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The past 2 Saturdays, someone has been banging at my front door at about 3 in the afternoon. As a night-worker, I am asleep at this time. I sleep in the attic, so it takes quite a bit of noise to wake me up. They are obviously very angry to be making so much noise, so I am too scared to open the door to an angry person, in my pyjamas, but I am also scared they are going to kick the door down. I leave the key in the door so the lock can't be picked, but I cannot do this when I am out. I don't know who it is, and they don't leave a note or anything. Today it went on for 10 minutes after I had woken up, I don't know how long they were there before they woke me up. I can't go back to sleep afterwards, and now my evening is spoilt because I am tired, I will be tired all night at work, and I will have no evening tomorrow as I will have to sleep literally all day. I have ME and I cannot cope without my sleep! But I also need my evening for 'downtime.'


I thought it was The Ex, and then he rang this evening, but he just wanted to ask me a question about Fermat :lol: and when I asked if he came round he said no, and I think he's telling the truth.


It could be the Police, as my neighbour parks her car on the pavement outside my house, and you are not allowed to park on the pavement and it's something the local police take extremely seriously. When I got up later there was no parking ticket on her car, but she might have taken it off in between. But if she got a parking ticket last week, she wouldn't have parked there again this week, would she?


Or it could be someone looking for The Ex, which is another reason why I am scared to open the door.

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I wouldn't leave the key in the lock. I saw this on the real hussle - they put a sheet of newspaper under the door, pushed the key out so it feel on the paper and then could slid the key under the door and open it. You should have more than one lock on the door anyway.


Can you put a sign up saying you are a shift worker and should only be disturbed in an emergency?

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You can't slide a newspaper under my door, and the key is turned so you can't push it out from the other side. It's also just the key, nothing hanging off it, no other keys or key rings, so you wouldn't be able to reach it be reaching through the letterbox either. I have a deadlock operated by lifting the handle, and turning the key operated a normal lock and secures the deadlock. It's all done by the same key. The back door is the same.


If it's the Police or someone looking for The Ex, putting up a sign would just point out that I am actually in, so they would just knock louder and for longer. It also tells thieves that my house is empty all night.

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I thought locks were easier to pick now days with a key in as well. I thought there are a lot more levers. bits that sit in divots on the side of the key, etc... that it is hard for thieves to manage to do but if the key is in it makes their job easier after all they only then need to force the key to turn. Personally I'd phone the police and ask if they tried calling. You can explain why and the fact you are anxious as it has happened two weeks in a row. At least it gives them a heads up if there is a problem and they might be able to get someone to keep an eye open for you. Call them on their none emercency number though. You could also try casually asking a neighbour and saying that someone woke you up banging on your door but you didn't manage to get to it before they'd gone and ask did they see who it was. Surely someone will have noticed them if they were banging on the door that forcefully. Just make out you are a heavy sleeper. I used to even sleep through our fire alarm going off. Hope you manage to get to the bottom of this as it must be distressing.


The police may at least be able to supply you with a chain or something else to secure your door if nothing else.

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It may be worth your while looking into some sort of CCTV system as well, or even just a dummy camera. I'm no expert on these things (living on an island means we can be out all day with the door wide open and nothing bad happens... we have actually done this by accident - we'd never survive in a city :unsure: ), but I know you can get dummy cameras that have motion sensors and are quite convincing. If it is someone who's trying to hassle you, they may think twice if they are going to be caught on camera.

A basic CCTV system only costs about �50-60 these days. I got one to keep an eye on R during the night when his seizures were really bad, as his alarm would go off when he was turning in bed and I was up and downstairs like a yo-yo.

It would mean you could just check the monitor to see who's at your door, then decide if you want to answer it or not - a bit like call-waiting but for doorsteps (I LIKE that idea :D ).

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Tally, I wouldn't assume that they are angry, it could be that they are just persistent in knocking a long while. My first thought was that maybe someone was trying to deliver something, but then realised it was just happening on a Saturday, so probably not. It could be salesmen. We get alot round here, and they always seem to pick a particular day and time. They also tend to knock for a long time. I've turned into evil housewife from hell as a result :ph34r: We have so many peeps knocking at our door. Gas, leccy, phone, windows, Jehovah's.....the list is endless, and it could be that whoever is knocking on your door is doing so with a mind to selling something or other. Maybe installing CCTV would be helpful as has already been suggested, if you were able to afford it. If you felt up to it, have a word with neighbours....have they had the same experience? Whoever it is, will soon get fed up. It's a shame you couldn't have a little peek out of the window, take care >:D<<'>

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If it was someone who was trying to chase up your ex I don't think they would necessarily come the same - ish time 2 regular Saturdays. Sounds more like someone doing the rounds - such as salesman or religious caller?? Anyway wholeheartedly agree with putting up cctv. Can be done with just a simple webcam - wireless if necessary. I've got one outside my house now and gives peace of mind.

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I don't think it was a salesman. They were banging extremely hard, for a long time. I would sleep through someone just knocking normally. The only time I've heard someone knocking that hard before was to do with another car parked outside my house and there was no room to get the fire engine past. I opened the door to a very angry fireman shouting and swearing at me to move the car, and it wasn't even my car. I'm guessing it was the police about the car.


Next Saturday I am leaving a note on the door saying that the car is not mine, and I am a night-shift worker so please do not knock unless the house is on fire.


I'm also going to ask the police if they know anything about it. They don't answer their phone so I am going to have to go in to the police station on my day off.

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Think that is a good idea, does sound like its something to do with the parking.

Not very nice for you all the same, you should be able to relax and get the sleep you need in your own home.

Hope you find a resolve quickly.

Clare x x x

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