs so much on their but he wont.

all he do s 24/7 is watch tv and bribe us into sitting with him to watch stuff, we have to take turns like a shift system.

dont get me wrong i dont mind spending time with him its just so brain numbing watching cartoons over and over ......past few months hes been telling me im not going when ive gone to get up. tries to drag me back down again, but ive had enough. then i feel guilty as i know hes so lonely and bored, hes no oooomph, no motivation whatsoever.

wont make a drink for himself even, just lies their, i feel so torn as i know his needs at present arnt being addressed , i know we are going through hell , and he gets ample loves and cuddles etc but the other half of me is so frustrated he wont do anything for himself. i really dont know what the hell to do anymore to help him. sometimes i get the feeling tv is all he is capable of doing, though i know hes bright......sorry guys, hes just driving me nuts...


paula :wacko::tearful::wacko:



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Hi Paula,


sounds a bit similar to what I am going through at the moment, only my son's obsession is playing games on the playstation or pc. The last two weeks it's been constant search for banger racing games, it's driving me mad, all day long it has been today. he or should I say we have searched the whole web, thing is he can hardly spell too so he asks me every two minutes to search the same words again and again. It's getting on my nerves, he doesn't want to leave the house neither or do anything.


Is your son still out of school? my son's been going to a gym lesson in the day whilst he's not attending school for the children who are being home ed but this week he refused to go. Next week I will drive straight there so he has to go.


I've no advice to give you but just want to send you a hug and to tell you to hang on in there even though it's really hard, feel free to send me a pm, take care >:D<<'>

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Hi Paula,

How old is your son? I do know how you feel, my son is 8, but he too likes us to watch the t.v with him and i get soooooooooooooooooooo bored, he also tries to stop me going or doing something without him, which also frustrates me.What we are doing now is making a effort to go out and taking him with us ...like it or not...even if it's just taking the dogs (of course i have to go too or he wont go!!) we find that once he is out that he enjoys himself even if he initially is very reluctant or having tantrums and after we have been doing this for a few weeks now, he comes with us without too much fuss at all. :)

Could you say you have something that you have to do when he wants you to sit watching the t.v (even doing the dishes helps me). >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

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hes 11yrs, been out of school about a year as he couldnt cope, ss and LEA intervention since he started school refusing at six.....theyve been refusing to assess him but just before i was due to attend the adminastrative court in nov the LEA ajourned it, saying they wanted to re-consider their position pending the outcome of the care proceedings.....

since then con has had a home tutor for 1and a half hrs a day 4 days a week which he finds hard going.

we also saw the local authority ed psche who was horrid, eg. said if con can write his name and his mentality is over a five yr old then he can attend mainstream. also said their is no provision for sensory problems....

dec 20th however we saw a independant ed psyche sent by the solicitor, by his scores she states they would indicate he do s have aspergers, speach and language problems, and is very concerned that he has severe ocd....

said the local authority must take the independant consultants diagnosis seriously, where as previously they werent, accusing me of fabricating his problems...

she also states that the few things that have surfaced whilst she saw him is merely the tip of the iceberg and he is in need of a thorough comprehensive assessment.

this is good news but it would seem that for every independant person that flags up cons complex needs the local authority set up one of their professionals to say the opposite.

bit of a nightmare im afraid, thanks for your replies guys ,



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Oh Paula >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

It sounds like you are fighting a tough battle, i really hope you get a bit of peace for yourself , just having the kids at home during the hols is bad enough, because they need some routine. I really don't envy you, the time when my son is at school really helps me to have some time for myself. >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> <

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