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Interesting evening!

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My mum's been visiting this week - she is off seeing a friend today.


Last night some friends of my mum came round for dinner. It all went well until we were washing up and he somehow snapped a wine glass and cut his finger really badly on it! He shook his hand and splattered blood all over my kitchen, I am still finding it now. I can't believe so much blood came out of one finger! He went off to the hospital and he's OK now, which is a relief.


But my dinner was nice :thumbs:

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It is amazing how far a bit of blood can go.

When my sister was young she cut her toe on glass from a jug whilst washing her hair.

Dad went to help and promptly fainted.

Glad the dinner was nice. :thumbs: Karen.


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What was the spatter pattern like? Have you used Luminol to check you've cleaned up properly?? Did you use the opportunity to type his DNA for possible future criminal activity???


And can you tell I'm a really big fan of Dexter and CSI? :lol:

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I still can't get it out of the carpet, but luckily the carpet is a kind of brownish-red anyway.


We are going to the cinema tonight. Hopefully it will be less eventful.

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If you want to wash blood out of anything use plan cold water.


If you use any sort of chemical or hot water it sets the blood and you will never get it out.

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Ha ha! blood spatter. when my DS was four (too long ago now) he went to a friend of mine to be looked after for an hour or so. I received a phone call to say he had fallen i their garrage and cut his head. when I got there, there was an awful lot of blood on the garage floor and he needed stitches.As you can imagine that in its self is another story.


There was so much blood on the garage floor they had it painted red with special floor paint, and it was a double garage. expensive!!!!


all these years later yo cannnot even see the scar. well done NHS!!

Edited by Diane

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Heheh- it used to be commonplace for my sister and I to arrive home from school to find our Mum sat with our little brother on her lap, blood-soaked tea-towel clamped to his forehead!!

I've met several kids just as clumsy as my brother was (he was forever tripping over his own two feet, and still does!) but he seemed to favour using his forehead to sustain the full impact!

At least none of us are squeamish, and our Mum was a nurse thankfully but it was amazing how copiously his head wounds seemed to bleed!


BTW, Pearl, I used to demonstrate spatter patterns at college-to forensics classes, not apropos of nothing, in the cafeteria, say...- using real horse blood (collected humanely from retired horses with cannulas!) and so many students would turn a lovely shade of green! :sick:

Especially the wee tough-nut teenage lads, mwahahah! But we had fun with the luminol!!

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We live in the East Midlands.

One weekend we had some friends travel up from Essex to visit us.

My son was ill with a temperature and I had given him some Calpol. My daughter was jealous, as she also wanted the attention of 'being ill'.

Anyway, our friends had just arrived, when I noticed that my daughter had pink lotion on her clothes. When I asked her what it was she said 'medicine'.

She'd only managed to get it out the cupboard and open the 'child proof top' herself and take a swig of it!

She was only 3 at the time, and couldn't give us any indication of how much she'd swallowed.

So we had to make our excuses to our friends from Essex (who had barely settled on the settee), and send them back home as we bungled everyone into the car and went to the childrens hospital for the evening!

They've never visited again :tearful::tearful:


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