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Does someone who goes against almost every trait and and has no real classic characteristics of Asperger?s Syndrome. Mean that they dont have it?


As my own views and observations of Asperger Syndrome (as I have been diagnosed with it) yet this person, it seems more like ADAD or ADAH with them,

as Aspergers is a communication and Social characteristic, and if they go against these and do fine they Its not aspergers is it?


As someone like myself has all the characteristics and have been diagnosed with both Aspergers and ADAH.


I do not offer this as medical advice or as a clinical or scientific study. These are simply things I have learned through my own research and observation that I hope will be beneficial to readers.



Edited by Scotslad

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its difficult to say, as they may not show all their traits, but think and worry about things, and try to mask their problems.


without knowing the person and all the facts its impossible to say..

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Hmm....weeeellll, I've got to say that before my son went on methyphenidate meds, his ADHD symptoms were all that an observer could see, because they were so animated and 'in yer face' that you didn't have the opportunity to observe the difficulties his A.S. was causing him. I spose the AS was masked by his ADHD in other words. Also, the ADHD behaviours simply took precedence because they HAD to, many behaviours were so outrageous they endangered my son and others, so that became the focus out of necessity.

Once the meds were prescribed though, gawd, it was like being slapped in the face, the AS traits and the difficulties he was experiencing every day really stood out. I felt dreadful, actually, because I realised how unfair some sanctions must have seemed to him-how unfair some actually were, because the source of his behaviours had been his AS, but the ADHD meant we couldn't deal with that. BIG guilt trip, but we're getting there now.


I dunno if I'm even answering your question, Scotslad!! :rolleyes:

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Well you certainly aswered some of mine!! When my son was put on medication for his ADHD it was as though he became autistic overnight!! I felt like you, guilty, I couldnt beleive how I hadnt noticed it, how I had expected him to conform and act in a certain way, it was a huge shock to me, and a huge learning curve. sorry if we`ve hijacked this thread. >:D<<'> Enid

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I think that's a really common response when ASD/ADHD children start meds for ADHD. After I saw several people mention it here I told my friend about it as her daughter was starting meds after getting diagnosed with ASD and ADHD. She was a bit dismissive of it at the time and I thought, "oh well, I've done what I can." But she came back to me two weeks later absolutely gushing because exactly that had happened and she would have been so worried if I hadn't warned her!

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And yet because the 2 conditions are so....contradictory of each other, in a diagnostic sense, there are lots of professionals who assume someone cannot have these conditions as co-morbids.

It really is nuts, though, how striking the ASD traits become. And how big the new can of worms that gets opened is!! :D

Just glad we finally gave him meds, I think life would be VERY different now if we hadn't.


I really do think a re-evaluation of diagnostic criteria should be carried out though, as so many kids 'can't' be on the spectrum because they can do this, that or the other thing.... when in reality, they are indeed on the spectrum but have a good imagination, for example. How many of us has heard that one?


Rant over! ;)

Edited by pookie170

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