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Diagnosis confirmed......

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He has got ADHD and Autistic spectum dissorder. She wants him to have an IQ test because he knows what he should be acting like in the tests and in therory but in reality he behaves nothing like this and doesn't cope with social situations, is rude, has meldowns and generally doesn't understand etc etc over the very things he understands in theory unless he is in a one to one situation with an adult. He passed all the tests she gave to him and he had her very confused, I was just so glad that I'd given her all the copies of what the school and Autism Outreach who observed him at school said about him because she said she would never have diagnosed ASD otherwise only ADHD. She said that it could be that he is highly intelegent and has learnt how to cope but it all gets too much at school now that it is getting harder and he has to sit still more.


I have another appointment on the 15th Sept to discuss "treatment" bit worried about that bit. I am pretty sure she will be talking about drugs but don't know what to think about it yet. Hubby was saying if he needs them he needs them before diagnosis, now he is saying no way! I feel that if they make his school life easier for him and maybe get him to sit still for more than a nano second so he can do a bit of work it may be good. Hubby is now a closed book on the subject and doesn't realy want to discuss it and DS should just have to behave.


At least we now have the peice of paper that will hopefully lead to a statement and help at school for him. They are very good and will do all they can to push for this statement because they are worried that if the TA that sometimes works with him leaves then DS will be totally stuffed.



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Hello, my son, who is nearly 9, has ADHD and HFA (also Dyspraxia and poss Tourettes).


He was dx with HFA when he had just turned 8 (ADHD when he was 7). The whole autism dx process took longer because he "didn't fit all the boxes" My son's consultant eventually dx him with HFA, saying that if he had been brought to her at 3 or 4 years old she would have dx him with Aspergers. However, because he is clever he has learnt coping mechanisms. (all unknown to me at the time!). He still has lots of social problems that arise with autism.


Regarding his ADHD, he is on medication. It wasn't an easy decision to make. At first I was completely against it. Who really wants to put their children on medication? But I trawled thru the net and eventually came to a decision that I was actually harming my son's chances of a normal life without it. Medication is not an answer to ADHD, but used with various management systems and therapy can make the childs life (and indeed the whole family) a whole lot better.


Take time to absorb all the information you have had. Its a lot to take in. In then end , you know your child more than anyone, and between you and your hubby and child will make the right decision.


Take care

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Glad to hear you've got that "piece of paper" now sooze and that you have a cooperative school to work with - it takes a lot of stress out of the whole situation. Good luck for the process of getting a statement, and for the appointment on the 15th.


K x

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