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Hi all -


Wow whee!!


A few minutes ago there was a knock at my door - postie with a big parcel!

Great, I thought, my deluxe inflatable has arrived (a new paddling pool for Ben, now that summer's here :shame: )

But no! What's this?? A beaten up cardboard box crammed to the gunnels with tat!!

Overjoyed at the vast array of luxury items they won in our first two competitions, SUZE and LAUREN

have reciprocated with a bundle of specially selected, lovingly collated items for myself and number one son :clap::clap::dance::wub::wub:




a packet of LUXURY Guinness flavoured toffee (I kid ye not!)

a Guiness 'stress pint' (for squeezing rather than drinking) hmmm, is a theme emerging here - hic! ;)

a 400g packet of cashews (at 620 calories per 100g - that's my diet shot then!)


also included were a large specimen jar filled with 'science experiments' ;):o

and a 'sensory ball' for Ben that (apparently) Suze's dog has got bored of chewing???????? :P


And that's not all - two lovely, lovely letters telling me how wonderful I am (I'll add them to the rest of the pile!! ;):devil: and a card that just about sums it all up (see below girls).


So here, publically, can I say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ladeeeeez, you have made an old man very happy/happy man very old!! :wub::wub::notworthy::notworthy:


With :wub: and >:D<<'> and the fluffiest of best wishes


Baddad and Ben... xxx :D


PS: sorry if this post seems a little 'dry'... i hit the emoticon limit somewhere around para 3 and had to go back to edit!!! :lol:

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it was all lozza,s idea..........but I tell yer what mate......you are very hard to shop for!!.........apologises again for the sensory ball arriving in a torn packet.My hairy mutt of a dog can sniff rubber a mile off.After my shopping trip I,d left the bag of the floor.........next minute the blasted animal shoots past me and out the door with said item in her trap :o .....................which brings me on to another story.........not boring you yet am I???............my monster of a dog also has a thing for socks and knicker/pants.........she prefers it if they are dirty..........out of the linen basket.......but if she can,t get her paws on them she,ll settle for freshly washed.It,s a regular cry in our house........."she,s got me other sock!".............Anyway back to the story.......lovely sunny morning and suze is up early as usual pegging the washing out at the bottom of the garden.I suddenly hear the postie,s van coming down the lane and before I know it my mutt of a dog bounds down to me ,grabs my peachy coloured lacy boxer/shortie type knickers out of the basket and flies back up the garden to Brian the posties waiting van which has just stopped on the drive.Out he gets to be greeted by a wagging tail and my knickers dropped at his feet.He picks them up (oh the shame) and shouts are these for me?? whilst wafting them around.........which then makes the dog think it,s a game and she starts playing tug of war with them.It took a lot of prising to get the dam things out of her jaws whilst trying to still have a mature conversation :rolleyes:............problem is though I,ve now had weeks of quick one liners from Brian........."no pressies for me today?"..(said to the dog)......... "nice to see your washing is safely on the line".......and the classic........."thought about a tumble drier"...........oh we do laugh........NOT!

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That was a lovely gesture girls. :clap:


Suze, my dog does that with the dirty knickers too. He only goes for the girls ones and only the adult girls i.e have started periods. My youngest DD has yet to have her knickers nibbled. :huh:


Myself and my 2 eldest DD's kept losing our bum warmers and the rows we had, all blaming each other, and shouting whoever is stealing my knickers could you please keep your thieving fanny scratchers off them. :fight: None of us noticed, in our anger, our little angelic pooch sitting in a corner sniggering in scoobydoo fashion. :devil::george:


Until one day I had to venture under my bed, something we rarely do. We keep all sorts of misalaneous ###### under there. And apparently so does the damn dog. He had a nice little den, full of nibbled knickers, all dirty, with holes in every gusset (great word that) the dirty little ######. :o


What makes me wonder is, how did he steal so many without being seen? Has he got a pouch like a hamster. He would have stolen them from the washing after I had sorted it on the floor before going in the washing machine. Which means he sneaked into the utility room, stole the knickers, sneaked past us all up the stairs and into his den for a good nibble.


Just one last thought. The next time your neighbours/friends/families dog gives you a big sloppy kiss, remember, it ain't just his own ###### he has been licking. :sick:

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Guest flutter

NOT eva getting a dog lol

u have all made me chuckle, and i do need that right nows

C x

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