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What do camhs do?

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I have had bens report from Guy's and they are refering him to camhs. What do they do and how will it help?


Any links would be nice, I have had a look in search but it is not clear what they actually do.



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Hi Viper.


I'm not really the best one to advise as they weren't that helpful for me but hopefully someone who had better experiences with them can better advise you. :)


All the best.

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so far i can't praise camhs enough.

we waited 6 months for our appt.

middle of june we had a social worker from the team visit me and hubbie for 2 1/2 hrs to discuss our concerns. he listened and then asked if we had considered asd (which we had). he then spoke to G who had spent the previous 2 1/2 hrs glued to computer (he thought he was in heaven.....being took out of school and allowed to play on computer....lol) after seeing him for just 10 mins or so said he could see exactly where we were coming from......i could have kissed him! at last someone who didn't think i was neurotic.


the following week he had arranged for a specialist teacher to observe him in class. she did this and spoke to him for approx 30 mins and came to the conclusion he was showing traits of asd, add, tourettes and dyspraxia.

she has arranged for a speech and lang assessment and also referred him to the phsyciatrist as he is the only medical person on the team who would be able to diagnose.........she thinks if he is dx withanything it will be with d.a.m.p.

she has also been back into school to talk to the senco


the social worker comes out once a fornight and G loves him


they have suggested the school contact someone (not sure exactly who he works for) who can look at getting G some IT support in class.

they have also suggested they contact the ed physc.

they will also be coming back into school to discuss strategies in sept.

it has also been mentioned that if he is dx asd they can arrange for the asd outreach team to visit home and school.


so far i feel everything is moving quickly and in the right direction.

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We had our first referal to them last week, think may depend from area to area but she was a lovely person (I usually doubt psychiatrists) and asked how she could help, and what I wanted her to do to help. At the moment as someone else is doing a diagnosis of my son (she said she could diagnose but didn't want to step on anyones toes) she has taken on the job of ensuring all proffesionals involved ( which there are over 10 at the minute) are communicating correctly and that my son is getting the best care possible, which is something no other proffesional has offered to do.

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We've had mixed experiences with CAMHS


Basically they are an assessment and diagnostic service for all sorts of learning difficulties, mental health problems etc, but some are better developed than that and offer support too, like classes for parents etc. mostly they just refer on to other specialists.


If you are referred to them for a specific thing - ie assessment for ASD - then you will usually see a specialist in that area. If you're referred for non-specific issues then it's a bit hit and miss.


The first time we were referred there we got someone who thought Com was just a very bright kid under pressure from us and school with a bit of dyspraxia (which we had mentioned to the doctor as a possibility) and dyslexia (which we told her we didn't think he had).

She was generally unhelpful and didn't even bother to reply to letters sent by Com's desperate head teacher.


When things really got bad we asked the GP for a referral to another consultant - we were asking about AS by then and the GP had some knowledge so the referral went to the bloke in the office next door who has got a pretty sound idea of AS, diagnosed Com in 10 mins flat and then moved on to suggesting Nemo has the same problems (only implied, not a diagnosis). He has been very supportive ever since and will write pertinent letters at the drop of an email, he even came to our first tribunal when the LEA refused to accept Com's diagnosis free of charge!


hope that helps



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