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sleepwalking and hearing voices

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Hi al..


i tend to pop on every now and then and have found it a great help, generally i tend to manage my daughters as and we get by, then every

now and then something else comes up it seems never ending and seems i'm not alone with this one,, changes in behaviours as well as the doc's and dx.


i have an 8 yr dd we have been going through assessments since she was 5, one specialist saying def as another saying anxiety we had the triage but they say all the test from lang speech and psychologist etc have to agree ...well they didnt so we are now going through it all again with an appoint on the 8th nov at camhs then 10th where they are fitting 2 appoints into 1 then one for desicion on the 18th.


my daughter has elective mutism at times this can been seen as just her going shy but her father can drop her home she will walk into the house and if he stays outside at the door and i try getting her to tell him some news al nice things to share with him she will go mute.. or just stare at me, its like once she leaves your side for even a few minutes you have to start over again to work hard to get her to talk.


she suffers big time socially be it new people or family, she takes things literally , cant take more than one instrution at a time, and well pretty much as she scored 26 on the as symptom ckeck list, she is also extremely bright ...


for about 6 months we have had her on an even keel nothing happened at home we stuck to doing nothing new going no where having next to non on visitors and she seemed bit more happy as she knew how every day was,


we moved a 4 weeks ago and she has started a new school now for the first 3 weeks she was playing up which i could understand as she wasnt in school and the house wasnt done, then this week with school i was worried but she had a few tears the first day and since she has been good although i know she usually copes at first and gets worse over time the longer it goes on. i have decided to stay single due to this as she can tolerate someone for a little while but over the months she becomes unbareable and life seise to function at all i cant even get her to put shoes on with out a 20 min kick off and i cant cope but so here we are things looking ok is although appointment could well cause her troubles, she in her self seems happy ish...


for past 2 yrs she has had issues with sleep, either dreams sleep walking mostly these are ok i just tell her to go to bed ad she does, but last night she was stood on the landing calling her brothers name looking at him asleep saying come on so i woke up asked her what she was doing and she just stared at me then said she didnt know so i said go back to bed then she started crying so i asked what was wrong, she said i scared her but the crying got worse so i said to just go to sleep sounds harsh but i try to be firm when i think she is just having moments as she can lie or make things up about problems and pains.

then she comes into my room and says she is scared she cant sleep because she is hearing noises now i can tell when she means it and this she did so i asked her to explain, she said she was hearing a voice or sound in her head like someone going larlarlalalala i cant remember if she said it sounded like her thinking voice or her or if was another noise it was 4 am but i know it made me feel that she isnt thinking and then for some reason picking it up and getting anxious over it.. so i really dont know what to think. i did ask if it was the first time she said no its happened before too.. i have never read anything about as and this being related and cant really on sleep walking and on walking up but i dont think its related to sleep walking i'm just confused as to if its a problem or not is it connected to anything .. i'm trying to google info but if anyone here has any that would be great help x

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the hearing voices as these are dangerous impulsive demanding voices .... i think could be her 'over active thinking' all time maybe and brain hurts it goes on so much and can't slow down the speed of which process information and sound etc and words all become overwhelming pressurred and stressed so that's what i put down to do! with sleepwalking maybe you did spook her make her 'jump' out of sleep waking state but this normally stage that out grown and isn't normally A.S related but can play out 'scenes' during the day that have happen before so maybe this where the crying come from but that is guess .... as she asleep really she won't understand get why she upset but maybe she been upset earlier or before sleep and this effects /disturbs the brains natural sleep pattern or if she stress worried this can make more prone to sleep walking attacks ....



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