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DLA Question...

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I'm trying to work out if I would be entitled to DLA and I'm a bit confused to be honest. We are struggling with cash flow at the moment (mostly down to my problems with budgeting in the past :oops: ) and it would be an absolute godsend.


But the issues is, that I have good days and bad days. I don't have any physical issues which stop me functioning, and I have the ability to look after myself, but on a bad day it's the motivation that's the real issue (not sure if it's AS or anxiety & depression related).


On a bad day, I struggle to get out of bed in the morning. I forget to eat/drink. I will be hungry but can't make a decision what to make or even what I want if someone asks me. But I'm not like that every day... Also, how do I explain that it's not just because I'm being lazy?


Also, looking through the form, a lot of it asks about times. Well how do you work that out? If I'm having a 'not getting out of bed' day, S will just take the kids out rather than spend any time trying to get me up because he knows it's pointless...


Any ideas?

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Help does not necessarily mean physical help. It can include encouragment, reminders, knowing the right way to help you decide what to eat. These things are all relevant to write on your application.


As for timing, that depends quite why it's pointless.

If it's because you really would not get up, then you probably can't specify an amount of time. In that case I would write that no amount of encouragement and reminders would work and so you need someone to take care of the home and the children for you on those days.

If it's because you wouldn't be able to do anything once you're up, then you can say how long it would actually take for someone to get you up if they did so.


I would not say on the form that you have good days and bad days. Never say anything positive like "good days." It's better to say that your illness fluctuates unpredictably, so you cannot tell in advance which days you will need the support, but that you typically need this support X number of days per week.


To explain it's not to do with laziness, it's best to pin it on something you are diagnosed with. Personally I would say something along the lines of, "my depression causes lack of motivation which means that I need encouragement to get out of bed in the mornings." (Or, "I need support with day to day tasks and childcare on days when I cannot get out of bed.")


It will help your application if your GP can back up what you are saying about your support needs. You may not have spoken to your GP about your support needs as they are not always issues that come up in medical appointments. So it's well worth taking your GP a copy of your application to make sure they are fully aware of your support needs as well as the medical side of things. That way, they know what is going on better, so can back you up about it.

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