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rainbow queen

help with homework

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this is tricky to explain


hope u understand it


as i have 2 sons and my first one is the one dx asd how can i tell what things he should be able to be doing at 6 and a half at school


we are getting homework -and ive noticed its stepped up a gear and now things are showing so much more at home-yet cause im bending over backwards to help him understand hes going in class not showing it as much


its time homework-o clock


ive just spent a nightmare 30 mins about it all

it kicked off with

the teacher said we have to use a toy clock to work it out

i said it didnt matter we have the kitchen clock-argument entails as its NOT the same ###### clock as the teacher said


ect ect

i sometimes feel its so complicated to explain to his teacher i dont know how to word it or begin...ive wrote it in his home school book -but it looks like moaning tbh and it sort of reduces it down really -when really its like full scale problem


hes on school action -no statement ....

so i have no idea really of what comes naturally to a 6 half year old compared to my son-if u see what im trying to get at........

or is there any written stuff which would explain this better that i should hand to teacher

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Hiya >:D<<'>


I've had...and do have similar problems, especially with relation to what 'the teacher said' and my interpretation of that versus my son's. I only have the one child so also have no immediate 'comparison' other than nephews/friends etc.


I think I would perhaps ask your son's teacher to tell you what the homework is in front of yr son before you leave school each day - is this possible? - if it's said to you in front of him he may be more accepting of your explanation.


It is really frustrating and I don't really have any great answers at the moment unfortunately


I would ask the teacher to make the homework as 'flexible' as possible in terms of interpretation and ask her to explain that to yr son - stuff like 'any clock' or with mine it;s been 'any pencil' 'and box' etc etc.


Mine takes very literally and to the letter what the teacher has said...any deviation and he is not happy


I hope someone can come along and give you some better suggestions >:D<<'>


Good luck

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Good advice. If you're not in a position to communicate face-to-face with the teacher on a daily basis, then write a note to her in your boy's homework jotter - teachers expect communication from home, especially with children this young, and don't worry - it's not viewed as moaning.

If your boy can't complete the homework, or is getting upset, let him stop - write a note to teacher explaining why it's not finished: this provides a written log and is helpful to look back on should you be planning on a statement, and it also provides teacher with feedback about what he is/isn't capable of and what causes communication problems, she can plan or adapt from there.

If you plug away with him getting upset, it may build up a resentment or fear of homework and cause future problems.

Edited by krystaltps

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