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Disabled Students' Allowance

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I didn't know whether to put this in here, or start a new topic... Sorry if this is wrong :unsure:


I had a Disability Support Assessment at my university's Disability Support Office today. It lasted two and a half hours! She asked me if I had considered applying for the Disabled Students' Allowance, which I hadn't, but she said that the person from the NAS that I have been seeing is paid by the university, who are paid by DSAs.


So now I'm absolutely freaking out.


I really, really don't want my parents to know about my diagnosis (we have issues of extreme over-protection) - please don't try and convince me otherwise! But all my bank statements, stuff from student finance and everything go to the house, and they open them. In my panic at the time, I can't remember exactly what she said (I can't really remember what anyone says if they only say it verbally and not in writing :whistle: ).


I've read the website. I don't want anything about it to be sent to my "home" (I use that term loosely!) address, and I don't want any money that isn't my student loan going into my bank from them. Is this plausible? If there isn't a way around my parents seeing it then I'm actually willing not to receive any support, which is how much I do not want them to know.


I'm in extreme panic mode :tearful:

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You have a right to total confidentiality.


On a practical level it would seem simplest to have a separate bank account (maybe an online one where you don't get statements posted?). I'm sure the support workers can help you sort this out.

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Hi -A- :)


I can only tell you what happens with mine and my situation is different as I'm a post-grad, but hopefully it should give you some reassurance - at least enough to help you calm down and ask! My account is based here and my Mum has no access, BUT I understand the not wanting to discuss with parents.


From my experience, and this is the intention of DSA, it is an allowance to pay for specific amendments that give you equal access to other students accounting for your disability - it is not an allowance to spend as you want - each item is costed. So, money is given/allocated to each of the things your assessment says you need - these are paid in various ways, so, for instance:


When I had NAS support, the disability department just paid this - part of DSA went to them and they handled time-sheets, payment etc. If I had another mentor/note-taker etc, the disability department would again pay - I would never see the money.


I get extra supervision - my department claim funding for this from the disability department who get it from my DSA - again, it's all done through the accounts people and I don't see the money


My equipment - computer etc - the disability department ordered all this and paid for it claiming from my DSA - again, I didn't see the money.


Consumables - printer ink, paper, book allowance, photocopying. I know the maximum amount I can spend each year. I spend my own money, give the receipts to the disability department and they pay it into my account - this shows up as a credit from my university on the bank statement. The same happens with taxi receipts I'm allowed when I have to go to a different city.


So, it is only this last category, which is a very small percentage of my DSA, that shows up on my bank statement. But if I didn't claim anything, nothing would show up.


So, it depends on the support you need/want - if it's just NAS mentoring, nothing else is needed. If you have expenses to claim, then you probably need to speak to someone in the disability office to find the best way to get around this - there must be some way if they apply a little thought.


Hope that helps :D


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Thanks :)


I still panicked massively last night, and didn't sleep very well (I remember looking at the clock at at least four different times!). I think it's because of the unexpectedness - nobody had ever mentioned to me that I might need to claim DSA... was it something I was just supposed to know somehow? :unsure:


The thing I'm most worried about is the forms going to the house. I got a letter from student finance a week ago, at home, which my dad opened and told me the "Customer reference number" so that I could apply for my student loans online. When letters go to the house after I've applied, will they say on them something along the lines of "Here is what you're claiming: Maintenance loan - �x amount. Tuition fee loan - �x amount. DSA - �x amount"? And then next year, will they say "Please re-apply for your maintenance and tuition fee loans, and DSA"?


I could get by without the extra help. I have done for the previous 19 years (including 1.5 at university), getting reasonably good marks, working very, very hard. What if somebody, one day, decides that I actually don't have AS, so don't deserve any help, and therefore, from the time I'd start having extra exam time, extended library loans, meeting with the person from the NAS, etc. I'd been having an unfair advantage? :tearful:

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i applied for DSA seperately to the student loan so all my letters are seperate. also, DSA is not a loan, so it wont be on your student finance letter.


i'm undergrad. and no money goes into my account either. everything physical, ie computer is ordered by the assessment people, and then delivered to you. i have a tutor who comes to my home once a week because i do distance learning, and i dont deal with the money for that. i just sign a log each week to say that she came, and then she claims her money from the DSA. i can claim back for buying books, printing etc. and that will be paid into my bank account, but thats the only thing, so you could just not do that if you really didn't want any sign of it.


if you applied in term time, you could probably use your university address, i'm pretty sure all student forms have a bit that says where you want your post to go. you could also ask your disability office if you can have it all sent to them, because you can't deal with it on your own. its better to get the support, they wouldn't be offering it if they didn't think you needed it!

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How old are you??? Your parents dont have the right to go opening your personal mail especially financial stuff once your 18. Even the banks and DWP will tell you the same.


Maybe try and ask for a bit more privacy on the grounds your now an adult and want to do things yourself.


I had similar problems with my legal guardians who were opening my mail and interfering.

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Yes it is true that once you are 18 it is your right to be confidential. Mind you my 16 year old sister received a call from the doctors and I took the call because she was out, and I could not take a message on their behalf, so some things apply before aged 18!

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