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Behaviour problems in school

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M is nearly 8, diagnosed ASD a year ago. He has always had big temper tantrums since he entered the 'terrible twos' and never came out the other end, i'm sure you understand me!!! When he started school he would contain himself all day and explode in the playground every evening. This continued until the end of year 1. Once in year 2 he started 'exploding' in class. Nothing too bad at that time. He would take himself out the classroom and run up and down the corridor or would kick and scream when I left in the morning. By the end of year 2 we had been called in because he hit his pregnant class teacher in the stomach. I at the time told her I was sorry she had been put in this position of teaching a child with ASD who had no support.


Now in year 3 his behaviour has got worse. He has had lots of change and upset this year as his new class teacher (who also turned out to be pregnant) was off on long term sick just weeks into the new term. She had however identified how hard he was finding school. By now he was crawling up and down the carpet every afternoon and not working. She applied for exceptional needs funding and was turned down. She came back for a couple of months then had to start maternity leave 3 months early through health problems and he had 2 supply teachers. The school tried to be consistant and the same two teachers shared the week. Things then got worse. He was getting frequently angry and refusing time out and walking out the class. Then he started picking up chairs. He wanders the class not working. Things aren't good. The school employed another class LSA so there is someone in the class all day but this has had little effect.


Last week I met his teacher (long term supply). He told me how he won't work, wanders the class, never writes and constantly answers him back. He wanted to know what he could do to help, but I just don't know. Other than provide 1-1 which they won't do I am lost for ideas.


The Head has finally admitted she doesn't know how to handle his behaviour. They have input form the AA teacher (who i'm convinced is just a text book advisor having never had any practice of working with kids with autism) and also the ed psych. The school says they put the things in place they are told to do but it's not specific advice for M, so it doesn't work.


Today i've had a letter from school telling me they are not happy with his behaviour. They say they understand the temper tantrums but feel he is sometimes deliberately hitting out. He is hurting the other kids etc.


My husband is not happy about this letter as we have always approached the school because of m's problems but they have never acknowledged them. The school is very reluctant to apply for statutory assessment as they believe they won't get any extra funding anyway. Me and DH are now of the opinion he may need to go to a special school now as he still can't read or write properly. He has a private tutor who has been working with him for 15 months and she says she has made no progress with him. He still can't blend his sounds. Both his old class teacher and the private tutor believe he also has dyslexia.


I feel we need the school on our side if we apply for statutory assessment as she can be aukward. Tomorrow we have our annual appointment to see m's consultant. Is there anything she can do to help us with stat assessment?


Any advice would be welcome as I feel i'm not getting anywhere.


Thanks, mum22boys >:D<<'>

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Hi hun ............we did,nt have a consultant on board but a physchiatrist who aknowledged my sons probs and that he needed a statement to help at school.My son was statemented when he was 7 yrs.I,d get on a mission with the school they should be able to find out if he is dyslexic, if they are unhelpful you can get a private dx via the dyslexia inst.We did for our son , which helped with ammunition for the statement.We also had eye and auditory assessments done .The auditory one we had to pay for as it was specialised but showed he had aud processing probs aswell (he can,t learn in a noisy environment, he does,nt hear some sounds ie push is heard as puff..)I,d really push the school to assist with statementing ...where do they propose to go from here??.............check all his iep,s are up to date and he is on school action plus...and you or the school can apply for an assessment.He may be better off in a more specialised environment and a statement will be vital.Don,t let the school fob you off, educationally and emotionally he needs some assistance, best wishes and good luck suzex. >:D<<'>

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Hello, my son was very much like this and struggled as he got older (now 14). the work is getting harder and if they do not progress then they will struggle and then this is shown in their behaviour because they don't know how to handle their emotions/anxiety, plus all the other stuff going on sensory, routine or lack of it, changes etc.


The letter the school sent you is evidence saying that they can't meet his needs-keep it. If the school are not meeting his needs and his behaviour is getting worse (which is what is happening) you can apply for an RSA and the school should support you.


Have you any one from PP involved to support you.

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