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Guinea pigs

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Does anyone have a guinea pig and if so do they make good pets? I remember reading somewhere that they like being handled and dont bite.



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They are fantastic pets for kids. Stop going 'Urgh' :lol: They are more active than hamsters and are very tame when handled regularly. We have had the lot - mice, hamsters, gerbils and rats. The rats are for certain the better option here.

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Must agree we've had Rats in the past and they are great pets. I am sure carole's family keep guinea pigs. We've had a few but never had one that was very handlable.

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Definately agree with phasmid, rats are the best. Have had guinea pigs too but rats beat them hands down - they are cleaner, friendlier and so intelligent. Mine used come when their names were called, pinch things and skip across the living room floor because they were so pleased with themselves. One used to curl up on my lap when I was watching TV and sit on my shoulder when I was walking around.

My son loved them, and generally he's very wary of animals.

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Oh, Im not too sure about a rat.. Its the tails, they give me the willies. The guinea pig is for me, Ive always had a pet and with the passing of our little dog has left a big gap.


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Sorry can't agree about Rats - sure they are nice but give me a Guinea Pig any day of the week they are much more loving :wub:


We have kept these beautiful little creatures now for four years. I had never been a small fury animal person always had dogs. However our little pigs changed that for sure. We have two at the moment - they are not really meant to be kept on their own so two girls would probably be best. Having said that we had two girls and two boys. We lost one of each - no idea how old the girl was because they were rescue pigs. So now we have one of each and they live in seperate cages but they can see each other all of the time and do chat.


My two know there names and are very responsive to us - including Matthew who can be a tad rough with them but not intentionally so. I decided years ago that Guinea Pigs are probably autistic - no I am not being facetious here. They need a routine and don't like change. My two know what time they are fed and cleaned. Miss it by a minute and they will start letting you know that you are late. They like to live in the same spot - if we have to move them - like we have at the moment because we are decorating - they don't like it at all :( They don't like company and strangers and go and hide in their igloos. I think that this is why my two love em so much because they identify with them so much :lol:


We handle ours a great deal and they are also house pigs. Both are trained not to pee or poo on the carpet and they both let you know if they need to go back into their cage. The male follows me all over the house even up and down the stairs :o yes really. They both fall asleep on our lap - and are excellent anti stress busters for us as well as Matt. Mine don't bite and I know that Madmooch here also keeps them and hers don't bite either. But if they are comfortable with you they will groom you - I must have the cleanest ears in the UK :lol:


You have to let them settle in for a couple of days and then start handling them. They will run away for quite some time but the more you handle them the more they become used to you. Our two now knock to be out of their cages :wub:


Hope this helps



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We never kept ours in the house, can they be trained to litter trays ? I know rabbits, hamsters and rats can, but never tried it with guinea pigs, my cousin had a house rabbit for years and it was just like having a cat, she followed her everywhere.

Edited by lil_me

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My friend keeps guinea pigs. Last year she had two and one of them died. Soon after she noticed the other one was a bit under the weather so she took it to the vets; he told her it was grieving for the one that had died. :( Not sure if he was bing tongue in cheek or not :unsure::lol:

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They do, we had 2 when I lived at my parents and when one passed away the other started pulling its fur out, and died within 6 weeks :crying: I hate it when animals die or my house would be live a zoo.

Edited by lil_me

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Thanks for the information,

Carole, I was thinking of getting two little girlies. My other half isnt very keen, although he has stuck a picture of a piggie in pyjamas on the side of my computer screen


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I'v got a guinea pig and a rabbit. Thay use to live in the same hutch but hade a big fight then guinea pig got ill so know it's indoors till summer when she will go in own hutch. She is still the size of a baby never grown and iv had her ages. The kids love her but i must say we all prefer the rabbit. Guinea pigs can be known to bite the pet shop had one it kept biting i know the owner she said she knows of loads that have bitten. Mine is lovely and i think if you get a nice one and handle it well it will be lovely

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All animals can bite if pressed. We had a rabbit once that could draw blood for England and I have a friend whose rabbit is a better guard dog than a German Shepherd :lol:


We have had four pigs now and not one of them have bitten. They do however nibble it's part of their grooming and they like the taste of salt to and lick your fingers and toes :wacko: To be totally honest with you the males are actually easier to make friends with but they don't live well together even if they are related. Our two were brothers and they hated each other. Our female pig Goldie is as big as a rabbit in fact she is often mistaken for a rabbit. Chocolate on the other hand is much smaller.


I suppose it's horses for courses. I just love em :wub: and when you have had enough of them they can go back into the cage :lol:



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if ur looking at rats - can i suggest looking at degus?


They are chilean mice, closely related to chinchillas - as big as a rat but more of a hamster face - I've a pair of brothers and they are absolutely fantastic! really entertaining and mine are extremely hand tame. They are also very intelligent and fairly longlived which is a bonus if considering for children.


I have a site about them ( i mean son made a site on his pets lol)


Im not sure how to link - ill try http://www.degu.loife.com

Edited by pepper

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They are fantastic pets for kids. Stop going 'Urgh' :lol: They are more active than hamsters and are very tame when handled regularly. We have had the lot - mice, hamsters, gerbils and rats. The rats are for certain the better option here.

I second that.


Oh, Im not too sure about a rat.. Its the tails....

This is a common issue people have with rats,my mum hated the tails when I first got rats,I got her to stroke them and she isn't bothered by them anymore-the tails are dry,smooth and a little hairy,they use them for balancing and don't use them to attack with.


As for guineas,they are great pets if have the space and facilities,same with rabbits.

I had guinea pigs years ago,they are very docile animals and like attention,rabbits have more energy and can be harder to catch than guineas,the power out of their hind legs is not to be underestimated.



What ever animal is wanted,get them from an animal sanctuary [they do have babies in] or a competent breeder as opposed to pet shop,for various health and socialising reasons.

Breeder is best for guaranteeing the best health,but animal sanctuaries are best,for taking care of those who already exist [breeding is just adding to the problem,if the breeders do not ensure each animal will have a home].

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That have degus at one of the play areas we visit. They are very cute, my son loves watching them. Are they nocturnal ?


ohhh no lil, thats half the bonus, they nap and fit in with household - duodenal? if u all about they liven up and adapt to household. Ive read tons about them being too lively for children - complete hogswash! cos my pair are so tame its embaressing :dance: sharp nails mind - son oft goes into school with wee gouges all over cos they have sharp claws ( add a pumice stone im told) and they live 5 - 8 years, though u have to get diet correct ( treat like diabetic guinea pigs and all is ok)


mine give my cat down the bank if he dares hassle them, its fab!! they dont squeal - more churrip, make the sweetest noises

- sorta warble? OK - nag cat to death!! hes totally terrified of them though u so know he wants to eat them!! Once cat stuck nose in and degu gave him a right gouge?! though my heavy handed son gets kissed by them ( and like all rodents - they have retractable teeth that scares pants of u)


anyway, besides the fact that they love wheel which bumps and grinds like a sod, and is really distracting - they are a total pleasure. do need a fair bit of attention cos they are easily bored, but as long as u house them in a lively room they seem to thrive on all the goings on. My lot (kids) swing them about all the time and they dont seem to be phazed.


A cracking pet from my experience :lol: escapologists tho!! and mine come to heel!!! ( if u shout their names when they nip off and hide behind sofa - they out like a shot) mad wee bints - and very easy to train :rolleyes: wish kids were as easy!

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Does anyone have a guinea pig and if so do they make good pets? I remember reading somewhere that they like being handled and dont bite.




I had guineapigs when I was little, I loved them. They're absolutely fantastic pets.


BUT they are quite fragile. If the weather's very cold they will need to have their hutch moved indoors (the RSPCA says if it's below 0�C), they need a good diet with access to a lot of fresh veg and greens, they get horrid sore feet if you don't clean the poor little chaps hutch out often enough - and yes like others said they are social animals so you've to get two or more and not keep one on its own.


On a side story my grandma told me a nice story about my dad's pet rabbit from when he was young. They were really worried about Thumper getting picked on by cats (they let him run in the garden) until one day my grandma looked out the window and saw a cat running across the garden... hotly pursued by the rabbit.


Bunnies are pretty tough... piggies aren't and will need to be protected by a closed-in run from cats and things.


Ours used to sit quite happily on a folded towel on your lap for hours and hours and have cuddles... I think they were really therapeutic, helped me to calm down when I was feeling bad.


They make really nice noises, too, squeaking and chirrups and all sorts of little sounds.


I wouldn't get some for a child who didn't understand very well about being gentle and careful with something very fragile yet.


Do pictures if you get some!



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Thanks for that Daisy,

The jury is still out on wether to get some of the liittle poppets or not. Husband thinks I am insane, he isnt too sure about having any pets at the moment because I was so upset when our little dog died last month.

My sister has banned me from even going to look at any guinea pigs because she thinks I will come home with armfuls.

I was always besotted with animals when I was a child but I suppose its a bit sad in a 40 something woman.


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