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Everything posted by CarolineJ

  1. My son has AS and has always been almost as active in his sleep as he is during his wakeful times. He's dramatically better now, thanks to a Grobag My First Duvet set. Still, I wondered whether this is the norm with people with AS?
  2. Bim's always had a love affair with food. When we introduced solids, he would scream between mouthfuls for more food. We would have loved an NG tube! Bim then went on to feeding himself and would eat all of his dinner (full size) and half of mine. He hasn't changed. He should be morbidly obese, but thanks to his constant energy, he's not. I don't know how rolling on his head all the time keeps his weight down, but something helps. Maybe he has a fast metabolism?
  3. My son has atrocious handwriting. He can't manage to put gaps between words either and his handwriting is more like a scrawl. It's really hard to read. His teacher is unsure how to help him, as are we. Bim does have an appointment with occupational therapy coming up, so I wonder if it's something they can help with? Bim is 7. Does anybody have any experience with this?
  4. Have you tried the EyeQ smooth? My son prefers to take the original capsules, but did try the smooth for a while. Bim's been on EyeQ since September 2003. We really notice the difference when we've had to stop giving him them for a while. Our house is hell when he's not on them.
  5. My son has said himself that he likes pain. It's not that he craves it, but he puts himself in situations where he knows he's going to feel pain and seems to relish it i.e. rough wrestling with his daddy or sisters. We've never seen him inflict pain on himself, but I worry that he might come to that. Does anyone know if it's likely?
  6. CarolineJ


    Do you miss the North? My DH is in the RAF and we've managed to swap postings before so we've got to stay up here. We want to stay forever.
  7. CarolineJ


    Do you find yourself spread very thinly too?
  8. Congratulations! You must be so proud, I'm surprised you haven't burst OJ sounds like such a joy.
  9. CarolineJ


    Thanks for the welcome
  10. My son started talking at 8 months and hasn't shut up since!
  11. Our son went through a scary phase (I hope it was a phase) of this last year. I got on to the local fire brigade and had the fire chief talk to Bim about it. We haven't had another episode since, but I'm still wary. It's pretty scary when your six year old sets your kitchen on fire!
  12. CarolineJ


    Hello I'm Caroline, mum to 4 sproglets, up in the North East of England. I've been lurking here for quite a while, but finally plucked up the courage to register after getting a diagnosis for our 7 year old son last week. Bim has always been extra special and as such, we've tried to get some support for just about all of his life. It was only last year that we got taken seriously. Bim's now been diagnosed with AS by the Consultant Psychiatrist at our local CAMHS. I should mention that Bim's given name is Liam, but he always goes by his nickname I'm here to hopefully get some support and advice for what's likely to be a long road ahead. I look forward to getting to know you all Caroline
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