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anyone heard of or had this happen

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Just had a call from Headteacher and she has now suggested that J uses and MP3 player while in class doing group work!

She has managed to get him into class today under the understanding that she phones me to tell me what she has suggested and that J goes into class foe teaching time. She has said that she is just clutching things out of the air in a bid to get him into class. I'm at a loss as to what to do aswell and aslo she has said that he is choosing to sta out of class....I'm sorry but if he isn't sure why he feels he can't go into class then YES he will CHOOSE to stay out Aargh :wallbash:

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Guest Lya of the Nox

she is letting him use the mp3 to zone out all the other nosies that stress him outs.

meggzs works best in exams, cos there is complete silence

if i were her tho i would try and barter in a different way, he should go into class for a wee bit, then give him a reward, but i am not a teacher


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Just had a call from Headteacher and she has now suggested that J uses and MP3 player while in class doing group work!

She has managed to get him into class today under the understanding that she phones me to tell me what she has suggested and that J goes into class foe teaching time. She has said that she is just clutching things out of the air in a bid to get him into class. I'm at a loss as to what to do aswell and aslo she has said that he is choosing to sta out of class....I'm sorry but if he isn't sure why he feels he can't go into class then YES he will CHOOSE to stay out Aargh :wallbash:


Hi kellyanne :D -

turning that on its head a bit: If he isn't sure why he feels he can't go into class and so chooses not to go in, how can he become sure about what feels and overcome those feelings?

You've got yourself one of them there classic Catch 22's. There is absolutely no other way of getting him into the classroom than putting him in there...

The MP3 strategy makes sense in many ways - I used a 'walkman' CD player to faciitate Ben being able to cope with supermarkets and shops (graduated to gameboy and now PSP, but the same principle applies and now it's more just to stop him getting bored than to stop him wigging out - but he does have the occassional 'wig' too!), but I'd suggest they spend some time getting him used to wearing the headphones and listening to the music first, otherwise that's two 'new things' at the same time. I'd also be cautious about the type of music... new agey tinklings might be a bit twee, but better that than him blasting out the lyrics to his fave Spice Girls track or spitting the lyrics of his hip-hop klassics collection. :lol:



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Hi kellyanne :D -

turning that on its head a bit: If he isn't sure why he feels he can't go into class and so chooses not to go in, how can he become sure about what feels and overcome those feelings?

You've got yourself one of them there classic Catch 22's. There is absolutely no other way of getting him into the classroom than putting him in there...

The MP3 strategy makes sense in many ways - I used a 'walkman' CD player to faciitate Ben being able to cope with supermarkets and shops (graduated to gameboy and now PSP, but the same principle applies and now it's more just to stop him getting bored than to stop him wigging out - but he does have the occassional 'wig' too!), but I'd suggest they spend some time getting him used to wearing the headphones and listening to the music first, otherwise that's two 'new things' at the same time. I'd also be cautious about the type of music... new agey tinklings might be a bit twee, but better that than him blasting out the lyrics to his fave Spice Girls track or spitting the lyrics of his hip-hop klassics collection. :lol:




I can see what you are saying with regard to how can he be sure if he doesn't go in and I do agree. Short of strapping him to a chair they've run out of ideas.

He was allowed to choose his fave music at the mo it's craig david..so hopefully when I pick him up he should've atleast spent half a day in class.


if i were her tho i would try and barter in a different way, he should go into class for a wee bit, then give him a reward,


Lya they tried this and they used the computer as a reward and still he said no and refused, which I would've thought that he would've agreed to it as the computer is his 'thing'.

They also have told him that he will lose going into lunch first and also other things but still all they got was a refusal. :tearful:

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Guest Lya of the Nox

so he is soo stressed he cannot be bribed?

or dislikes something that much

they need to find out what it is.

cant type thi will call you


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Your headteacher sounds like she's really open to new ideas, so that's really good. Would they let your lad take a special toy with him into class to hold and distract himself with? When my lad was at primary they used to allow him to carry little toys with him all the time and he could sit in class and fiddle with them as long as he was as quiet as he could be. It didn't prevent him from listening, as even though it looked like he wasn't paying attention, he actually could hear what the teacher was saying. Maybe your lad is bored and needs something to do with his hands to keep him interested. When my lad got too noisy they would take him out without fuss to go and do something else. Just a thought.


~ Mel ~

Edited by oxgirl

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Hey hun,


I'm with lya - they need to work out much, much smaller steps for him and gradually move up them, rather than just bung on some headphones and get him back into class.

Any ideas on why he hates it? Is it a noise thing?



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Me again! :rolleyes:


Just read on your other thread that he either doesn't know or isn't able to verbalise why he doesn't like it in class.

How does he react? What is the first sign that he can't cope in class? Can you see a pattern in his behaviour in something he dislikes at home?? For example - M will begin to rub his ear if he's getting confused at home - but to the school, that didn't mean a think until i spotted him doing it and told them :). It's often easier for us mammys to pick up on 'coz we know our children that much better.


Will he tolerate the room when he's alone? Can he do any rooms with other children? Is it because he's learnt it's too confusing? Or is it too boring!?


Other than that, it's a case of the 'it could be this.......' and working through them.



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Hi smiley.

J is very sensitive to noise not sure if it is this that is making him refuse to go into class.. Had a chat with Lya and she has given me some good things to ask the school in my meeting tomorrow. He sits in the library on his own and goes into base with his STA and the other aspie lad and they do small pieces of work together.

When J is stressed he fiddles with his hands and rubs his fingers together I'm not sure if he does this in class but I will ask tomorrow and see what they say

All your other questions aboutn it being confusing or boring is somethiing I'm gonna have to talk with him and the school about

Edited by kellyanne

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