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Karen A

Annual Review and IEP

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Hi All.

We have an Annual Review on Monday.

We have clear evidence of continued low level verbal bullying despite the fact that Ben has moved forms.

When pupils are asked to sit next to Ben others mutter ''shame'' and when he answers questions people call him ''nerd''.

Ben is understandably getting to the point where he is sick of it and is answering back.

We recieved a new IEP in the post today.I thought the IEP would have been discussed at the AR and agreed with us.However it appears to be a foregone conclusion.


Target....''To reduce the number of incidents with other students''

Resources .....''Loss of playground time.Time out.Rewards.Incident book.

Strategies .....''Discuss reasons for disputes and consequences for actions.Use drama to reinforce''

Ideas for support .....''Discuss behaviour and ways of controlling temper.Talk about any incidents that have occurred''.


I am very unhappy.We think the reason Ben is loosing his temper is that he is sick of being bullied.We have never known Ben to cause a problem.Yes he does now get into frequent confruntations because he is sick of being called Geak,nerd etc etc.


Any one know is it usual to produce an IEP before an AR ?

Can we just refuse to sign it ?


One of the other tatgets is that Ben will take part in after school activities.The target for us as parents is that we will encourage him.

Ben is clear that he does not wish to attend and I have no intention of pushing the issue.

Not sure what after school activities have to do with an IEP anyway.

Ben is funded for 15 hours TA support.I would want to know what is being done with that support in school time before encourageing him to do activities outside of school. :angry::angry:




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I thought I would add for those who may not remember or know.

Ben started at Secondary School in September.

He was subject to verbal bullying in his original previous form.There were also frequent occasions where other pupils disrupted lessons by throwing paper and pencils around.

The Year Head advised us to move Ben to another form because there were so many issues in the other form with pupils that could not be resolved easily.She said she could not leave Ben in a situation where Ben's emotional wellbeing was at risk.

So Ben moved forms after christmas.This involved a complete change of teachers and new timetable.He also needed to move into a form that was already established.

I was very clear that although it was the only option we had I did not consider it would solve all of the issues.I said I did not consider it an alternative to appropriate support.


We have no evidence that Ben has any support at all in class other than in maths in the last couple of weaks.

TAs are subject based.As Ben is at level 6 and 7 in most subjects I doubt he needs much support.

He has a Statement that clearly documents that a named member of staff should work with him to develop social communication skills.

A programme is supposed to be carried through during the school day.

Ben does not appear to be getting any of these things.


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The IEP should only record that which is additional to or different from the differentiated

curriculum provision, which is in place as part of provision for all pupils. The IEP should

be crisply written and focus on three or four individual targets, chosen from those relating

to the key areas of communication, literacy, mathematics, and behaviour and social skills

to match the pupil’s needs. Strategies may be cross curricular or may sometimes be

subject specific. The IEP should be discussed with the pupil and the parents



6:61 The IEP should be reviewed at least twice a year. Ideally it should be reviewed termly, or

possibly more frequently for some pupils. At least one review a year could coincide with a

routine Parents’ Evening, although schools should recognise that some parents might

prefer a more private meeting. Reviews need not be unduly formal, but parents’ views on

their child’s progress should be sought and they should be consulted as part of the review

process. The pupil should also take part in the review process and be involved in setting

the targets.



Taken from the COP.

Think I have answered my own question. :whistle:

Anyone else think that the possible resources as written above look exactly like those used for all pupils.

Surely that is not differentiation . :unsure:

It certainly has not been discussed with ourselves or Ben.


I wonder whether school realised they did not have a current IEP and thought they had better produce one quick.


Edited by Karen A

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If he has social and interaction difficulties then why are they taking away his playground time, when he clearly needs the opportunity to interact in the first place, I disagreed with the HT at mainstream primary school if they took away his playground time becasue he needed the opportunity to interact.


I think the targets are definately suggesting that the problems are with Ben and not the bullying, the teachers obvously just wants Ben to ignore it, but when its all day, every day and nothing is done about the bully then how is Ben ment to keep it together.


Defo write back and express your concerns and ask for the evidence where is Bens 1-1 lessons, even if he is level 6 or seven that has nothing to do with it, J has full time one to one plus TAs and only has a hand ful of boys in the classroom but he needs these because he needs to be kept on task, understand the concepts of the lesson, interact with peers and there is also the social aspect of been in Teams, groups too, so its not just about academically been able.


I would also maybe look at a specialist school for AS boys if that was a consideration if it means Bens likely to blow his top very soon, the stress will be emense in this situation all day, every day.


If J had of managed High school secondary his behaviour would of been very similair to the other boys in the class you have mentioned, so it sounds like there are other boys in Bens class whos needs are also not addressed either.




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Hi Karen, you are probably right in thinking that they hadn't realised he didn't have an IEP. The outreach support may be able to suggest ways that Ben can deal with the nasty comments but I think he does need some support in class even if it is just to monitor what is going on between him and other children; the teachers also need to get a grip of this.It's funny how some children are reprimanded yet others get away with it. :angry: Hopefully at the beginning of the review they will go through the provision he has, as you say finding out the 15hrs worth of support will be interesting. :rolleyes:


How would Ben feel if there was support in the class (at a bit of a distance) to listen out and watch what's going on? They could then give him ideas on the best way to respond? As well as reporting back to teachers and tackling the bullies and making it clear how unacceptable their behaviour is.


I hope something is done immediately to support him, if you have examples to share at the AR that may help. I know you will be very good at putting over your points. ;)


All the best :thumbs: :thumbs: AV

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I agree that if there is name calling and continual low level teasing and verbal abuse, this is going to make it very difficult for Ben to deal with. His diagnosis means he will have difficulties with language, social interaction, emotional response etc. AND WHY IS HIS 'REACTION' TO THE NAME CALLING THE ISSUE??? What is school saying about the children who are getting Ben into this state??


And why are they suggesting punishing Ben and not the children doing the name calling?


If Ben does not need adult support for learning, then they have to find how he can be supported in class. Suggestions might include Ben going into the classroom with the teacher so that he is not sitting around in a classroom full of children without any adult present. Ben having a set place to sit (at the front near the teacher might be best). That the school buddy him up with another child. There is always at least one other quiet child in the class that would not object to sitting with Ben.


What is the point of Ben attending out of hours activities? Does he have the social communication and social skills to do this? Does he even want to do this. Does he have no human rights to decide how he wants to spend his time??


If this suggestion is being made because they feel he needs to 'interact and form relationships' with other children in school, then they need to set up those opportunities and have a suitably qualified adult to supervise this. This might be achieved by setting up a dinnertime club of some description that Ben and others would want to go to eg. computer, art, etc.


But put something in writing and ask for another meeting with the school.

Don't sign the IEP if you think it is not relevent and is not SMART.


We've just had our annual review and it was PANTS. The PP emailed me the notes she took during the meeting. It contains nothing that was said. She has about 2 paragraphs for a 1.5 hour heated debate! I'm very disappointed. I'll get a friend to take notes next time. I'm putting together a letter of complaint to the Educational Psychology Department, and writing a letter of non-compliance on every part of the Statement that has not been adhered to.


But basically sick to death of it. So you're not on your own. :tearful:

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