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About lisann

  • Rank
    Mt Blanc
  • Birthday 09/13/1979

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  1. Hope today has gone as well as yesterday hun Lisa x
  2. We tried them didn't help us but like as been said won't hurt to give them a try Lisa x
  3. No advice only to run with the social story and get some help to deal with this <'> I hope it gets sorted out quickly for you and S Love Lisa x
  4. lisann

    Measles Jab

    No advice but good luck with jab Lisa x
  5. lisann

    a smelly problem

    Lavender oil or tea tree in the water when you clean is good to get rid of smells lisa x
  6. Wow good luck hun you are a braver lady than me two is plenty for me. Lisa x
  7. lisann


    Hi Yep I got one from e-bay again it wasn't real it had a link to click to give your paypal details for up dates don't Follow them they are fake. Lisa x
  8. Just go for it got we take enough rubbish and like so spoiling ourself now and then is a must I like the designer stuff but only when it's in the sale LOl!!!!! Lisa x
  9. lisann

    mousie, mousie...

    Yep the mouse would have to go the non human way don't like the little bu**ers!!!!! Lisa x
  10. Hi yep maybe a portable stereo in case it's too noisy or ear muffs, loads of toys, comforter if he has one,pop or water sweets are some sort of food he likes,mabe a gameboy if he has one. Lisa x
  11. I just take the two albums one Tina Turner of course and the other one would have to be Queen,Luxuary item would have to be chocolate can't live without it LOl!!!!!! Books would be Steve Smiths he is fab. Lisa x
  12. lisann

    im getting too old

    Hev tut tut 3am good grief that was a good nite out think last time I was out thatt late was 1 year ago and that was because it was my mum in laws 50 th. Glad u had a good nite hun Lisa x
  13. Queen feturing Paul Rodgers it was the last concert I went to too!!! Lisa x
  14. Oh boy she is in for a shock don't ya just love sisters that think they know what to do with our little one !!!! Oh well don't worry when meltdown occurs and you return to a worn out sister u can have a little chuckle to yourself hun. Hope you and Leona have a great time and your dad gets better soon Lisa x
  15. <'> <'> Hope today is better than yesterday hun, bribery works in our house too. Lisa x
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