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Hi from Scotland

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I have been lurking for a while now, anxious to join as I have an 11 year old son who was dignosed with Aspergers 2 years ago.


I noticed when he was 3 years old he showed signs of inflexibility, routines and an obsessive cleanliness. The health visitor at his 3 year check dismissed my concerns as me being over anxious. If anything, I am now adamant that you know your child best and dont be put off by the professionals. it took me 7 years to get my son diagnosed and although devastating - it is a relief to know what the issue is.


He was a difficult baby, cried lots, had problems with milk and we constantly changed this, eventually settling on Soya milk. Had constant reflux, slept badly and was disinterested in boys toys, preferring toy kitchens, hoovers and washing machines. He hates football, any sports and loves lego and the wii and nintendo DS. He did well at school and does well at Maths, appears to be accepted by his peers if at times described by them as "strange"?


He is mildly affected but has OCD with his cleaning rituals which has been a cause for concern. He is exceptionally anxious all the time. We went on holiday to Florida and the rides freaked him out. We gave him the opportunity to try them if he wanted - he tried many of them but we spent literally hours having to explain step by step what would happen next and constantly reassure him that he would be safe... He loved the experience and felt liberated but it was exhausting. We are proud of him for trying but it was a difficult time. He repeats things constantly, hears a strap line from an advert and will repeat it on and off for hours. He also remembers dates and times of incidents or days out that we have forgotten but it is very clear to him. he also hates velvet and is susceptible to loud music or noises and says when something gets too loud - "Everything goes woolly and he hears a buzzing in his ears!!"


He , like many , has no friends which is devastating but understandable as he can be difficult as you all know....


My main concern is the transition to secondary school - He is in mainstream classes with no teaching support but I would appreciate any coping mechanisms to help my boy calm down.


It is a godsend having forums like this and I do really appreciate any advice you could give me.. He is aware of his Aspergers and in his own words.. " Its good to be different .... sometimes....., but I dont like being thought of as a FREAK" ---- This is heartbreaking to think a child of this age sees himself as this... Someone at some time said this about him .. Children are so cruel.......


Thanks for letting me sound off - its good to know we are not alone....

Fudge x

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Hi Your son sounds alot like mine he is 12 has anxiety quite extreme sometimes ....doesnt attend school has home tutor supplied by school as he he couldnt cope with goign to local high school now waiting to see if he can cope with goign to a Nurture unit in another school couple of miles away his hoem tutor will go with him for an hour at first and try and get him used to it but last night he had a meltdown worrying about it.....he is being assessed by CAMHS hoep to get dx soon i think he has aspergers as my 32 year old son has traits of it all his life and my 3 other children 21yrs, 25yrs old.....it is ahrd going soemtimes last night i was crying he didnt really show any compassion no emphathy .......we have a mental health nurse coming every 3 weeks so he can refer back to dr who is assessing him.....but hes fed up with him coming says its spoilign his summer again his obsession is the computer has been since he was in nappies........hes been out of schoolsince a year passed april...special needs teacher at comp should be able to have meeting with you to talk over his needs and see if they have a quiet room he can go to when anxious.......hope you get help ........message me if you want to talk....linda

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Hi All


I have been lurking for a while now, anxious to join as I have an 11 year old son who was dignosed with Aspergers 2 years ago.


I noticed when he was 3 years old he showed signs of inflexibility, routines and an obsessive cleanliness. The health visitor at his 3 year check dismissed my concerns as me being over anxious. If anything, I am now adamant that you know your child best and dont be put off by the professionals. it took me 7 years to get my son diagnosed and although devastating - it is a relief to know what the issue is.


He was a difficult baby, cried lots, had problems with milk and we constantly changed this, eventually settling on Soya milk. Had constant reflux, slept badly and was disinterested in boys toys, preferring toy kitchens, hoovers and washing machines. He hates football, any sports and loves lego and the wii and nintendo DS. He did well at school and does well at Maths, appears to be accepted by his peers if at times described by them as "strange"?


He is mildly affected but has OCD with his cleaning rituals which has been a cause for concern. He is exceptionally anxious all the time. We went on holiday to Florida and the rides freaked him out. We gave him the opportunity to try them if he wanted - he tried many of them but we spent literally hours having to explain step by step what would happen next and constantly reassure him that he would be safe... He loved the experience and felt liberated but it was exhausting. We are proud of him for trying but it was a difficult time. He repeats things constantly, hears a strap line from an advert and will repeat it on and off for hours. He also remembers dates and times of incidents or days out that we have forgotten but it is very clear to him. he also hates velvet and is susceptible to loud music or noises and says when something gets too loud - "Everything goes woolly and he hears a buzzing in his ears!!"


He , like many , has no friends which is devastating but understandable as he can be difficult as you all know....


My main concern is the transition to secondary school - He is in mainstream classes with no teaching support but I would appreciate any coping mechanisms to help my boy calm down.


It is a godsend having forums like this and I do really appreciate any advice you could give me.. He is aware of his Aspergers and in his own words.. " Its good to be different .... sometimes....., but I dont like being thought of as a FREAK" ---- This is heartbreaking to think a child of this age sees himself as this... Someone at some time said this about him .. Children are so cruel.......


Thanks for letting me sound off - its good to know we are not alone....

Fudge x

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Hi All


I have been lurking for a while now, anxious to join as I have an 11 year old son who was dignosed with Aspergers 2 years ago.


I noticed when he was 3 years old he showed signs of inflexibility, routines and an obsessive cleanliness. The health visitor at his 3 year check dismissed my concerns as me being over anxious. If anything, I am now adamant that you know your child best and dont be put off by the professionals. it took me 7 years to get my son diagnosed and although devastating - it is a relief to know what the issue is.


He was a difficult baby, cried lots, had problems with milk and we constantly changed this, eventually settling on Soya milk. Had constant reflux, slept badly and was disinterested in boys toys, preferring toy kitchens, hoovers and washing machines. He hates football, any sports and loves lego and the wii and nintendo DS. He did well at school and does well at Maths, appears to be accepted by his peers if at times described by them as "strange"?


He is mildly affected but has OCD with his cleaning rituals which has been a cause for concern. He is exceptionally anxious all the time. We went on holiday to Florida and the rides freaked him out. We gave him the opportunity to try them if he wanted - he tried many of them but we spent literally hours having to explain step by step what would happen next and constantly reassure him that he would be safe... He loved the experience and felt liberated but it was exhausting. We are proud of him for trying but it was a difficult time. He repeats things constantly, hears a strap line from an advert and will repeat it on and off for hours. He also remembers dates and times of incidents or days out that we have forgotten but it is very clear to him. he also hates velvet and is susceptible to loud music or noises and says when something gets too loud - "Everything goes woolly and he hears a buzzing in his ears!!"


He , like many , has no friends which is devastating but understandable as he can be difficult as you all know....


My main concern is the transition to secondary school - He is in mainstream classes with no teaching support but I would appreciate any coping mechanisms to help my boy calm down.


It is a godsend having forums like this and I do really appreciate any advice you could give me.. He is aware of his Aspergers and in his own words.. " Its good to be different .... sometimes....., but I dont like being thought of as a FREAK" ---- This is heartbreaking to think a child of this age sees himself as this... Someone at some time said this about him .. Children are so cruel.......


Thanks for letting me sound off - its good to know we are not alone....

Fudge x

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Hi fudge thank you for your advice last night,it's good to know I'm not alone ! I have a fourteen year old who now,looking back after having my youngest has some symptoms of high functioning autism.spoke to his school and they said that fits as he isn't good in exams,finishes quickly gets bored,talks.also takes things literally,if teacher tells class to be quiet then asks question he's not answering as he's been told to keep quiet! :rolleyes: also gets very aggravated if we go out shopping and I want to go into a shop we hadn't previusly discussed (you know,you see a dress) that gets him real mad,he's left me in the middle of town before over that.anyway,also can be very hurtful with comments he makes.anyway he's seen speech and language who's referred him so we'll see what happens.well done for getting your lad on a plane,I'd love to take lil sunshine on holiday but i honestly don't think he'd stay in his seat! :unsure:

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Hi fudge thank you for your advice last night,it's good to know I'm not alone ! I have a fourteen year old who now,looking back after having my youngest has some symptoms of high functioning autism.spoke to his school and they said that fits as he isn't good in exams,finishes quickly gets bored,talks.also takes things literally,if teacher tells class to be quiet then asks question he's not answering as he's been told to keep quiet! :rolleyes: also gets very aggravated if we go out shopping and I want to go into a shop we hadn't previusly discussed (you know,you see a dress) that gets him real mad,he's left me in the middle of town before over that.anyway,also can be very hurtful with comments he makes.anyway he's seen speech and language who's referred him so we'll see what happens.well done for getting your lad on a plane,I'd love to take lil sunshine on holiday but i honestly don't think he'd stay in his seat! :unsure:



Well getting him on the plane was very very difficult. He has seen the documentary AIRCRASH investigation and honestly was convinced the plane would crash on take off....so you can imagine!!!!. After take off - he was ok... Was very interested in getting his lunch....Haha


What I have found amazing is that there are many children with siblings also affected by autism - I personally know 2 people with multiple children affected... Was there not a study done that said it wasnt hereditary??? Clearly theres something there genetically that needs to be looked at by the scientists...


I really cant tell you all how reassuring it is to know that we are not alone. it can be so very difficult to get advice. It seems to me that once a diagnosis was made - thats it - you're on your own... i managed to get an educational psychologist involved but she said my son was MILD and had no educational issues. Its not the educational issues that wory me - its the ability to cope with high school. He will have different days, different teachers, different subjects and different classes.. The change is something that does worry me..


Thanks you guys for responding - i wasnt sure if anyone would want to comment on my post.... lindy thanks for messaging me - much appreciated xx


Thanks again


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