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Support Groups (IRL)

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I have a son who has "Asperger Syndrome (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)" (as written by the paediatrician in her medical report). I have tried to get into some local support groups, both for my son, for my other children, and for myself and my husband.


1 support group (for L) had a very long waiting list for his age-group. He was put on the list - but by the time he gets to the top of it, he will be due to 'go up' to the next group, so is on the list for that too. He has been on the list for 9 months and should be nearly near the top of the list.


I have tried to find a support group for my other children with absolutely no luck - despite being told that there is a support group in our area for siblings of those with disabilities, we have yet to find it, and no-one seems to be certain about the details. I'm sick of "I'll find out and get back to you", "The person you need to speak to isn't here at the minute, can we take your number and get them to call you back"


There were several support groups in my area for parents/adults etc. 1 shut down with no warning. Another shut down because of a family members illness/death (understandable). There is currently 1 that I know of that is up and running. I have e-mailed and left phone messages with this 'support group' to find out when they meet/what activities they do etc, I know that several other people (social workers/other people I know in the area etc) have also tried to contact this support group for me. But nothing. Nadda. Zip. Zilch.


So a question for you. How many of you go to an actual 'real life' support group? How did you find out about it? How do you find the support it gives? If you don't go to a real life support group - do you wish you could?

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So a question for you. How many of you go to an actual 'real life' support group? How did you find out about it? How do you find the support it gives? If you don't go to a real life support group - do you wish you could?


I used to go to one and then ran one. I found it very useful - sharing information and the ups and downs of life. Now my boys are older, but I am still in touch with lots of parents of children with an asd (many of whom have become friends) and pass on relevant information.


These are the two closest to you that I know of:






Both are run by very nice ladies :D



You have to remember that such groups are generally run by parents, who go through difficult times like the rest of us, so sometimes it takes a while for them to get back to you. The information is on their web-sites though, and unless it specifies to let them know in advance, you can just turn up on the day and join in.





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