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think i may have dyscalculia ?! SPD?

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i think one person on here described her sister and how it affected her and i could so personally relate to what was written in the post it was like it was written specifically about me i have dyspraxia so don't know if it is JUST this or something more to it than that! but feel both co-morbids conditions 'fit' me well as struggle with understanding maths concepts of any kind trying get my head around figures leaves me head spinning around literally gives me major headache leads to frustration and confusion figures have no meaning to me at all!


i struggle to grasp anything maths wise! maybe this is why! could i have both together? what is possibility /chance? i give you an example the other day i thought my brother had more savings than me he had £1,000 and i had £1500 and i said to my parents he had more than me in savings my mum said to my dad she doesn't understand money is mind field and know this is an issue /difficulty working it out in anyway with both conditions is there any free online test that isn't PDF format where can see if i actually have dyscalculia? no-one ever mentioned this to me!


i used to dread /fear coming home with maths homework to do just get in such state panic and because my dad is red hot at maths he can calculate sums numbers in his head he couldn't see understand why i just couldn't grasp it i try make him get it but so hard! i used end up resulting in tears or anger my dad used have to explain it in practical way of showing me with an object visual interuption of what he meant but even then sometimes didn't get it!


i also feel i could have SPD ( sensory Processing disorder)

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