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About Kazzen161

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  1. The Benefits and Work site is excellent for helping you to fill in the forms. We have just done T's PIP - went from low care/low mobility DLA to low care PIP, which is OK. We were also called for a Job Centre meeting in the middle of this (my mother was also in the middle of treatment for cancer so I was missing lots of work) - the JC did postpone the appointment by two weeks which helped. I believe we will be getting T's ESA renewal forms through in a few months. It is becoming very difficult to keep a full-time job myself and help my son and parents too.
  2. You say "I would like him to go to an independent special school". LAs are not interested in what you would like - only in what your child needs. You do not say whether your child is having problems at school (or more pertinently to the LA, whether the school is having problems with your son!). Your argument needs to be based on what your son needs. You need to know what the LA schools can offer, so that you can argue that they cannot meet your son's needs, but that the independent school can. The LA know that once your child goes to an independent school, it is likely he will remain in an independent school til he leaves school - so it will cost them a lot if they lose the Tribunal. I agree with the others - do not trust the LA - they do not have the best interests of your child at heart.
  3. The note you need is what was called a "sick note" - now called a "fit note". I think T's GP just put "Aspergers" on it. I am just about to renew T's ESA claim - am not looking forward to it :-( I use www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/ as I find their guides very helpful. The DWP can compare his ESA claim against his DLA claim, so make sure they match.
  4. Your local CAB should be able to give you some advice http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/wales/housing_w/housing_finding_a_place_to_live_e/finding_accommodation.htm They should also be able to look at what your income/outgoings would be if you moved out. This is good too: http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/private_renting?gclid=CI6YmqCToMICFTDJtAodmW4ADg Whatever you do, do not leave your parents house without getting advice first. You might qualify for a tenancy support worker if you did move out.
  5. My son was treated unfairly by his housing association tenancy support worker, so we got him an advocate for the meeting with the association's manager. That worked as it made sure he coudl put his views across.
  6. Asda's gf pasta tastes like normal pasta. I was very impressed after having tried some very horrible ones.
  7. We had the same problem with T's ESA medical - I wrote loads of extra notes to go with the claim form, and explained that he would need an assessor who had a good understanding of ASD and that he would need careful questioning in order for them to get an accurate picture of his needs. I am his appointee and and I explained that T had problems talking to strangers, that he did not like talking about his problems and woudl underestimate them. At the medical T answered a few simple questions and then I answered the rest.
  8. This explains it (and I think the same rules still apply): http://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/special_needs/a1307489-Residential-School-how-does-this-affect-DLA-and-child-benefit So for the first 28 days that he is at res school after the summer hols, you get full dla (because he has been at home for more than 28 days). Then you have to fill in a form to tell them when he was at home and you get paid 1/7th of the care element for every day he was home (I can't remember if it is every day he wakes up at your house or every night he sleeps at your house or every part-day he is home - different benefits have different rules). I think the mobility part is still paid when he is at res school (that was going to change at one stage).
  9. See: http://www.autism.org.uk/living-with-autism/out-and-about/driving.aspx
  10. "If a dyslexic child does not have a Statement but is becoming distressed at being required to learn a foreign language, it may be possible to ask the GP to write to the school requesting that the language be disallowed in the interests of the child’s health." or 3.1 There may be times when circumstances during an individual pupil's schooling mean that studying the full National Curriculum is not appropriate and does not benefit the pupil. When this occurs, head teachers need to consider what is in the best interests of the pupil. If they believe that the pupil would benefit more from studying a reduced curriculum for a short period of time then they need to consider whether it may be appropriate to use temporary disapplication regulations. 3.2 Regulations under section 93 of the Education Act 20025 allow head teachers to disapply all or part of the National Curriculum, including the statutory assessment arrangements, in order to meet an individual pupil’s learning needs at a particular time. 3.3 Head teachers are permitted, through a written direction, to make two kinds of temporary disapplication: • A general direction – where the head teacher considers that the full National Curriculum is not appropriate for a pupil, but that a statement of special educational needs is not necessary; and........... 3.4 Both directions may last up to 6 months. It is possible to give further general directions up to a total of 18 months. Further special directions may be given in the specific circumstances detailed in paragraph 3.16. 3.5 Head teachers should only consider giving a direction if a pupil’s present circumstances or conduct mean that they cannot fully participate in or benefit from the National Curriculum. 3.6 A head teacher should consider the advantages and disadvantages of disapplication, especially the implications of the learning which will be lost. 3.8 There are a number of circumstances when a general direction may be used. There is no list of situations prescribed in regulations but the following are examples of where this may be appropriate: • a pupil who has failed to attend school for a significant period who requires a different context for learning in order to re-engage him/her; • a pupil who is at considerable risk of becoming disengaged from learning; 3.19 Parents have the right to: • ask the head teacher to give, vary or revoke a direction; • appeal to the governing body against the head teacher’s decision; • complain formally if they are dissatisfied with the governing body’s decision on appeal. 3.20 If a parent asks for a direction to be given, varied or revoked, against the head teacher’s judgement, the head teacher should discuss the request with them to resolve any differences without the need for formal procedures. If there are differences which cannot be resolved, parents can make a formal request, in writing or orally, to the head teacher giving their reasons for the request.
  11. Look at the link I posted above. The section "Does a dyslexic pupil have to take a foreign language?" has a link to the relevant disapplication guidelines. I was thinking that the EWO may back you up and tell the HT not to pursue it. At a push you could apply for a statement so he could come under the "is being assesed for a statement" ruling. It does not matter if they then refuse to statement him, as at least then 6 months will have passed. My son (ds3) was not statemented and did not do French for all KS3. He also school refused for much of Yr 7 and 8, so missing French was a minor issue.
  12. Have the school mentioned Education Welfare being involved yet? Technically he is truanting (as he is not in school). Is there anywhere else in school he could go, if he were to be allowed to miss this lesson? My son never went to a French lesson (he just refused to go) but he could go to the SEN room instead, so he was still in school. A Modern Foreign Langauge is a compulsory KS3 Nat Curr subject - does he do any other MFL? Have a look at: http://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/about-dyslexia/schools-colleges-and-universities/modern-foreign-languages-and-dyslexia.html
  13. Kazzen161

    what now ?

    We will need more information in order to be able to offer useful replies. Was it an LA or independent special school? An independent or LA specialist college? Day or residential? Was it an ASD specialist college or LD or ? What are the reasons it failed? Lack of support, too busy an environemt, level of work too hig/low/academic/practical? What are her complex needs? Dyslexia/ASD/AS/ADHD/challenging behaviour/LD? What are her social and independence skills like? What sort of things does she like to do/study? What area of the country are you in?
  14. You could apply for ESA for your son, but if he has been refused DLA it may be difficult to get ESA. If you do claim ESA, get help filling in the form. If you are not currently employed, it may be worth you claiming JSA as then you could still get HB and CTB. You do need to go to the CAB or other benefits advisory service to get advice as to what it is best to do in your particular circumstances.
  15. Read up about ESA - there are two groups - Work Related Activity Group (where they think the person can work, but will find it harder than the average person to do so and will need more help than usual) and the support group (where they think it will be very difficult for the person to find a job that is suitable). The Work Related bit just means that they may be asked to attend meetings to get help to prepare for work (though the whole process is so disorganised that they may well not get asked to do anything). My youngest son who has traits of AS got quite a lot of help from his Job Centre adviser whilst on JSA and did get a job. My eldest (who has AS) was in the WRAG group and did some work preparation sessions (which were not of any use to him) and has now been put in the Support group.
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