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moving telly

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Title say's it all really, my son 8 always has to move the telly at different angles for where he is sitting, he may sit in one chair and move it then if he sits somewhere else he moves it again.


Apart from it being really annoying as my daughter gets frustrated when he does it, claiming that she can' see it at the angles he moves it to (which she most certainly can, it's not a small telly) it always end up in them arguing, then sometimes fighting. It is situatied in a room where you can see it very clearly wherever you are sat.


I'm also worried that it is going to fall of it's stand although I don't think it will somedays he pulls at it quite hard and if it started to fallit probably would.


Just wondered if anyone else has this difficuly?

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Hiya, I've got round this one by getting him a little chair that he can move instead:)


It's like a disc shaped one that he can sit crossed legged in - and theres room for blankets etc - mine was a tenner at asda's.


Might hep




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There is a small possibility your son may have significant visual perceptual problem associated with visiospatial awareness.

If present it will be associated with either clumsiness or walking into doorframes or facial emotion / recognition problems.

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Thanks for the idea about the chair, which I may do, we used to have a big bouncy ball that he could lie on whilst watching the telly but occasionaly he would get a bit hypo and throw it across the room so maybe a soft foam chair might work well.


There is a small possibility your son may have significant visual perceptual problem associated with visiospatial awareness.

If present it will be associated with either clumsiness or walking into doorframes or facial emotion / recognition problems.



Hi Ian he does have visual perceptial difficulties, this was identified by Occupational therapist this is the results for the major difficulties the rest of it he was average

Visual Form Constancy scaled score 1 percentile rank 1

Visual Sequential Memory scaled score 4 percentile rank 2

Visual Closure scaled score 6 percentile rank 7


Visual-Motor Integration:

***** also completed the Beery Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI), which assesses the extent to which visual and motor skills are co-ordinated. This is done through the child copying a developmental series of geometric pictures using a pencil and paper.

This suggests that ***** has difficulty with visual-motor integration and it was evident that his spatial awareness was poor when copying some of the pictures. This will affect his handwriting skills and practical school-based tasks such as using scissors.


I still don't quite really understand what it means though, could you enlighten me if you have the time?


He's not seemed to be a clumsy by OT but I find he is always banging into things, he is a very able/sporty child however he does have a tendancy to walk into things like cups if left on floor or knocks them over when he's at the table. He's also frequently knocking plates over etc, he's a very messy eater for just making a mess really and when he has a pee it's all over the floor ratherthan the loo, lol. He also has fine motor skill difficulties.



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C used to do it, but now sits right in front of the TV. He was so close to it that no-one else could see it, so we bought a taller TV unit. Now he's happy and so are the rest of us.

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Kai doesn't move the TV, but he has to sit in the same spot on the sofa, or he says he can't see it properly (which he can because it's big). I got him a big bean bag which he now sits on (usually naked!). It can't do any damage if he starts chucking it about, although he does get a bit silly and dives onto it from the table!


Loulou xx

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Thanks for the idea about the chair, which I may do, we used to have a big bouncy ball that he could lie on whilst watching the telly but occasionaly he would get a bit hypo and throw it across the room so maybe a soft foam chair might work well.

Hi Ian he does have visual perceptial difficulties, this was identified by Occupational therapist this is the results for the major difficulties the rest of it he was average

Visual Form Constancy scaled score 1 percentile rank 1

Visual Sequential Memory scaled score 4 percentile rank 2

Visual Closure scaled score 6 percentile rank 7


Visual-Motor Integration:

***** also completed the Beery Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI), which assesses the extent to which visual and motor skills are co-ordinated. This is done through the child copying a developmental series of geometric pictures using a pencil and paper.

This suggests that ***** has difficulty with visual-motor integration and it was evident that his spatial awareness was poor when copying some of the pictures. This will affect his handwriting skills and practical school-based tasks such as using scissors.


I still don't quite really understand what it means though, could you enlighten me if you have the time?


He's not seemed to be a clumsy by OT but I find he is always banging into things, he is a very able/sporty child however he does have a tendancy to walk into things like cups if left on floor or knocks them over when he's at the table. He's also frequently knocking plates over etc, he's a very messy eater for just making a mess really and when he has a pee it's all over the floor ratherthan the loo, lol. He also has fine motor skill difficulties.




Enough to say that an assessment and possible treatment is necessary

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