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Getting my son assessed

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My boy has been really struggling since we moved house and he started a new school.

At his old school he was on a school action plan and they dealt with him brilliantly,but it was only a tiny school,now we have moved to a huge school that is really strictly run and the dont have time for him.

His self esteem is getting bashed by the minute and they keep telling him off for things he cant help,he is constantly getting warnings written in his home/school diary and incident slips for "bad behaviour" and is being threatened to be put on reoprt,which is a step away from being expelled!

He isnt a naughty boy and is always devasted when he comes home and tells me he got more warnings in his diary.

Its always for silly things like talking too much,not concentrating,fidgeting all the time,fiddling with equipment after he has been told not to,calling out answers when it isnt his turn.These are all part of who he is,he cant help them.

He is the same at home but we are used to him and make allowances-we accept him.

He is being made to feel so ashamed of himself at school each and every time something like this happens.

Its not on,I have called the school nurse and spoke to her today and she advised us to get him assessed,She said not to bother with CAMHS and to go to aour community peadiatrician

Is this the right route?

I have made an appoinment so see my GP on Tuesday of next week and hope he will refer us to the comm. paed.

Cany anyone give us any advise here,are we going down the right tack?

The nurse also said that she would speak to the head of year about my boy and explain things to them and that we are putting things in place now regarding his needs.

Thank you for any replies I would appreciate them.I want my son to be happy and he isnt :-(

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Hi Abby

How old is your son? His school doesnt sound too understanding :( have you thought about arranging a meeting with the head to explain your sons situation/needs? My son was first referred through my health visitor to a communtiy pead - she didnt diagnois him straight away and he saw lots of other proffesional's too - speech and lang therapists ed phych's ect but he was eventually diagnosed by his pead with asd so i think asking for a referall from your dr is the first step onto the right track. I hope things get sorted out for you both.


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We were also refferred by our GP several years ago, to a consultant pead, who diagnosed our son with AS.

I know just how you feel about school, J was given dozens of detentions when he went into secondary school for the same reasons. The head of the AEN had to personally speak to each of his tutors so that they understood that he was not acting out and that his behaviour was due to his condition, one year on and he is still having issues.

I hope it goes well for you, I feel for you alot, its a terrible situation to be in. Good luck >:D<<'>

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Hi Brooke

My son is 9


...and thanks gothschild

We went back to GP to ask to be referred to a comunity paed as opposed to CAMHS and she said she hadnt heard of CAMHS not being the first port of call and that she didnt think they were that stretched that we wouldnt get an appoinment for ages and said we were going down the right route with CAMHS,She said she would check with her secretary who is very clued up on the matters apparently and will get back to me to make sure we are going down the right route.

So,just the waiting game now until the next step.

I have spoken to my sons teacher on the phone and made an apointment with her and the SENCO week after half term.

If I dont feel I am getting through i will ask to see the Head but to be honest,he is a right **** and only wants his school to look good at all times no matter what.Doesnt seem to care about the kids,only the schools reputation.

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His self esteem is getting bashed by the minute and they keep telling him off for things he cant help,he is constantly getting warnings written in his home/school diary and incident slips for "bad behaviour" and is being threatened to be put on reoprt,which is a step away from being expelled!

He isnt a naughty boy and is always devasted when he comes home and tells me he got more warnings in his diary.

Its always for silly things like talking too much,not concentrating,fidgeting all the time,fiddling with equipment after he has been told not to,calling out answers when it isnt his turn.These are all part of who he is,he cant help them.

He is being made to feel so ashamed of himself at school each and every time something like this happens.



Hey Abby,

many of us can relate to your situation, so you're in good company here!I think you should have a look at the education section as it helps if you know your sons rights and suchhlike. I noticed that you included the reasons the school are disciplining your son, and I have to say, I don't think those are grounds for possible expulsion- I don't think theyd be legally able to expel/exclude for such matters. Repeated violence, yes, but fidgeting? Being talkative? Are they mad? Im sure theres a current post that has a bit on this, I'll see if I can find it, but my word! What do they do if a child lashes out?

I think you're right to speak with head, perhaps he'll surprise you?....hope springs eternal and all that! But I hope things get resolved well for you. Don't hold back on telling him how badly your son is being made to feel, thats just unacceptable and I would be raging- poor wee soul, its just not fair.

Good luck, Abby. Let us know how it goes, hey?


Esther x

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