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Curious, do I have it?

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I thought I'd ask you lovely people your opinion on myself and my daughter, I'm not sure if we have aspergers, something else or if we are just strange/awkward lol. I'm thinking of going to the doctors to get diagnosed but want to double check what everyone with experience with it thinks, I don't want to walk in tell the doc I think I have something and for him to think I'm a nutter, hypochondriac or attention seeker etc, so here is a run down of some of the things I did as a child and some of the things / thoughts etc I do now;


I was obsessed with the number 4 as a child, I had to touch things at certian angles 4 times, twice with each hand(so that it's even). I still do this now, like if my husband accidentally touches just the tip of my little finger it sets me off I have to do a set pattern with my hand to make them right, same with my feet, it's not the number 4 anymore just as long as it's even and feels right so it could be 2, 4 6 8 times. At one point I tried to control it and stop myself but that made me develop an even more embarassing habit, I make noises or blurt out words for no apparent reason, my latest one is hissing like a snake rather then saying a word beginning with S, I don't randomly do it I know a few seconds before hand I'm going to do it but can't stop myself if I'm in a relaxed environment(i.e home), if I'm in public I have to bite my lip, tongue, cough anything so that I can't say something. The words are usually in a different tone of voice, almost a comical high pitched tone, it's hard to describe.


Few more from my childhood, I went through a phase of not wearing socks for about 5 months I hated them and refused to wear them at all, then when I eventually did wear socks they had to be odd ones. My mum also told me that I wouldn't go to bed unless I had medicine so my parents filled an old(cleaned out) medicine bottle with syrupy cordial so I'd think I was having medicine. I wouldn't speak at school, only whisper, this went on the entire time I was at primary school I even remember having 'special lessons' on my own and also teachers often shouting at me because I wouldn't speak.


I had friends at school 4 or 5 of them but not if that makes sense, I'd play with them at school but out of school I didn't see them and I never felt close to any of them, I didn't particulalry like any of them. I've always struggled with making friends, 90% of the time I had no one, 10% of the time there were people I could hang out with but felt no connection or even liked that much. I always preffered my own company and would sit and play happily on my own for hours and as a teenager I prefferred laying on my bed staring into space listening to music then 'hanging out' with people I didn't really like. Even now I have 1 friend, we are close via email and talk about anything and everything but face to face I just don't know how to interact, we've known each other for nearly 2yrs and I still get nervous going to her house and can't relax and constantly worry I'll say the wrong thing or my husband will and she'll hate me etc. I get incredibly lonely but just can't make friends, I try online but after a few messages it kinda just fizzles out because I don't know what to chat about.


I also get very passionate almost obsessional about things and then more or less lose interest in them. This time last year i was obsessed with fish, all I talked about was fish, I spent every spare penny I had on fish, tanks, food, equipment etc, I joined several forums and would sit on them for hours, not posting an awful lot but just reading and constantly refreshing to see what was new. Then it was fake hair, synthetic dreadlocks, wigs, extensions etc and again I joined a community and obsessively sat there on the forum just lurking and that's all I talked about and spent money on. I still like fish and hair but I'm not as obsessive over it and my husband doesn't have to suffer with the 'guess what I read on the .... forum today, so and so did this blah blah'. He always knows when I have a new obsession because I'll join a forum for it and talk about it all the time and joke with me that so and so is my new obsession.


Think that's some of the major ones I have smaller things like starting a sentence in my head and finishing it out loud so my husband has no idea what I'm on about or we'll talk about something and 10 minutes later I'll say something about that subject and again he'll be confused and then remind me that we were talking about that 10 minutes ago and that I need to state what I'm talking about. Most of the time I have to have jokes explained to me, it's ok when it's just my husband but in public I have to just laugh like everyone else and then ask him later what was funny. I also space out sometimes and can't concentrate on one conversation if someone else is talking example being at my friends house me and her will talk a little bit whilst my husband and her fiancee ramble on and it distracts me and next thing I know she's staring at me blankly like she's just asked me something and then I panic and just smile and have to apologise and get her to repeat what she's just said. I also come out with the most random things like last night i said to my husband I wonder if anyone has ever had hot chocolate with breast milk in it. I am very paranoid about things as well I imagine people are talking about me(which they prob are as I'm very different visually), I worry about situations, I dream up scenarios about things. Like if we are going on a day out I dream up every possible scenario what we'll do say etc and I'll go over and over it. I also have conversations in my head, like if I want to discuss something with someone I will imagine how the conversation will go and go over and over it and sometimes in the end I dont even bring it up. Recent one for this was asking my mother in law to give me a few informal driving lessons, I imagined how to bring it up what I would say what she would say etc and then didn't say anything to her I chickened out.


Also certain fabrics, words & smells make me feel ill, words like precious(particularly bad one for me) it sends shivers down my spine and I usually end up doing a hand pattern, same with certain fabrics i can't touch them and some smells make me feel ill and uncomfortable. That's just reminded me I hate being touched over my clothes, like last night for example I had an itchy back and asked my husband if he could scratch it well he forgot and just went to scratch over my top I screeched at him and then had to apologise and explain it has to be on bare skin even though he knows all this already. I'm quite lucky really my husband is very supportive and loves all my weird little ways he even misses my noises and words when were apart :)


Eye contact as well, I'm pants at that I didn't look my husband in the eyes for more then a second for about the first 2 months we were together. My dad I always had trouble with and even now I sometimes don't look him in the eye same with my mum and brother. New people I just can't look at and that makes people think I'm a moody rude person, I remember in one of my first jobs when i was 16 I didn't look my co-worker in the eyes for about 4 weeks I always used to be hunched over my desk and would talk to her and move my eyes all around, like look at her hair or the wall behind her or something which won't have given a very good impression.


Sorry this is such an epic post everyone it's just the more I think about it the more little things I keep remembering, I think I'll stop with me there and move onto my daughter. She's 3 but I'm starting to suspect she might have something wrong with her she has certain rules and patterns that have to be adhered to or she gets upset. The main one being who does what, daddy has to do virtually everything, she gets angry / upset if I do things for her, example being just earlier I was awake before her and I heard her waking up so I popped my head around her door and she screeched at me to get out and get daddy, same every morning, most days I'm not allowed to dress her, cook her food anything like that. She has episodes of being so upset over absolutely nothing. Like the early hours last night I woke up to her screaming and my husband half asleep trying to strip her bed because she'd spilt her drink on it. So I went in straight away 'get out mummy, I don't want you' but I stayed regardless and she was just sobbing consantly and we both kept asking her what was wrong and she'd just say nothing's wrong, so we had to run off a list of what it could be, do you want a drink, do you have a tummy ache(she has bowel problems) do you need a wee she just kept saying nothing before eventually she said she needed a wee so we took her she sat down and couldn't go and so got even more upset because she couldn't wee, we kept reassuring her that it was fine she didn't have to have one but it was no use she just sat on the toilet for about 5 mins crying saying she couldn't wee, then when she got off the toilet and had her nappy put back on she was sobbing and then wanted a hug off me then she just totally spaced out and stared at the wall and picked her lip, I was talking to her asking her what she wanted to do tomorrow and again ran off a list of her fav games to play and then said she had to go back to sleep for a bit first and then we could play, she just wasn't there if you know what I mean and then all of a sudden she stopped was all smiles and got in bed and said goodnight.


She hates loud noises, she says people have hit her if they just touch her, she has a terrible fear of nail clippers and of anyone touching her hair(I have to comb her har every other day becuase she gets so upset). She has obsessions over situations like pre-school she went through a phase were if her fav teacher wasn't there she wouldn't stay. If they have the box of dolls out she HAS to have the teddybear backpack and if anyone else is even standing near it she freaks out, she hates having messy hands and will demand her hands be cleaned if she has the slightest thing on them, like if she has a tiny bit of chocolate on her finger i tell her to just lick it off she demands her hands be washed. It's mainly just things have to be done certain ways by certain people and she has to have certain things as well or she kicks off and sobs her heart out and then just suddenly stops and is fine. She also comes out with things so randomly and quite hurtful, like last night she was playing in the bath when she just started crying so my husband asked her what was wrong and she just kept syaing mummy doesn't love me, she doesn't like me I hate her my husband kept telling her that I do love her etc but she just kept saying no and when I tried to go in she just screamed for me to leave and then 5 mins later she started crying for me, she often has moments like that. It's usually directed at her granny some days she adores her and then other days she will scream and hide and cry if her granny is even in the house.


I'll leave it at that for now, thank you for reading and I would really apprciate any feedback particularly as to whether either or both of us might have aspergers as like I said I don't want to go to the doctors asking about a diagnosis only for them to more or less laugh at me and send me packing.




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It a bit early, sill recovering from yesterday, for me to have any meaningful thoughts on what you have said in your post other than some of it sounds familiar to me..

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yes, lots of familiar symptoms, you definitely have OCD and possibly AS.


Asking your doc about these things can feel really awkward but you have to... if you don't like talking to your GP see if you can see someone else. Ask for a referral to see a psychiatrist. Sounds scary, I know, but it might just make everythin g better for you...

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Hello, and welcome to the forum.


There are many things which could point to ASD in both you and your daughter. Of course, no one can diagnose you through a forum, but there are definitely many things which are worth investigating.


You definitely seem to have the obsessive traits. It sounds like you actually have OCD and possibly Tourettes. OCD is extremely common is Tourettes, and may be more connected to that than ASD. It's also possible to have both Asperger's and Tourettes.


The eye contact issue is one I struggle with too (I have AS). I find that watching people's mouths of foreheads makes people think I am making eye contact. People have even commented that I make really good eye contact, though I actually don't. I don't know if this would work for you, but you might like to give it a try.


As for your daughter, well you have highlighted many issues there. Have you discussed it with the Health Visitor at all? They are sometimes more helpful than GPs from what I have heard.


One thing stood out, and that was the bit about your daughter's 'blank' episode. Is this something you have seen before? It might have been a partial seizure. Lip smacking or other repetitive movements are typical of partial seizures. The fact that she suddenly changed and 'came back' suggests that something happened, rather than a behavioural thing. It is definitely something worth talking to the Dr about, since it might be a sign of epilepsy.

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Hi kel,


Being in Cambridgeshire is quite fortunate. If you have a look at the Autism Research Centre (ARC) - {part of the University of Cambridge} website, there are some self-screening questionnaires which are quite reliable and would be quite useful to take along to the docs.


There's also a fair bit of information on autistic features in younger kids, which could be quite useful.


Cambridgeshire has a very good children's Asperger services, and a good audlt diagnosis service called CLASS at the ARC. Although actual services for adults are very limited.


You might also want to check out what support might be available from Umbrella Autism and Red2Green in Cambridge.


I would be very cautious about pursuing a diagnosis for yourself unless you need it to access services, or the lack of diagnosis is causing you significant distress. It's a diagnosis for life and would have to be declared in many different circumstances (i.e. applying for life insurance, medical insurance and job applications).



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Hello there,


Obviously I am no expert on this, well other than having a husband and daughter with Aspergers. Let me start over, being that I am an expert in this! LOL :whistle:

As I was saying I saw a couple of things in your post that really hit home with me. The biggest for me being the "I don't want you" thing at bedtime. My daughter does this quite a bit. If I am being honest I would say that what I read about you personally sounded a lot like OCD. When my daughter was very young she displayed a couple of OCD traits like she used to pull out her hair. I think that it was more to do with her not liking to have tangles in her hair. If you know that something is a bit off then I would say go and get it checked into. Don't worry about them thinking you are a hypochondriac or an attention seeker. If you think that there is a problem or some issues than go and talk to someone.

p.s. I liked your comment about being visually different! LOL I too am visually different and I found that everyone still took me seriously. Sometimes it is a worry that professionals may take one look at you and think some things might be down to your alternative lifestyle or something, but I didn't find that at all other than in other parents at school etc. Anyway feel free to send me a message if you like, Skye

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Thank you all for your replies, sorry for the date I posted we don't celebrate xmas so it's just a normal few days for us and I forget and then wonder why the shops aren't open, people aren't online etc and then remember, I appreciate you all taking the time to read my post.


Thanks for the eye contact tip tally, I never though of looking at peoples foreheads, i tend to look all round them and even around there face but not the eyes which could appear rude, like I'm not listening or something. The blank episode I think is more her totally ignoring us then an actual seizure, I discussed it with my husband and he said when she's like that he can get her to respond with bribery, it's just me she totally blanks.


Suzy, thanks for the names of different places, I'm looking into them, I downloaded an assesment form but it made no sense at all to me so I took an AQ test and scored 33, although it really annoyed me how general it is I mean alot of the questions depended on the situation really like noticing car number plates etc I do it sometimes but not consistently so it was difficult to answer or like the questions " I find myself drawn more strongly to people then things" that was another tough one because I'm a very lonely person and would love friends but I just can't I'm just so incompetent at making / keeping friends and then I thought well what does it mean by things anyway, like would I rather play on a games console(the thing) then go to a party(people),so yeah I found it a bit of a struggle knowing what answer really applied. I think I wanted a diagnosis just so I know once and for all why I am the way I am, I mean for so many years I've tried and tried to do things differently and tried to fit in and act normal and make friends, stop all my little compulsions etc but I've never succeeded. I am a little worried about getting a diagnosis because I don't want to be discriminated against and I definately don't want my daughter to either, I know how cruel kids can be so if they were to find out she had something wrong with her(if she does) I imagine they'd tease her about it.


Skye - I wasn't sure what to put about my appearance, I'm not physically different as in disfigured or in a wheelchair so I thought hmmm visually different that sounds about right. See the problem with my daughter is because she's my first and I have no friends with kids her age(my only friend has a little boy who's younger then her) so I have nothing to compare her with behaviour wise. So it's hard to know what is normal / tantrum style behaviour and what is too bizarre / extreme to be considered a normal 3yr olds behaviour. A classic example of not being sure is yesterday, as I said we don't celebrate xmas but my husband's bday is the 28th so we have a big celebration then and any presents we've got off others for xmas we open then. Anyway I'd stacked all my daughter's presents up on the floor and my husband's on the sofa, I think she had 20 in total(big boxes as well) and she was really excited, I'd closed the living room door and said we'd decorate daddy's cake whilst he had a bath, she loved doing that and then couldn't wait to get in there. Opened the door she ran in and said wow pink presents and then just stood there for about 3 mins just looking and I said aren't you going to open some of them, she said no that she needed to re-arrange them, so she moved the boxes about, then stacked them up then sat down on a chair and asked for a yoghurt and wanted the tv on, then that was her for an hour. I kept asking her if she wanted to open a present and she just blanked me, I eventually got her to open a present which was one of the smaller ones a princess crown set she threw it across the room huffed and just sat quietly for a few mins and then moved the other presents around again, I won't go through the rest of what happened for the next couple of hours as it was pretty much the same. Then all of a sudden she just perked up was all excited again and started to open her presents 'normally' i.e rip the paper off and want to play with the toy inside and was really happy, then she spotted the crown set again and loved it she was like 'wow mummy look at this' and wanted it out to play with which I found so confusing as only a few hours earlier she'd seemed so displeased with it. It's things like that which make me wonder if it's normal behaviour or something else. Another example of her odd traits is 1am last night she woke up, I went in to see to her and straight away I got 'no, leave now' but I persisted because my husband was totally wiped out from his bday and I wasnt going to wake him. Anyway I sat and explained to her that daddy was very tired and was asleep, which then set her off crying her eyes out insiting that daddy was lost and that she needed a hug from him, I sat there for 30 mins with her, she kept calming down and almost being happy and saying she would go to sleep and then all of a sudden she'd be bawling and repeating the same thing that daddy was lost and she wanted a hug from him then she said she wanted her brother I told her she didn't have a brother(she's an only child) she then told me daddy was her brother so then I explained why that wasn't so and she calmed down and was happy and said she'd go to sleep and see me when it was a sunny day and i even got a hug / kiss(rare thing at bedtime). She just seems to get so upset over things but I mean like tears streaming down her face and then 2 seconds later she can be fine. The way things have to be done in certain ways, like pre-school it always had to be me who took her into school but now it HAS to be daddy or she bawls her eyes out and won't stay, then she went through a stage of daddy had to take her in then she had to come out with him and I had to take her in. Generally she is really well behaved and we don't have to tell her off she plays nicely etc but she just has certain routines that have to be done and things MUST be done a certain way or there's murder.


I think I'll have to talk to the doc about her more so then me, i can cope with my oddness, it'd be nice to get a diagnosis just to satisfy my own curiosity even if I haven't got AS I'd just like to know what's wrong with me and find out if there is anything wrong with her.


I've been reading through the posts on here and alot of it I'm like omg that's what I do / think, I read somewhere on the net about getting overly stressed / angry about things and I do that alot. My husband has been saying for years about how stressed I get, like we'll be playing on a games console and I'll die and sometimes it'll be fine but sometimes I get so upset/ angry and then I'll be fine, sometimes I feel so embarassed over it because when I'm ok again I almsot feel like a child that's had a tantrum. My husband has said many a time to just not get so stressed / angry over something but I just can't help it, it's like this sudden rage appears when something upsets me / stresses me and I either break down and cry or verbally lash out like scream or curse or just ramble on about how crappy the thing that's annoying me is but I get so worked up I feel ill sometimes and then i'll be done again. I can see the same thing in my daughter she gets so upset and then it's like a button switches and she's all smiles again. Like for example my husband and I got new phones, I got him his for his bday and his mum bought me the same one for xmas anyway we've been messing around with them and then it came to putting some mp3 songs on to use as ringtones from the pc....que a mental episode from me, the first 10 mins I was fine just trying to work out why I couldn't get a file to transfer, then I got a little frustrated, then angry, then I was in tears still sitting trying to rip a file and then I just snapped and was fine, turned the computer off and though sod it I'll look it up later, I feel really embarassed about it and promise myself I won't get that worked up over something again but inevitably I do.


Another epic post, sorry, I'll keep you all updated on what's happening, whether the doc sends me packing or takes me seriously. Thanks again for all of your advice :)

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I'm a very lonely person and would love friends but I just can't I'm just so incompetent at making / keeping friends


That phrase could've come straight out of a "how-to-spot-high-functioning-autism" manual.


I think your well on the way to being able to authoritative answer to your original question.


Another thing to keep in mind is that some people feel that the diagnostic criteria are skewed to the presentation of autism in boys.


Best Wishes.


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