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Appeal to SENDIST re: No to Stat Assessment by LA

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Hi everyone


I have completed the appeal form and am now on Section 5 - My reasons why the LA should do a stat assessment.


I have written out in rough what I want to say, but wondered if anyone would be willing to have a read of it if I can email them and see if I am on the right track? Or I some sends me a personal message I could put it on there leaving out DS's name?


Its just in the book 'How to be a Velvet Bulldozer' the author says that when SENDIST receive your appeal form they decide whether there is a case to answer before the register the appeal and give you an appeal date. Also, that it has to be from a legal standpoint? If this makes sense?


Can anyone help?


I would have called SENDIST and asked them or IPSEA, but I only read that bit in the book at 5.05pm and it was too late. I want to get this off asap as I have been ill for 6 weeks and having an ok day so need to do it while I am well!





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