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ds, 5 struggling

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Well we just had another statement review of DS. He's in yr1. He has 15 hours support. However, his behaviour is getting worse since november. I think it's because he finds the afternoons difficult and it's also starting to affect him the times he's supported. School do not think that putting any more support will make a difference. They are questionning if the school is the correct placement. I have looked around at MLD schools, but my gut reaction was that he wouldn't fit in there.


My concern is after talking to another mum that because he is becoming aggressive and it is so unpredictable that they will exclude him on health and safety. She also mentioned that school would be worried if another mum complained to school and took it further and that I could be sued directly. But he's not that aggresive. He's never been excluded. Is this likely?


What I don't understand is that if DS is struggling why do they think that he would not benefit from any more hours support? All I think is he could do with 5 more hours. The woman from the LEA was pretty useless and said that I should be happy he has good LSA's. The autism advisor said he would not warrant a place at a special school.


I'm so confused.

Edited by pim

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If you have evidence that he isn't coping with the 15 hours support, if all professionals agree he isn't coping and school feel he would be better off in a special school, the LEA need to provide additional LSA hours. If they continue to refuse then ask for a re-assessment of his needs. If the LEA refuse you then have the right to appeal to SENDIST. It's the LEA who are legally bound to provide for your son. If he needs additional hours it's not good enough to say the school should provide out of their own resources, the SEN Code of Practice is very clear that the LEA must write the provision he needs into his statement and say what they are providing and what they expect the school to provide. If you can get it in writing from the school that he isn't coping with the level of support offered and in their opinion he would be better off in a special school it will strengthen your case considerably.



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It's not so easy to look for a new school as his sister, who he is very close to goes to the same school. She is settled and happy there.


I forgot I could ask for him to be re-assessed. I don't know if I can as all funding is changing in this county.



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