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SEN, pupil referral units, and exclusion

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Thats terrible!


I am sending my son to a unit in September and I am going to appeal to the tribunal because of the way the LEA are sending him there. Its not a PRU its a specialist unit for ASD's attached to a mainstream school.


They have refused to give him a statutory assessment (again) even though the evidence for one is overwhealming so I have accepted the placement, registered my child at the school and I am being equally 'underhanded' by taking them to tribunal.

I have decided that as they have named the placement they will find it very hard to take back the offer (discrimination), so I'm calling their bluff!


I am shocked that these PRU units are only giving sub-standard help to the most vunerable of students! To treat SEN children or indeed any child is such a way is dreadful. Parents put a lot of trust in LEA's, we are allowing them to take care of our most precious 'belongings' its so wrong! :tearful:


gothschild x

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