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About jon79

  • Rank
    Scafell Pike
  • Birthday 01/01/1979

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  1. dont give up on this, dont let them get away with it.
  2. that was about 5yr ago that incident...i work full time now so dont claim benefits
  3. Nobby Nobbs make sure you apply for that job as now its on your record. If you dont will have benefits cut off for months/ 6 months/ 1yr. And dont do so a poor application either as they check up to make sure your application was reasonable and not spolit. If you get interview dont mess it up as they ring up and check your performance. If deliberatley failed will cut off benefits. I got benefit cut off as interview details were posted to wrong adress, Building was unoccuppied. and despites rounds of writings with the "decesion maker" decesion was upheld to still keep benefits cut off. and futrther as benefits were cut off had to pay voluntary national insurnace contibutions myself as was no longer deemed on benefits... There decesion was final the decesion maker is final. It was stated i could have contatced employer to see if i had got interview and would have found out that way regardless of letter being sent wrong addresss. The employer refused not to refund me lost benefits either as was human error. so be parnoid an check check cover your back in every situation or they will try any loop hole not to pay your benefits. any verbal interviews on telephone face 2 with with employers record for evidence as employers are not bothered if your getting benefit cut off they wont help you
  4. keep the training regime going good eating hablits, plenty of sleep and good recovery will transform body. Far easier to do it now when in your twenties when body in its best years. recovery far better than at forty
  5. yeah concur never never have any holiday or time off ill...better to do 7 days per week....and even 1 day break aniexty levels go off scale...and can take 3-4 days to come down to normal functional high level....time off is no good. Would be better if lived at worked slept showered eat...work
  6. keep training well, resting and sleeping and eating decent food and body will keep adapting. Even if you havent made the weight at this moment in time your moving in right direction. Train hard eat well rest well
  7. what is a proper definition of camp? what does it consist of mannerisms behvaior etc. Is this something else we need to be aware of in our behavior to function in the world. Please advise.
  8. people dont last long on the roads on motor bikes, push bikes. Footballers not allowed to ride them entirely for that reason.
  9. meethos i would argue against trying to improve self by exposure to the situation. I have done it for 5 years, and yes maybe improved 1 notch in about the first 3 months, but then no more improvement; stagnated since then. And since in suhc an inhosipital enivironment personal performance falls way below your actual inherent ablity. Now at work i function at about 40% id rate of the level im capable of. Cognitive functioning is much diminished Other people your competeting against dont put themselves with such a handicap. it is so difficult to progress on when have such an accompanying handicap to work against each day. It does not endeer yourself to collegeues when peformance is so unsatsfacotry as they have pick and rectify your own idicotic mistakes each day( numbers muddled up which has finincial impact of tens thousand pounds) and customers business survivail), and once in downard trend very diffcult to reverse and build self of it. Your own actual presence wholly prevents the functioning of a depatment of 100. Furthermore does not good for ones own perception of self, rather than doing competatnt job now mindset is just surviaval cut self off from all others detracting words. Ring of steel mind. Also worse own performance the less assisitance get from colleuges. There is a perpeptual turmoil battlling out each day to contend with. functioning vs unfunctioning. Ideally if have choice should position oneself in best environment to function at best of ability
  10. 13 stone is 182 pounds 14 pounds (lbs) to the stone Here is link to conversion website http://www.weightlossresources.co.uk/body_...t_converter.htm
  11. i still do am im30. Too cold in winter with no heating not to be under blankets when sitting/ or watching tv.Can stop once into mid Apr through to early Oct. Only have hot water for washing, too expensive to heat home.
  12. Duke Of Edinburgh Award http://www.dofe.org/
  13. there is also war on drugs campaign by the govt as well, will be long jail term the individual, and unlikely to gain employment in his lifetime with that on his list
  14. can you request consume it by eating from than smoking
  15. can you request consume it by eating from than smoking
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