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Asthma and Hospitals

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Have been away loads recently inculding my 1st explorer camp which was in Surrey so about an hours drive from home! All going well until 4.00pm on Saturday when I started having a choughing fit, this is normal for the start of an asthma attack so took inhaler and all! Got no better also fairly usaul to the extent I carry a nebuliser with me in which my leaders are trainined to use. This wasnt improving at all and I was getting worse after being 10 mins of lung failure at the begining of August. This had to be taken seriously! The thing is our Scout group has just got an explorer section so we were joining another 2 groups in district on there annual camp with there leaders running it although one of our leaders was also there.


When my leader who knows my histroy ect said we need to get to hopsital ASAP there called an amblence 999 all that but the leaders didnt know the location of the field we were staying in although this was 3 miles from main roads there were roads leading onto the field! There had no idea other then there were in Borden, which really doesnt narrow it down alot. During this time I was then unconsience, this again is not unusal but is searious! On this an Air Amblence was sent out! During this time I started coming round! Slowly! By the time it had arrived the paramedic was saying I needed to get there asap as well! He tried putting me in the air amblence but through fear of unknowness and that none of my leaders could go with me as well as the amount of noise it was decided although not safer in someways that instead of 10 mins via air and 3/4 hr via road to hospital the panic would excelrate the asthma. So we drove.


On arrival I was in a state of panic as well I hate hosptials at the best of time. When I went through to Resus there were 4 doctors all touching me and plugging me into machines ect! I then started screaming and hitting everyone around me! O dear, my leader knew I would struggle in such an environment but not to this extent! Anyway, eventally after one of the nurses getting everyone to go away and slowly working even though there really wasnt time to go slow! It was all done and I was being drugged up!


My leader came in and said sercuity were outside and wanted to speak to me! She had tried to explain but one of the doctors had got sercuity! The nurse who had got me calm had then wrote on my notes that I was autistic! (This was an assumtion as it had not even been discussed with me nor my leader!) Anyway it meant that sercuity went!


I was allowed out eventally, there decided it wasnt sutible for me to stay tthe night even though I should have as I couldnt have anyone stay with me as I am over 16 (Only just!) and there were concered for the welfare of the otehr people in the ward.


Well, okay for a while as I am not allowed to go to camp until I have seen a respiratry specailist! NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS!

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Oh Mumble_Rocks >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>


I can really empathise with this - I struggled with controlling my asthma up until about 5 years ago. I too hate hospitals and have had some pretty 'interesting' moments. Most of the time I remember it was a case of me saying I was fine to avoid the hospital which as you know makes things worse.


In dealing with a similar situation again, particularly if you can't have someone with you: do you carry an autism alert card? I do - I've never used it but that's the sort of situation I have it for. You can get one from the NAS.


Long term - seeing the specialist will help. Once you have a date/consultant I would either yourself, or get someone you trust to do it, write to the consultant and inform them that you're autistic and find touch really difficult and so could they please be aware of this and tell you exactly what they are going to do.


Hope that helps!!!


p.s. it wasn't Heron's Way scout camp by any chance was it?? I got ill there when I was a Guide and no one knew where it was then!!!!!

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>:D<<'> MR >:D<<'> what a rotten thing to happen. Tell you what though, that nurse might have bent a few rules there but she seemed to know exactly what was going on with you & did the best thing possible under the circs.


Hope the specialist manages to sort something out for you.

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MR - Hope you are OK now ? that sounded awfully scary.

Take care and you'll soon be going back to camps again !

>:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

Clare x x x

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